Chapter 33

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Grace's P.O.V
Today is the day we tell our viewers that we are pregnant again. To be honest, I am scared shitless, what will everyone think. Chester says to not panic but it is kinda hard not to. Hatty is not walking. But her talking is a bit off, she can say, mommy, daddy and baby, but that's about it.

"Babe, have you got everything?" I ask waiting for him to reply.

"I have the Scan photos, the test and Hatty of course." He says walking into the living room with Hartley on his hip while balancing the photos and the tests in the other hand.

"Come sit down then," I say patting the seat next to me.

He put Hatty on the floor and then she waddled towards me.
"Do you want to sit on mommy's lap or daddy's lap?" I question Hatty. Her arms reach out to me so I pick her up and grab her.

"Isn't it better for me to hold her and then everyone can see the bump and because you have to be on call, you know Colleen could go into labour any minutes especially now she is overdue," Chester replies grabbing Hatty and then placing her on his lap.

I started the video with my usual intro.

I continue with the video. "So, this must seem strange to see Chester and Hatty here but since we are now married, well not all of us just me and Chester. And Hatty's surname is now See on the birth certificate and not Helbig. I think it was about time to tell you all something. I'm pregnant with #babysee2. I have a feeling that this one is going to be a boy. Chester and I are really happy, and can't wait for this new arrival. " I say holding up the scan photos and then zooming out so the camera could see my petite bump.

"Or arrivals," Chester says hinting that there could be twins for more.

"No....I only signed up for one baby thank you." I reply laughing and then playfully kissing Chester on the lips.

"I just thought I would let you guys know, so you guys could follow the journey. I told Chester I was pregnant on our wedding day but I lost that baby. It was so devastating to know that the baby I was housing died. I found out when I woke up bleeding one morning, Chester brought me to the hospital where they told me there. I had to sit on a hospital toilet while I bled the rest of my unborn child out." I cry, putting my hand over my face. 

"So after our loss we thought we would try again. It wasn't us forgetting about our little blob but It was something that we felt like we had to do. When we found out we were pregnant again we were scared but we have been to the twelve-week scan and everything is perfect and the baby is healthy." Chester explains.

"I don't know," I say ending the video.
I turn off the camera and then lift Hatty high into the air. Like an aeroplane.

"You did amazing babe," I say to Hatty as I bring her back down and onto my hip.

"And so did you, honey," Chester says giving me a peck on the cheek."This baby is going to give us such happiness. Don't worry about little blob he is up there with everyone in our family that have passed. They will look after him I promise." Chester says kissing my cheek.

"I just want him here, but now we have this little one so," I say returning the kiss. My phone rings just as I pull away from the kiss.

"Take her, I'll get that," I say passing Hartley to Chester.

I look at the caller ID and see Colleen's name and photo pop up.

"Shit! It's time." I shout.

On the phone
Grace- hey babe what's wrong?
Colleen- Josh isn't here and I have been having strong contractions.
Grace- have your waters gone yet?
Colleen- no not yet.
Grace- ok we have plenty of time then, I'm on my way.
Colleen thank you.

With that, she ended the call and I was putting on my coat and shoes. 

"Bring Hatty in your car and meet us at the hospital. Call Josh on your way as well. I will call him too." I announce grabbing the car keys and rushing outside.

I put my keys in the car and zoom off. I was there in five minutes and found her bent over moving her hips side to side to relief the pain.

"I'm here now," I say, putting her arm around my shoulder and driving her outside and into my car. I go back inside and grab her bag and the overnight bag and rush and put that in the trunk.

I jump into the driver's seat and then drive fast but steady towards the hospital. As we reach a set of traffic lights, I hear Colleen Yelp.

"I'm sorry." I hear her say over and over again.

"Why?" I ask.

"My waters broke all over your seat." She replies as she winces in pain.

"That's alright..we just need to focus on you and that baby of yours and it can wash out." I laugh trying to lighten the mood.

She manages a smile as the contraction goes away.

We arrive at the hospital and I get a nurse to get her in a wheelchair and wheel her in as I grab her bags.

"I'll call Josh," I say as they get her comfortable, and into a hospital gown.

I walk outside to see Josh running down the corridor, with Chester running behind him with Hatty on his hip.

"Josh! She's in there. Now you go and you look after her. I'm right here if you need me." I shout down the corridor.

Josh races into the room and takes Colleen's hand.

"Hey, babe," Chester says kissing me as we go to sit and wait.

"Hey, I can't believe I was here eight months ago," I reply.

"I know it's crazy," Chester says and then we sit in silence. Colleens screams vibrate throughout the wing. The next four hours were the longest four hours of my entire lifetime.

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