Chapter 3 - Thanksgiving Disaster

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It has been yet again another month from the Halloween incident. Other than that, everything has been the same. We have not tested the snapping finger transformation yet.
I wake up at 6 in the morning for thanksgiving day which we get off. I am at Kadic, but my friends are not. They are spending time with their parents. So I just got to stay at Kadic while they are. I promised to them I will keep an eye on Lyoko and XANA. The man from my fathers past has not been revealed and we have been searching for him in Lyoko. I walk alone by myself to the forest were I have been meditating. I would try testing the finger thing now, but I promised them we will test it together. I then hear a clash of thunder right above me. There were no clouds in the sky so I was confused. So I closed my eyes and started meditating again. There's another clash of thunder. I open my eyes and still, no clouds in the sky. I decided to go check out Lyoko to see if XANA activated another tower, which he had never done ever since the incident.
As I approach the factory, the doors are closed. I tried to open it, nothing. I was wondering why did the door close? I was about to click my fingers until the doors open and someone was there. It was a really young girl, 4 or 5 years old.
I bend down and ask her," What are you doing here?"
She held onto her teddy bear tighter and looks down.
I said," Don't be scared little girl."
She still looked down.
I asked," Is it ok I can go past?"
She looked up with fury in her eyes, like she doesn't want me to pass.
I asked," Why don't you want me to go inside?"
She shook her head at me.
I asked," Is there a bad person in there? I can deal with it."
I start trying to walk past her and she got in front of me.
I asked angrily," Why don't you want me to go inside?!"
She just shook her head at me again. I had no choice. I was about to snap my fingers until someone yelled from behind.
"Hey! You promised to wait till after break!" Said the person behind me.
I turned to see Aria there.
She came up and saw the child.
She asked," Why is that kid not letting you through?"
I replied," I don't know? She just kept shaking her head at me and not letting me through."
Aria asked the child," Hey there little kid? Why won't you let us through?"
She just stared at Aria. Not moving a muscle.
I said," That completely sums up what I was doing."
Aria added," Yea maybe we should try the back entrance."
She winked and then I nodded. We walked away and the girl disappeared. We sprinted towards the door of the factory. We silently got to the stairs and went to the lab. Aria hopped onto the super computer and started to get us ready for virtualization.
I said," Ok I wanna test this thing once and for all. You are going to Lyoko and find that tower and deactivate it."
Aria said," But..."
I cut her off," Trust me I know what I am doing. This is more important than waiting till after break. It's either life or death, I choose life."
She nodded and got ready to go to the scanner room.
I went up to the factory floor. I wait at the elevator until the little girl showed up. She looked different. She had sharp long fingernails, is taller, has sharp teeth.
I snap my fingers and a huge green circle with a XANA symbol in it glowing around me. It looks like the circle is spinning in its spot and gets closer to me. The circle goes around my chest and then splits into four other green circles and the first 1 big circle scans the legs, the other scans my torso. The 3rd one scans one of my arms and the other scans the other arm. Then they go back into one huge circle around my chest and the circle goes above my head and expands about 2 feet from me and goes up and down fast then disappears. I am in my Lyoko suit now. I take out my sword and start battling the monster little girl.
The girl said in a deep man voice," So you are Cody Smith's kid?"
I replied," Who is Cody Smith?"
The girl said," Your father. He betrayed me."
I said," Oh you must be the person who was in my fathers past. I actually didn't think it was a little girl?"
The girl laughed," No, I am not a little girl. Let me show you my real face."
Then the girls skin bubbled and steam came out until there was a huge bubble of steam covering him which I can't see the girl anymore. The fog passed and it was a girl anymore, the guy had black hair.
Pretty skinny, and seems to have a blue shirt and light brown jeans. He is pretty small, he looks like he is in the same grade as me.
The guy said," How about now? Do you remember me now?"
I replied shaking my head," Nope, still no clue."
The guy said," Wow, He is so selfish that he doesn't even tell his kids about me! Anyways, so you know who I am, I am Max Scheaffer."
I said," Oh! Your the guy that used to be friends with him until you disappeared and never has been found again."
Max said," So he did tell you about me?"
I said," Yea, but I didn't know you were also a huge jerk."
Max replied," What does that suppose to mean?"
I replied," Well the way you talk and what you just did, and what XANA told me."
Max cut me off," XANA?!?"
I said," Yeah, us warriors have made a truce with him to take you down."
Max scoffed," Sure, you can try but you won't win."
I replied," Who knows? I could win."
Max said," Pfft, doubt it."
I asked," Are we gonna battle or what?"
Max shrugged," Sure, why not?"
There was a huge grin on his face. Sort of like he is possessed by a demon ready to have dinner. I then readied my sword, ready to strike. He sprints for my right and goes to stab me with one of his katanas that magically got into his hands. I block it and quickly go for my staff. Right as I go for my staff there is three of him in a triangle 5 feet from me. As I go to my sword there is a clash of thunder behind me. There is a huge blue smoke in a sphere. The smoke disappeared and my father is there is a weird blue suit that looks like a blue trench coat and a blue shirt with some blue pants. Looks as if there are blue wires all around the suit.
I replied," FATHER!!"
I went to go run towards him then one of the Max clones sprinted in front of me and made me lose my balance.
Father said," Kornach! Are you ok?"
I replied weakly," Never better."
I groan with pain. Max then went towards my father. Father took out a huge gun that looked like it had a battling fun fused with a flamethrower. The gun was blue as well. He had it aimed at Max and starting shooting him with the Gatling part. As Max fell to the floor my Father switched the mode to flamethrower and set Max on fire. Max disappeared with a black smoke in his place. The battle was over. The Urnasas win.
Father said," I am sorry that you had to deal with that runt."
I replied," It's fine, I am sure I would've handled it."
Father said," Anyways, the biggest reason I am here is that you have a choice to choose."
I asked," What kind of choice."
Father said," You can stay here, or come back to the 4th dimension."
I answered," That's an easy choice."
Father said," Alright pack your stuff."
I said," I am staying here, I feel like my time here hasn't ended."
Father said," Oh, if that's your choice then. Good bye Kornach."
I replied," Bye Father, oh by the way. Happy thanksgiving."
Father said," Thanks."
Then he turned away and as he walked away there was a wind and it blew his trench coat behind him and a huge smoke covered up were he was. He left.
I remembered about Aria. I head back down to the lab and got onto the super computer.
I said," Hey, Guess who came?"
Aria said from the computer," Who?"
I said," My father and The guy we need to be worried about."
Aria asked," Oh that's nice! Who is the guy that we are worried about named?"
I replied," Max Scheaffer."
It was weeks later when the break was over. We were in my dorm with Tom, Aria, Taylor, and Mike. Aria and I explained everything that happened to us over the break.
Tom asked," So this Max character looks like our age but way older than us?"
I replied," Yes, but he has really creepy powers, like he has demon powers. To be honest he is more scary than the way I explained him."
Mike asked," Wait? You used the power without us?"
I said," I had no choice, either that or I would be dead."
Mike asked," But don't you people in the 4th dimension have super powers or something?"
I replied," No, well I am glad my dad came to help me out when fighting Max. My dad even asked me if I wanted to come back, I said no."
They gasped.
Taylor asked," Why didn't you go?"
I said," Because I have a feeling my time here isn't done yet."
They were all confused from my statement.

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