Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 -

Ellie's POV -

Once me and Harry stop texting the class goes pretty well. I really am beginning to enjoy University at first I was scared at how hard the work was going to be. But I think I'm coping well. I love that on Fridays that I only have classes until 12 o'clock. As soon as my class is done I grab my belongings and put my coat on. I smile at both Liam and Harry before leaving the class. Walking back to my dorm, I mentally make a note of the things I've got to do. I have a presentation to do, I need to do the dirty washing and I want to go to the gym and I need to put petrol in my car. Its a Friday I'm in University and I'm planning on going to the gym. Well at least I'm not a typical student. Walking back to my dorm I see the weather has surprisingly changed and has brightened up.

When I get into my dorm I see that Holly is actually in and she is sitting on her bed on her phone. I walk in and dump my bag and coat on my bed. Also I untie my hair, letting it fall wildly down my back. I begin undressing and start to change into my light wash high waisted denim shorts and loose fitting white tank top.

"Alright El" Holly said looking up from her phone.

"Yeah Hol" I say pulling my shorts up my legs, then I slip my tank top over my head. I love that although she isn't here all the time, we're still really close and comfortable around each other.

"Doing anything tonight babe?" she asks.

"Nope, I'm doing the dirty washing and I want to go to the gym, what about you?" I reply shrugging my shoulders.

"I think I'm going to Niall's and I got your note with your number. I was just about to text you my number. So silly that wasn't one of the first things we did" she laughed.

"I know, well at least I can get in touch with my room mate now haha, how are things with you and Niall?" I laugh hearing my phone vibrate in my bag.

"We're its just weird, like when its me and him its great but when all the boys are around they're secretive. Like there is something I'm missing" she sighs.

"I'm sure that it's nothing, you know how boys are when they change around their friends. Its still early" I reassure her and sit on my bed, getting my phone out my bag.

"Hmm I don't know, anything else happened between you and Harry" she asked with a serious face. I just shake my head while reading a text that I have. I chose not to tell Holly about what's happening between me and Harry. I don't know why because I know she wont judge me, its just a bit fun and I don't want her to think I'm going to fall for him. Concentrating on my text message. One message was from Holly, so I added her number, but then I had another off Liam.

From - Liam - Hi, doing anything tonight?

Although I like Liam, I only like him as a friend. Also with my deal with Harry I cant be with any other boys. But if I leave the deal, then I can do what I want. However I don't want to leave the deal, yet anyway.

To - Liam - Hiya well I have a few things to do, otherwise i'll never get them done haha. What about you?

I look up from my phone and see Holly messing around in her wardrobe. Oh that reminds me, I need to do the dirty washing. I scan the room for any pieces of my dirty washing. Holly has her own washing basket. But since she is never here, she doesn't really have any dirty washing.

"I'm going to do my dirty washing, do you want me to do yours?" I ask Holly.

"Erm no your alright, I'm going to take it to my moms tomorrow" she laughs.

"Okay" I smile.

I check my phone quickly before starting my dirty washing task. Liam has messaged me back.

From - Liam - Not much just the usual with the boys at my place. I quickly reply.

To - Liam - Oh nice :)

Walking over to my wardrobe I pick out my white converse and put them on, I slip my phone and car key into my shorts pocket. I walk over to my bed and grab my purse and dorm key out of my bag. Putting the dorm key in my pocket and I place my purse into the basket that has my dirty washing in. I say goodbye to Holly and say ill probably see her tomorrow since she is going to Niall's. Balancing everything in my hand I nudge the door open with my hip. As I leave my dorm I bump into someone, my washing basket hitting him right in his chest.

"I am so sorry" I mumble.

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