Chapter 2 - Halloween Scare

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It has been a month sense I joined Kadic. My 3rd dimension speaking has gotten better. Tom and Aria helped me shop for the right clothes instead of me being in my robes, which are more comfortable. My new looks are just a green top with a picture of a sword slashing an apple. Then the pants are just usual jeans. Everyday it seems like XANA has been attacking.
I have met some more friends, but they don't know what Lyoko is. I just hang out with them and they don't know about my 2 secrets, Lyoko and me being a 4th dimensional God.
It's lunch time and I sit by my non Lyoko friends. One of them is taller then me and I am tall. He has glasses, he likes the film trilogy "Space Fight" and wears a shirt of it. He has plain jeans as well, and his name is Brock Henderson. Next is his friend Harry Muener, he is shorter than me but taller than my other friend, which is a girl. Her name is Alyssa Sky, we just call her Aly. She loves anime which we both talk about a lot. My last friend which is a boy with long hair. He is one year younger then me( in mortal years). His name is Brandon Horde. He and I love playing video games .  Right now it's lunch time and we sat together, I don't sit with Mike, Tom, Aria, and Taylor. Out of Lyoko Taylor has blue hair instead of brown. They all just stare at me.
I said,"  Hey guys? Wanna do something after school?"
They all replied," Ricky remember? We all have clubs after school and you know that."
I said," Oh yea."
Then I stuffed myself with the schools meatballs which were delicious.
Aly asked," Anyways Ricky? Were did you find that robe that you had on the first day of school?"
I was thinking quickly," Uhhh.. a clothes store."
Aly asked again," Yeah, but what store."
I replied,""
Brandon, Brock, and Harry just laughed at me. I felt the cold stare from behind me from Aria. I felt bad.
I said," I am going to hang out at the forest and be by myself ok?"
They said," Ok just don't get lost."
So I headed out of the cafeteria and headed towards the forest near the entrance of Kadic. I sat down under a tree. Then I just locked at the leaves, studying them. There was a rustle of leaves behind me.
I said," Whoever's there I know you are there."
Then a rabbit came from the rustling and I felt relieved.
I said," Good you just a rabbit."
I then began looking back up at the trees leaves. Then I heard a scream from behind me and I fell onto the ground and my instincts told me to grab my sword from Lyoko and point the sword at who scared me. I reached for it and realized I was still on earth. I looked at the person who scared me. It was Aria.
I said angrily," What the heck! What makes you peasant think you can scare a person of my standards."
She just laughed.
I said," Excuse me, sorry about l that."
I stand up, she says," Really? You don't know what day it is? It's Halloween day!"
I asked," Hall...o....ween?"
Aria replied," Oh yea we never told you anything about holidays yet."
I replied," Holidays? Is that a kind of weapon?"
Aria asked," What is it with you and weapons?"
I answered," Ehh I don't know, I just am."
Aria asked," Anyways do you have a costu- oh right, let's go find you a costume."
After the shopping of the costume I had a samurai costume because I refused to have a costume without a weapon. Then Arias phone rang and we were on our way back to the campus.
On the way there I asked," Who called you?"
She replied," Mike called us back to the factory to tell us some good news."
I said back," Alright then."
As we got to the entrance of the factory Tom was there to greet us.
He said," Welcome back mister samurai."
I said," Aw I wanted it to be a surprise."
Tom said back," It was a guess, because you like swords."
I answered back," Oh, well better not let Mike wait."
Tom nodded and we entered the factory. Headed down to the lab were we met Taylor and Mike.
Mike said," Good news guys, I know you already bought a costume, but I found a program were we can be in our Lyoko outfits! On earth!"
I said," Can I be the test subject?"
Mike said," Sure, Head down to the scanner room."
As I head down to the scanner room I felt another presence.  I Just ignored it. I got to the scanner room floor and entered a scanner. The scanner closed behind me. I started scanning then I landed in grass.
Not just any grass. The forest near the entrances of Kadic! Then I still heard them asking me if it worked.
I answered," Yea I am at the entrance of kadics forest!"
Mike replied," Ok we will meet you there!"
I said," Ok see you then!"
20 minutes pass and I feel like something didn't go right. I then start hearing  Mike, Aria, Tom, and Taylor's voice.
I yelled out," Hey over here!"
No response, I yelled again,"Guys!"
Again they don't respond to me. I ran towards them and then I found them. They could of seen be but to them I am invisible. I sense something coming my way. The thing saw me. It was a krankerlot.
I yelled," Guys, watch out!"
They don't hear and the krankerlot went right through them. The krankerlot just stared at me. Not shooting, not attacking. Only looking at me. I crouch down to look at it.
I asked," Why aren't you gonna attack me?"
The krankerlot just shook it's head. I have a feeling that XANA might be trying to help me. I don't understand why.
Then I heard a voice coming from the krankerlot," Ricky? It's me XANA."
I asked," Are you trying to help me? Or just trying to psych me out?"
The krankerlot said," I don't have a real challenge with you Lyoko Warriors without you, you make it tougher so I have a better challenge. Without you it's too easy for them to get devirted."
I replied," Oh that's why you are going to help me."
The krankerlot said," No that's not the only reason. The main one is that you interest me."
I asked," Is it because I am a 4th dimension creature?"
The krankerlot said," No not that. It's the reason you are here, you want to impress your father so you can go back to the 4th dimension."
I replied," That is true, I do want to impress him."
The krankerlot replied," Anyways, we need you out of the 2nd dimension."
I asked," Wait? So why is it not in a 2d plane?"
The krankerlot answered," This is the 2.5d plane."
I replied," Oh."
The krankerlot added," Let's go to the factory."
We arrived in the entrance of the factory. We headed inside and to the lab.
The krankerlot said," Ok you go into one of the scanners and I will bring you to the 3D plane, still in Lyoko form though."
I asked," Wait then how can I trust you that you won't xanafy me?"
The krankerlot said," It's too easy at this point, I know I should now. But I feel like it's not the perfect time."
I sensed he was telling the truth. So I went down to the scanner room, got in the scanner. The doors closed behind me. I feel different.
I land in front of Aria, Mike, Tom, and Taylor.
Aria asked," Where were you?"
I replied," I was here, but in the 2.5D plane."
Taylor said," Oh yea, but how did you get out."
I rubbed my neck and chuckled.
Mike asked," What happened?"
I replied," I sorta, kind of got XANA and a krankerlot get me out."
They all yelled,"What?!?"
I responded," Don't worry I am not xanafied."
They sighed of relief.
I added," He said, that he has more of a challenge when I am there and it's too easy to defeat you."
Tom asked," What does that mean."
I answered," Probably because I was fighting my entire life so I am a better challenge then you guys."
They said," Oh."
I added again," Not just that. It's because he knows the reason I am here, the reason I am here is to impress my father into letting me back to the 4th dimension."
They all nodded.
Then I felt a sharp pain in my head. I fell to the ground groaning. Then I heard a familiar voice. It was XANA.
XANA said," Ricky my boy, I am not your foe. In fact I am your friend. A person from your fathers past has come back and is a way bigger threat then I am. Trust me."
I then got back up realizing everyone from Kadic is looking at me. I look up and see a figure of my father behind them. I ran towards the figure, but it vanished. The sky looked like it was nighttime.
Aria asked," Are you ok."
I just kept staring at the spot were my father had left. I forgot I was still in my Lyoko suit.
Then I start hearing everybody chatting saying," Is that kid ok? Is he normal? What is he wearing?"
I then look down. Walked past the crowd in disappoint. I then feel a tear going down my cheek.
I said with a crackly voice," Can I please talk to Aria, Tom, Mike, and Taylor? Alone."
I then we walk over to the forest alone in a group.
I say with a dark tone," XANA is on our side."
They gasped.
Taylor said," But we have been battling him for a long time! He was always trying to destroy earth."
I said angrily," But he just told me a person from my fathers past has come back, he is stronger than XANA. He is against us."
They nodded in agreement. I brought my face back up with a smile.
I said," So who is ready to get their Halloween on?"
They all cheered and we headed towards the factory.
We arrived towards the factory. Went to the lab. Then I just remembered something. On the way to the factory with XANA he told me he left us a gift in the super computer.
I then asked Mike who is on the super computer," Can I get on the super computer for a second?"
Mike said," I am not sure."
I said," It's a gift from XANA. He left it to call a truce until the guy from my fathers past is still alive."
Mike said," Ok well there is a code and I don't know what it is."
I said," I know the code, just give it to me."
Mike asked," What if you are xanafied and you are just..."
I cut him off," Let me on there now!"
He got off of it and I got on. I input the code: Smith.
The gift box opened and Mike saw it was the key to virtualizing on earth. There was a note.
I read aloud," Dear Ricky and other Lyoko Warriors, but the time you are reading this, it's because we are now ally's not foes for the time being. The man you need to be worried about is in his sector right now waking up. The reason I am giving you the key to virtualizing to earth is that he can go to earth and wreck havoc. Which is my job. So I am giving this key to you."
I then looked back at the group.
Taylor said," I will go. Use the key on me."
Mike asked," Why?"
Taylor responded," I am not important, I never was."
Mike said," But you are really important to me."
They stared at each other.
I said," I will do it, no questions, just do it."
I grabbed my sword and pointed at my chest and then stabbed myself and devirted. I woke up at the scanner and got out. I got back up to the lab.
I asked," Is it ready?"
Mike nodded.
I asked again," Can you try to make it not so far this time?"
Mike replied," I can try to virtualize you in the lab."
I nodded. I head back down to the scanner room. Got into a scanner. The doors closed behind me, I closed my eyes and then opened them. I am in the lab with my Lyoko suit.
I said," Alright, who's next?"
Now we are all at Kadic in our Lyoko suit. Mike's suit is the brown version of Aria and Tom's suits. There was a party at the gym. We head there it was nighttime and heard the bumps of the music from the gym. As we head towards the gym, I feel that my father is looking at me from above. We entered the gym and the music stopped and everyone looked at us.
One of the students said," That's why one of them were dressed like that."
Everyone started dancing again and the music started playing again. A little later into the dance there was a costume contest. I was sure I would win. As I headed up to the stage Taylor grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back.
Taylor said," Don't."
I asked," Why can't I go to the contest?"
Taylor answered," Because we have not studied what this kind of virtualization does yet, or what effects."
I answered," Yes we do, basically this."
Taylor said," Well I think that someone else instead of us should win."
I said," True, because our costumes are the real thing."
Taylor nodded.
It was the end of the party and we were very tired. We quietly snuck out to the factory to return ourself's
back to what we were before. We were in the factory and Mike was on the supercomputer and he devirtualized us one at a time. I was first, Taylor was second, Aria was third, Tom was fourth and Mike was last. As we were done we were on our way to Kadic, I put my hand into my pocket I pulled out a note. I stopped in my tracks, everyone stopped too.
I said," There's a note, Dear Lyoko Warriors, in that virtualization key I added something else to help you,
I made it so that on earth you still have your Lyoko powers and weapons. You can get them by snapping your fingers. Then your Lyoko suit comes on and so does your weapons and other powers."
I was about to snap my fingers until they all yelled at me,"Don't there are people around!"
Nobody heard them except us.
I said," Fine, but can we at least get some sleep then?"
They all nodded.
That night when I fell asleep and dreamed of going back to the temple of the Urnasa's. Spending time with my father and mother. I wake up at 2 in the morning and looked across to my bedside table with a small painting of me, my dad, and my brother. My mother died when I was 100 years of age. That dream with mom was the best dream.

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