Chapter Five: Let Her Go

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This chapter is going to be a wee bit short because the scene in the movie is short. I am sorry this took a while... I have been super busy with school and stuff. MOUNTAINS OF HOMEWORK I TELL YOU! MOUNTAINS!

Anyway, here's the chapter.


I felt like there was no way to heal my broken heart. That was a big problem because I felt like I couldn't live with this fresh wound. I couldn't understand how I had fallen in love with Philip so quickly. If I lived through this, as in the pirates would let me go, I would never fall in love again.

That was a huge mistake that I would not be making again. I lay there, [AN: I don't know what you call it when a person has their hands bound and they are half in the water...] my hands bound above my head, my mind replaying the scene when Philip was murdered. I stayed awake and listened to the crew making camp and settling down for the night. Slowly, my eyes shut and I fell asleep.

My dreams were filled with Philip's death, as the memory was still fresh in my mind. Every time I had to watch him die I would wake up, my heart pounding. Finally, after feeling like I had been tied up for days I gave up trying to sleep and just lay there, willing myself not to sleep. It was almost morning, but still a black sky. My eyes were closed but I was still awake.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching me fast.

"I am sorry Syrena." I recognised Philip's voice. My heart leapt into my throat. I turned my head to find Philip, crouching next to me, working on untying my hands.

"Philip, you're alive?!" I whispered in disbelief.

"Yes." He replied. I noticed a long gash on his chest from when the Quartermaster slashed him.

He wasn't dead??

The pain in my chest was for nothing?

"You came for me?" I said, sliding into the water as Philip finished untying my hands. "Why?" I asked.

"You're different. Are you not?" He asked. "Do you know not of kindness, compassion?"

I could feel my heart being sewn back together, and it was sweet relief compared to the agony I had just been through. I smiled and I wanted to kiss him, and make sure no harm ever comes to him. Two tears slid down my cheeks and at that moment, someone pulled me backwards. I struggled and thrashed my tail. Philip yelled and tried to grab my hands but he was being dragged back as well.

A pirate pressed a test tube to my cheek and caught my tear. My heart was torn again and I felt this time I would bleed to death. Blackbeard would get what he wanted. Eternal life. A zombie once again was restraining Philip.

"Tears of sorrow never. Mermaids be too tough for that." Blackbeard said, someone passing him the test tube to him. "Tears of joy. They say these be the more potent anyway." I glared at Philip, thinking that he had set this up.

"Syrena, on my word I had no part in this!" He said forcefully, his eyes were begging me to believe him. Then he said- "Let her go. You don't need her now." Philip told Blackbeard. A zombie had him in head lock. Blackbeard almost chuckled.

"Let her go?" He scoffed. "No. Secure her bonds. We leave her with her own." He declared. The zombies tied me up again, but this time I was on my stomach. I watched them drag Philip away, the tears still on my cheeks. The pirates bound Philip's hands and made him walk foreword.

I watched the pirates leave, and once they were gone, I waited to make sure they really were gone and then I broke down in sobs.

Sobs that shook my body.

I don't know myself as well as I thought I did.

I never cry.


So, I apologise for the short chapter. It is a short scene in the movie so there's your reason. I hope you liked it. Again, sorry for the late update.






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