Chapter 1 - The Legend Begins

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Hello there I bet you don't know who I am. Which is not surprising. My name is Ricky Smith and I am writing this book on my 2nd year of kadic. But what you are wondering the most is why I'm writing this. Well, because my friends gave me this idea so I'm writing about my 1st year in this book. Anyways I am not any normal guy you know. I am a 4th dimensional God, but I got kicked out because of my idiotic brother which I will not name. For stealing the most appraised thing in all of Masteria (the name of my city in the 4th dimension). The golden cup of Ursas. The reason he blamed me is because we are Identical twins so he blamed me. My father didn't believe me when I said it wasn't me who did it, it was the brother. But since my father was king of the 4th dimension I was banished to the 3rd dimension. The thing is, I am going to the school he went to when he was my age and became ruler of the 3rd dimension. Kadic academy. He told me story's of him and his friends. But I knew he was hiding something from me while telling me this anyways, but what it was, I didn't know. Anyways I never told you my 4th dimensional name, it's Kornach Urnasa, you can just call me Ricky...Ricky Smith.
I bet you are wondering what I look like. Well I will tell you. I have brown hair, brown pupils, and I wear a green outfit, but sense the story is about to begin, I am wearing a brown mystical robe. Nothing magical about it. Just wanted to mention that.
"Here I am,Kadic" I said with a sigh. As I entered the lively place. There was this girl that looked so cute. Since I am not in the 4th dimension anymore. I need to grow to the 3rd dimensions customs. I walk up to her and her friends which were other girls.
I then approached and her friends pointed to me with a disgusted face.
I asked," Hello I am new to Kadic. Can you show me around?"
She turned around. She was even more beautiful turned around. She had silly blond hair, A blue tank top, blue jeans and some sneakers.
"Oh hello" she replied.
I then said," Can you show me around I am kinda new"
Her friends snickered at me.
I then realized I am still in my robe from the 4th dimension so I didn't notice until now.
I then said," Uhh, I just got here from... The laundromat and all I had was this".
Phew close call.
She then replied,"Sure I can show you around."
"Thanks" I replied.
She showed me around the school. But I felt a strange aura from her but I couldn't tell why. I knew she wanted to be with her friends instead of with a....guy like I am. She probably thinks I am a wierdo.
At the end of the tour I asked her a question that I shouldn't of.
"Are you hiding something that you don't want to talk about?" I asked.
She scoffed," Your wierd."
As I thought. She does think I am wierd.
"Never mind" I replied.
"Whatever, my name is Amy, but most people just call me Aria."
I then replied," Ok my name is uhh.."
Aria asked," You seriously don't know your name?"
I then said ," Only sometimes, it's."
But then I remembered that my father went under a secret name. So I did the same.
I replied," Ricky Smith"
Phew that was almost a disaster.
Aria said," Sense you are a new kid here? Do you want some help making friends? I know this places students really well so I know which friends you should hang out with!"
I replied," Nah I am good, I feel like I can do this on my own."
"Ok suit your self."
Aria then left to get back to her friends.
Math started and I introduced myself to the class, like usual new kids. Then I explained why I had a robe on.
I sat next to this kid that had the same aura as Aria.
His name was Tom. I suspect him, but I don't want to have the same effect I got from Aria to him. So I said nothing. I noticed Aria was in the same class as me. Then both of Toms and Arias phones buzzed. They looked at one another then nodded.
Aria said as raising her hand," Mr. Host? Can I go to the infirmary?"
Tom then said after she said that," I will help her down there."
That was strange? Wonder what they are doing?
I then raised my hand,"Can I please go to your waste room?"
Everyone then laughed at the way I said bathroom.
The teacher responded," Yes you can, next time say bathroom."
I then followed them to some forest at the front of the school. Then they go behind a maple tree. I then saw the sewer cap close right as I looked. I then followed right behind them. The sewer didn't smell half bad.
Then they reached to the end of the sewer were there is a ladder. They climb up it. I make sure they they don't see me. Then I start climbing up towards the other sewer cap. I take a peek but then there was another hatch. I opened it up propped my head out to scope the area. I didn't see them. What I saw was a really, really old factory. I entered the factory and to my fact the stairs are broken, I then saw 2 ropes right in front of me. I climbed down 1 of those ropes and got to the floor. There was an elevator and another room to go into. I decided to go to the room. The room was full of boxes. To the left of me there were stairs. Then I feel the presence of 2 familiar people but 1 that I don't familiarize. I continue down the stairs to another room. I see another passage way to a motor kind of room. Then I see ladders up to a hole. I hear people talking. I walk up to the ladder and climb up it. To my surprise when I got there was a huge long rectangular cube coming out with some sort of board coming out with 5 mirrors, but with not reflections of them but of a blue green with words I never seen before. Then in the middle of the room there was a floating 3D image coming out of this circle thingy. In the middle of the 3D picture there was a blue sphere. On the right there is a green sphere. In front there is a purple sphere. On the left there is a tan sphere. The 3D image spins so I got to see the one on the back. It was a dark blue sphere. I  then saw the three in a circle talking about some creature called XANA.
I then asked," Are you some kind of sorcerer?"
They look at me startled.
Aria said," How did you find out about this place?"
I then said," I followed you."
The unknown presence said," And why did you call us 'sorcerers'?"
I said as I was climbing down the ladders with my robe under my feet while climbing down," Because of those 5 mirrors are suppose to show your reflection, not that. Next is that a picture can't be floating in the air without magic."
They were all confused. I got to the floor and Tom asked," Why do you talk like you are from the mythology era?"
"What do you mean?"
The unknown persons said," well because maybe he came from another time zone?"
"Nope, this is the way I normally talk."
"Yea that's how the mythology era people talk."
I feel like I should probably tell them but I didn't.
I responded,"'impossible how can some merely mortal go through time?"
Tom asked,"Are you sure you are not from  the mythology era?"
I yelled at the top of my lungs," I AM NOT FROM THAT ERA!"
The whole ground shook. They looked at me with shock.
The unknown person said," Well anyways you won't remember this."
I asked," Are you going to poison me."
I scoffed and then said," No potion can harm me."
The unknown person said," We are not sorcerers, but the way you won't remember is with a program."
I then asked,""
Aria said," My gosh he doesn't know what a program is."
I have to tell them or they won't stop with me being from the mythology era.
I then said," I am not from the mythology era.. I am from the 4th dimension."
The whole room was quiet. Then they all start laughing.
They laugh even harder and that made me so mad that 1 of the mirrors said that the XANA creature they were taking about was in the same room.
They all gasped.
Tom yelled," HE IS XANA!"
They start attacking me but it felt like feathers to me.
Then all of the sudden something, no someone was on the center mirror.
It was a girl, she had dark brown hair. She had a red and black outfit on.
The mysterious thing said," STOP IT RIGHT NOW! That's not XANA!"
They stopped.
Aria asked," Why, he obviously is XANA!"
The mysterious thing said," We can trust him, I scanned him and found traces of uemphoum, a 4th dimensional mineral."
I then said," Finally, thank you magic mirror."
The mysterious thing said," The reason he talks like that is because in the 4th dimension, the Greek mythology stayed and none of the technology we 3rd dimension beings made, they never knew about it."
Tom asked," In English please?"
The mysterious thing said," He is like from another time, but it is the same time period in the 4th dimension, so he acts like this."
I added," Don't forget I am also a god too."
They all stared at me in awe except the mysterious thing.
The mysterious thing said," You can call me Taylor."
Then the magic mirror's face was revealed and it looked like a digitalized face of a girl. (Of course I didn't know what digitized is but you will find out later why I said digitized.)
I replied," Ok, since we are telling each other our real names, mine is Kornach Urnasa."
The Unknown person said," Ok my name is Mike."
I replied," Cool name."
Then Aria said," I have 2 questions for you."
I replied," Ask away."
Aria asked," Ok 1st question, are we going to have to refer to you as Kornach or Ricky?"
I then replied," I would prefer Kornach, but you can just call me Ricky Smith."
Taylor gasped," Wait that must mean you are the son of Cody Smith?"
I replied," Who's that?"
Taylor explained," Well I knew I felt something familiar about you, because you are the son of King Urnasa, and his earth name before he was King was, Cody Smith."
The others gasped except me.
I then asked," How do you know him then?"
Taylor replied," Because you father saved lyoko and the 3rd dimension single-handedly."
I then said," I knew he was hiding something from me when he told me his story's of when he was here."
Aria then asked," Ok second question, why are you here?"
I replied," Well long story short, I was banished to the 3rd dimension for something I never did. My brother framed me."
Tom said with sympathy," I am sorry for you. You must feel super betrayed."
I said back," Oh I am extremely mad with him. I will get him back for this."
Taylor then said urgently," Guys we should continue to talk later! XANA's attacking right now!"
I then asked," Ok first thing is what is Lyoko and XANA?"
Mike said," To explain it to you easily is that XANA is a magic bad guy who wants to destroy the world, Lyoko is like another world, as in it's really hard to explain now."
I said," If my dad did this and became king for it. Then so can I."
Taylor said," Ok well Aria, Tom take him to the scanners."
They both nodded.
I asked," What are scanners?"
Taylor said," They are teleportation tubes."
I then said with a smirk," More sorcery?"
Aria and Tom chuckled.
We went down to a room with 3 yellow pods.
Those must be the teleportation pods they must be taking about.
I asked," Are you sure it's not like a dungeon that these 'pods' bring us to?"
Tom said," Don't worry! We have been there many times! Trust us!"
I then replied," Why should I trust something that wanted to kill me because of this mystical creature?"
Tom then cleared his throat.
We got to the bottom of the ladder we heard Mikes voice from the ceiling like a speaker," When you get to the desert sector you will find Taylor."
I then asked," Where are you? I don't see you?"
Aria said," When we get back we are gonna teach you the 3rd dimension stuff ok?"
I replied," I guess."
Tom said," Ok get into one of those scanners."
I then asked," What's a scanner?"
Aria then said," The tubes."
I said," Oh, sorry."
I went inside of the scanner and making sure my robe  stays in there with me. The doors closed and I started to panic.
Then I heard Mikes voice," Transfer Aria, Transfer Tom, Transfer Ricky, Scan Aria, Scan Tom, Scan Ricky..oh no."
Then I feel something weird with my body, like I am disintegrating. Then I open my eyes and see that I am in a whole new world. Then I land out of the air and onto the desert sand. Feels different from a beach.
I land at myself. I have a green outfit. The outfit looks like a steampunk themed suit. Aria had a blue suit that looks different from what I have, which is no surprise. Her suit looked like it had a symbol on it that resembled the logo XANA, But I know I can trust her. Tom had a Red outfit with a red robe on the outside. On the inside it looks as if it's the red version of Aria's suit. By the looks of things I had a different suit then them.
I asked," Hey how come I don't have my other clothes?"
Aria explained," It's kinda of like well, you know those battle pits were people were special outfits to battle with?"
I replied," Oh so that's what you mean, but I don't remember changing out of my clothes though?"
Aria said," Well it changes whenever we come here, but the suit you get the first time is the one you get. Unless you know someone who is an expert in programming, like Mike."
Mike said," Stop your making me blush."
I asked," Wait? Were is Mike? He isn't here? Then how is he talking to us?"
Tom explained," We will explain all of this later. Right now we need to find Taylor and deactivate the tower."
Then I spotted a girl with the same details as in the 'magic mirror'.
I then said," Over Yonder! There is thy princess!"
Aria said," Wait? Since when do mythology people say that?"
Mike said," Actually the Greeks of ancient mythology started the 1700's way of talking until it got popular around then."
Aria and Tom said together," Great."
Then we went over to the figure that was waving to us.
I then felt a weird sensation in my head. I just ignored it.
Taylor said," Well so this must be the 4th dimensional being I must be hearing about?"
Now as I see her I can get a better visual on her outfit. It's the red and blue version of Aria's and Tom's suits mashed together with some green and purple.
Then she looked at me and said to me," Nice suit. Only the 4th dimension beings can gain access to those suits in Lyoko, as I said before he is not lying."
Then all of the sudden I fell to the ground with that same sensation in my head and I start panicking again.
Mike said," As I thought."
Taylor asked," What happened while Ricky was being transferred here?"
Mike said," It said there was an error with the system saying that it could not scan him, only transfer him."
I said with the pain in my head gritting my teeth,""
Mike said," I mean I need to make a program that can keep you in Lyoko. Otherwise you will be lost forever with you in digital bits going through Lyoko, and I can't bring you back so I have time to do it."
Tom said," Well then hurry up before XANA's monster come!"
Too late they already arrived. One of them looked like a robot mixed with a monster. It's really little, another one of those XANA symbols. It was black and he was I'm sure. It's bad. Next was the huge crab with long legs with a ufo looking body and on top of his body was another XANA symbol. Then there was a big kind that looks like a huge bee but in one color, Tan. This monster also has a XANA on its face. Then a cube with a XANA symbol on each side with robot legs.
Aria explained," The small pathetic looking one is a krankerlot. The big crab looking on is called a krab. Then last is the block looking one is called a blok."
I said," Thanks."
Tom said," What do you have for weapons?"
I pulled out a sword, I felt something special in that sword but I had no idea what. Then I took something else out. Looked like some kind of staff. I had no idea what it did at that point.
I replied," This sword and staff."
Tom asked," What does the staff do?"
I said," Well I have no idea, maybe something mystical?"
Taylor added," Well why not test it out on them?"
She pointed at the monsters near the red tower of some sorts. I pointed the staff at one of the bloks, nothing happened. I was then confused. Next thing I do is bring it back up, then the blok started to float in the air.
Aria said," Woah! That looks cool!"
Tom added," Yeah! That will help us a lot when fighting these monsters!"
I nodded and threw the blok into a krab and they both fell off.
I said," Now it's time for my sword to have his chance."
I started slashing at the monsters left and right. The last monster was destroyed by Tom.
Taylor said," Alright I will head into the tower and deactivate it."
I then asked," What do you mean by the word 'deactivate'?"
Aria said," We will tell you later."
I then stared at the tower when it turned from red to blue. I was still confused about all of this.
Mike said," Alright guys time to return to the past!"
Then I saw a flash of light then I am back at the gate looking for a person to show me around.
Then Aria approached," So how was Lyoko?"
I was even more confused," But...what....huh?"
Aria said," I thought you would be used to that because of the 4th dimension thing?"
I said," We have no such thing there!"
Aria said," Oh well yea that's what this is."
Back in math class. It's around the time they went to the factory. They never went, they stayed in class. Still in my brown robes.

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