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My first class today was history, my favorite subject. At the moment we are learning about World War Two, and i just realized that i haven't done my essay about life in the battle field, shoot...So as fast as i can i rummage through my brain trying to find past excuses I've used before, but nothing comes. i guess ill just use the oldest one in the book, i enter the classroom and take small steps towards my teachers desk, "Mrs. Jenn..."

"What is it now?" She replies slowly lifting her head up and taking off her reading glasses giving me a look as if i just interrupted her from watching her favorite series.

"My dog ate my homework."

She gives me an irritated sigh and responds, "Just sit down, i don't have time for this."

Of coarse she doesn't have time for this, she just doesn't care, I'm pretty sure she still wouldn't care if we all didn't do our homework, she's just here to get payed and then leave. Thats how most teachers are nowadays, thanks to our lovely emperor Derek.

At break i sit at my usual spot, striding towards me a figure who happens to be the principal comes and sits down next to me.

"What a beautiful day." he blurts out.

Not really, i say to myself.

"What do you think?" He asks.

"I prefer winter weather." I answer.

"Lily this is your fourth year of high school, i don't understand why you don't have any friends and never sit with the group i placed you in."

"Why would you care?"

"Because i was lucky enough not to fall for Dereks speeches and turn into an empty-headed, egotistical, half-witted being!"

He is probably now my favorite person.

"First of all, everything i wrote in the essay was fake, second: everyone looks broken hearted in the group you set me in and sitting with people like that would make me feel wearisome and third: most people now support Derek and I'm avoiding beings who like him."I say.

"Maybe you should just try one break with that categorization, you never know some might surprise you."He says.

I lift my head up to make eye contact but he's already left and all i see is his silhouette fading in the distance.

When school ends i walk over to my bike and start cycling home. I can't stop thinking about what John Meyer said, i keep questioning myself wether i should or not sit with the group tomorrow, maybe I'm socially awkward and scared. What if they reject me? Or tell me to go away. I try to think of the positive effects of me going there, perchance i may make a friend. All i know is that we all have one thing in common: we've all lost someone we knew well or loved.

I get home to an empty house and saunter over to the kitchen, open the fridge and take the left over pasta i cooked last night. i place it in a bowl and pop it in the microwave, as i wait i look through the cupboards (what i usually do when i wait for my food to heat up) and when i open the last one on my left an old scrap book falls to the ground, opened on a page filled with family group photos, how i miss the days when Alex was still alive and my mother and father were themselves. Possibly one day everything will go back to normal, i hope.

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