Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 -

Harry's POV -

Ellie was very persistent in telling me that we weren't showering together. I gave in a let her shower alone, I sat on the bed waiting for her to finish. There was a loud buzzing sound coming from the dresser, I glanced over the dresser and saw Ellie's phone. I listened and heard the shower still running. I walked over to her phone and saw she had a next message from James. Unlocking the screen I checked to make sure she was still in the shower, I could still the water running.

From - James - I hope you don't get freaked out by this Ellie, but I have missed you a lot and I will forever be sorry for what I did to you. But I hope you can forgive me. I still love you xx

I reread the message a couple of times, I didn't send Ellie to the club because I wanted to keep her here, easy for me to access. But if Ellie gets back with James, she wont want to continue this with me and I wont be able to see her. Then it would have been pointless me not sending her to the club and I've then lost money.

"Harry!" I heard Ellie shout over the running water. I quickly deleted the message and put the phone back on the dresser.


"You can join me now if you want" I smiled and walked to the fogged bathroom.

Ellie's POV -

The tiniest ray of sunlight beamed through the curtain in Harry's room and hit me straight in the face. Rubbing my eyes I rolled out of his bed and walked to the curtain and shut them properly stopping the light from coming in. I turned back to face the bed to see a smirking Harry sitting up slightly.

"You can lie back down or get out the bed because I'm going back to sleep." I walked around the bed and lay back down, lying on my side facing Harry. He scooted back down into bed and lay down on his side facing me. His one arm rested over my hip with his hand on my bum. I closed my eyes trying to get back to sleep but then I felt Harry bury his face in my neck, he started kissing my neck.

"So tired" I groaned.

"Come on, up!" Harry slapped my bum under the covers.

"What? Its the weekend and your getting up this early" I moaned.

"Its 11:30 and I'm going gym and your coming with me" he playfully bit my neck.

"What! Why do I have to come? Are you calling me fat?" I questioned.

"No your perfect" he pinched my bum. "But I like what happened last time we were at the gym."

"Its not happening again, well it probably will but not in the gym" I hummed running my hands up his torso.

"Gym, now" he demanded.

"Okay okay but I need to get my stuff from my dorm" I threw the cover off my body and lay flat on my back. My legs were bare and the t-shirt Harry had borrowed me had risen up, so Harry could clearly see my underwear. I straightened out the t-shirt and sat up crossing my legs, I looked to my side and saw Harry staring at me. "Come on then, you've just woken me up."

"Actually you woke up first to close the curtains and don't be a bitch." I yelped as Harry pulled me back on the bed and pinned me underneath him. Smiling up at him, I lifted my head and stole a quick peck off him.

An hour later

Ellie's POV -

Once we were finished playing and messing around we got ready and went to my dorm to collect my gym clothing. Deciding it would be easier for me to get changed at the gym, Harry was already dressed in his gym stuff just some black shorts, black t-shirt and black running trainers. His tattoos were fully showing on his arms, his hair was ruffled and messily pushed off his forehead. He looked so hot without putting any effort in at all.

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