Chapter 6 - Dramauary

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So as the title of this chapter states is what it means, Drama. So it was like 2-3 weeks after New Years so it's January. And Aria and I have been avoiding each other as much as we can because it's pretty awkward.
So we were in lunch eating meatballs with Brussels. I liked the meatballs but the Brussels were disgusting.
Tom asked Mike in a whisper tone but I could still hear him," Why is Aria and Ricky not seeing each other eye to eye?"
Mike said in a tone like Toms as I could hear them," Max said something and-!"
I cut them off by slamming the table and leaving out of the lunch room. Nobody followed which they knew I wanted to be alone. I went into the forest and sat under a tree and admired nature, it was beautiful.
I heard a voice, an annoying voice. It was Jennifer's.
Jennifer said," Why are you out here Dorm stealer!"
I replied in an angry tone," Leave me alone."
She said," Ohhh is mister dorm stealer angry?"
I smashed the tree behind me which made a huge Mark. She ran away because she would know what comes next and didn't dare to tell. I sighed and heard the bell so I went back to Kadic. I got to my class, which was math.
The teacher asked me," And why are you late?"
I lied and said," Was talking to friends."
Then the teacher went on talking about the lesson. Which the lesson was very boring. Then we had a test, wasn't that hard. The bell rang then the school day was over. I head back to my dorm.
I just sat in my room and waited until Max attacked, which it didn't happen. I laid down on my bed waiting even longer. Then I decided to go to the factory, hopping no one was there. I got up from my bed and walked over to the sewer cap.
As I was walking over there I felt like someone was spying on me, so I just ignored it. I went down the ladder into the sewer. I walked over to the other ladder which led to the factory. I went over to the entrance.
I went down the rope and got to the lab. I sat on the super computer and set the virtualization process.
I heard a voice, Taylor's voice," What are you doing?"
I replied in anger," Blowing off steam, I am going to lyoko to hope Max sends monsters that I can let my anger off on."
Taylor replied," Want me to come along if you need any help?"
I replied," No! I want to be alone."
She replied," Alright I will be in the super computer if you need to be devirtualized."
I nodded. I headed down to the scanners. I stepped in and the scanner closed behind me. I closed my eyes and then felt wind blowing against me.
I open my eyes and was in the forest sector. I grab my sword in a ready stance.
I yelled," Max! Come out here or send some monsters!"
Then Max appeared with blackish blueish smoke around him flying on the air.
Max asked," I haven't attacked yet, you a time traveler now?" He chuckled.
I replied," No! Was just hopping to let off some steam."
He replied," I understand, we all have those days."
I replied," Well? Am I going to be able to fight or not?"
Max said," Look, this is an only time I will help you alright? But on one conclusion."
I asked," What is it?"
He responded," Set me free from lyoko, as in I don't have powers anymore in the real world."
I said," I know a lier when I see one."
He responded," Oh you got smart fast."
I nodded. Then Max sighed. He made a hand signal then I saw monsters coming my way.
I responded," Thanks!"
He responded," Those monsters are specially modified, so they are much stronger than what they were before!"
I chuckled," Yea sure!"
Then the monsters started going towards me, there was a krankerlot, 2 blocks and and a Krab. They all had the color black on their body's. It felt darker than usual. It felt like their powers did strengthen.
      I had my sword at hand and ran toward to the Krab, jumped up and tried to land onto the Krab. There was a force field around it. I fell onto the ground. The monsters were ready to shoot.
Taylor's voice from above," Need any help Ricky?"
I shook my head and said," No I am sure I got this."
   As they all shot I jumped up and waved my staff around which pushed them away and landed in the middle. I grabbed my sword and threw it at the 2 blocks that was 1 behind the other. Then I ran over to the sword and readied my staff, and pointed at the Krab and the Krab fell into the digital sea. Then the krankerlot tried to shoot me but I reflected the bullet with my staff and it hit back at the krankerlot.
I boasted," Got anymore monsters?"
Max looked shocked. He was flabbergasted.
Max asked," How! Eh? Wha?"
I replied," As you know I can't take you down alone, but I sure can make a good fight."
I smirked. He was still shocked.
I yelled to Taylor," I am ready to come back!"
Then Taylor said," Devirt Ricky!"
Then I was in the scanner calm. Then I opened my eyes and saw everyone which included Taylor, Tom, Mike and Aria.
I said," I can explain."
Mike replied," What if you fell into the digital sea?!"
I responded," Taylor was at the computer and I am sure she could bring me back before I fell in!"
Mike said," What if she couldn't!"
I responded," By using my staff to bring me back up or use Pegasus."
Mike sighed," Yea I guess so."
I nodded. Then I saw Aria, still not looking at me. I sighed then stepped out of the scanner and back to Kadic.
Mike asked as they were trying to catch up to me in the forest," Why did you go anyways."
I responded," So I could cool off."
Mike said," By destroying monsters?"
I nodded, and he sighed. I went to my dorm. I opened it. Then I saw pink. My jaw dropped. Then I saw Jennifer.
Jennifer yelled at me," What are you doing in my dorm!"
I sighed and closed the door. I decided to go to the factory and sleep there. Tom saw me walk away from my dorm.
Tom asked," Aren't you tired?"
I responded," Yes, of this dimension and I need sleep."
He asked," Why are you tired of this dimension?"
I responded," You know that Jennifer girl that said I stole her dorm?"
He responded," Yeah?"
I responded," Well she took my dorm and I don't have a dorm anymore."
Tom looked surprised. I nodded.
Tom offered," You can sleep in my dorm until we get this sorted out."
I responded," Nah, I want to sleep in the factory, and I want to also keep an eye on Max, to see if he needs me to destroy his monsters."
Tom sighed and just didn't try to stop me. So I just went down the stairs to the entrance of the dorms. I exited and head to the sewer. Then 25 minutes later I was in the lab. I put on the headphones on.
Then I said," Hello? Max?"
Then I heard a voice from an old enemy but right now there is a truce, XANA.
XANA asked," Aren't you supposed to be sleeping right now?"
I responded," Welp, a girl thinks that I have her dorm and it's really mine. So when I came back from my recent trip to lyoko I got back and saw her moved into my dorm and kicked me out. So here I am."
XANA asked," Should I be any assistance?"
I replied," I am probably gonna go back to the 4th dimension anyways so no."
XANA sighed," Aright suit yourself."
Then I didn't hear from XANA again that night. I fell asleep in the chair. I woke up to Mike yelling in my ear.
Mike yelled," Ricky! Wake up!"
Then I woke up and yelled in his face," You don't need to yell in my ear!"
Then Mike replied," Now sleeping beauty is awake! One question do you know what time it is?"
I responded," No?"
Then Mike said," It's lunch!"
I was wide eyed.
Mike asked," Why is Jennifer in your dorm anyways?"
I responded," She took it away from me, she just moved in and kicked me out."
Mike said," Ton told me he offered for you to sleep in his dorm, why didn't you take it?"
I responded," Because it just didn't feel right, also XANA has also asked if he could help to, I turned that down as well."
Mike huffed at me like I was an idiot. I got down from the super computer. Then me and Mike head back to Kadic. I saw Jennifer, I gave her a dirty look as I hated her right now. Then we got into the lunch room. I grabbed my lunch then sat at the table with my fellow warriors. Then I hear Jennifer yell as she was on top of a table.
Jennifer yelled," As you know your fellow student Ricky right!? Well remember when he stole my dorm? Well I got it back."
In my head I was secretly imagining she was a monster Max made and continually killing her.
She continued," So now Ricky feels justice!"
Then I yelled," It wasn't yours to behind with! I was here way before you!"
Then everyone looked at me.
Jennifer replied to my remark," Sure it was! We all know you stole my dorm!"
I responded," Which is on the boys dorm floor!"
Jennifer said," Well it's mixed anyways!"
Everyone started laughing at her, but I didn't I still hated her.
Someone said," The girls have their own floor and the boys have their own floor as well!"
Then she asked," Wait....So I was wrong the entire time?"
I responded angrily," Of course! That's what I have been telling you the entire time you idiot!"
Then she yelled at me," I am not an idiot!"
I responded," Prove it then!"
Then she was flabbergasted. She just stormed out. I was sure she was going to get her stuff out of my dorm. I just kept eating and I was thankful it was a weekend so I didn't miss class. I finished my food and went to my dorm.
        All of her stuff was gone and all of my stuff was put back. I am glad she figured it out that it was my room to begin with. The walls were still pink. I sighed and grabbed my wallet.
         And just so as we are clear I did get a job, and I got help from Mike and Taylor to get me my own bank account so I said thank you. I am just saying this to the reader so this is not part of the story I am just saying reader. I did not steal the wallet. I got a job alright, now back to the story.
       I went to a store and bought some blue paint, a brush, and some foil to cover everything up so I don't accidentally splash paint on my bed or desk. I started painting the walls, then 30 minutes later I was finished. It did smell bad, but it was worth it to not have it pink. I knew it was gonna smell like that for a day or two, but it was better than looking at a pink wall for the rest of my school year.
         Mike entered me room and smelt the paint.
Mike responded," Eww, I guess you painted you room back to blue?"
I replied," Yea, didn't like pink."
Then we burst out laughing. Then I sighed and sat back on my bed which made a crunch noise since the foil was still on it.
I said with a sad tone," I was thinking of maybe going back to the 4th dimension."
Mike stopped laughing and asked," Why?"
I responded," I feel like I just don't fit in with this dimension."
Mike said," Hey, nobody is normal. Everyone is different in some way. For example me, I know my stuff about technology. Another one is Jennifer and her being dumb."
I gave a chuckle and said," Yea I guess, I guess I am just homesick."
Mike said," Well can't you visit your dimension for a bit?"
I responded," Well I am not sure if they still think I am the one who caused it."
Mike said," What if we take down Max and you can prove you didn't do it?"
I asked," What do you mean?"
He responded," Well, since Max was your fathers friend, if you defeat him and show your father then he knows you can be trusted 100%."
I nodded.
He said," Good. I will see ya later!"
I responded," Bye."

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