Mysterious lands part 2

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Amanda was still looking over at the cave, hoping to see Axel emerge from the pile of soil but no such luck.

"He's dead," Phoenix spoke the words venomously, his eyes tearing up as well, against his will "Damn it!" he screamed as loud as he could and hit the stone wall with his fist, leaving a black mark on the stone.

Suddenly the rocks moved a bit, Derek stood up quickly and ran over to the rocks and began removing them with his hands.

"What are you doing?" Phoenix muttered "He's dead." he shook his head.

"I saw something move and -" he got quiet suddenly as his hand grasped something, he began pulling and saw that it was an arm " Come here and help me!" Derek screamed as he began throwing the rocks out of the way.

Everyone ran towards him and began digging furiously, revealing more of Axel's unconscious body. They pulled him out of the dirt and lay him on the ground. Derek checked for his pulse and found it but it was very weak, he began the CPR.

"Please wake up Axel." Starr whispered weakly.

Derek continued with the CPR for several minutes until Axel began coughing violently, his body shaking.

"Let him breath, his lungs must have been filled with dust and dirt and he was already weak so that must have put a big strain on his body." Derek explained.

Axel's eyes slowly opened, he looked around and saw his friends looking at him worried, he smiled tiredly "Told you I would...fix it." his voice barely heard.

Everyone began cheering and hugging eachother.

Starr wiped her eyes from the tears "Axel, I'm so glad you're OK." she sobbed, hugging him while lying down.

"I'm all right Starr, you can stop crying." Axel smiled at her, his heart warming that she was so concerned for him.

"I'm trying but I just can't." she sobbed louder, Amanda put her arm around her while chuckling.

Phoenix looked ashamed, Axel noticed that "Is something wrong Phoenix?" he asked while sitting up, with Derek's help.

"I accused Amanda that she wanted to kill you when she blocked the exit with the ice wall. I feel ashamed that I even thought about it." he looked at Amanda shamefully.

"Amanda killing me?" Axel asked surprised.

"I know it's stupid but I just..." Phoenix trailed off, he just shook his head in defeat, he felt too ashamed of himself to answer.

"Apologise if you're so remorseful." Derek said with a shrug.

"I'm really sorry Amanda. I didn't mean a single word I spoke, I promise." Phoenix spoke sadly.

"I forgive you Phoenix but you have to think before speaking, words can hurt more than actual wounds." she told him, Phoenix nodded.

"We should sleep for a while, gather our strenght for the next fight that will surely happen." Starr spoke while rolling her eyes.

They slept for a few hours, until night became dawn. When they woke up, they ate a light breakfest and began walking further ahead towards the unknown.

"What does the map say Derek?" Amanda asked Derek who studied the map.

"Well, according to the map, we might be closer than we think actually." his face breaking into a large grin.

"That's great news!" Starr exclaimed.

They felt new energy burst up inside them that they were now close to finding the book, they continued walking as the map instructed.

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