Chapter 24

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They rush through the door with Grace on the stretcher. I rush by Grace's side still holding her. During the ambulance ride, she had gone into a seizure.

"Sir. Sir, I need you to stay behind please."

"No, I need to be with her." I cry trying to break out of the Nurses reach.

"Sir, I need to ask you some questions about your wife."


"Girlfriend, sorry. Does she have any allergies?"

"No, not that I know off."

"Does she have any medical illness?"

"No, now please I need to be with her."

"Sir, I can't let you see her while they stabilise her."

" We have just had a baby.." I sit down with my hands on my face. "But she is going to be alright isn't she." I querier looking up at the nurse hoping for the answer I want.

"Oh, ok. How old is your baby?"

"Five months old," I explain. "Why?" But before she could answer me the nurse had run into Grace's room. I follow after her, no rules are going to stop me being in there with my girlfriend.

"What's happening?" I ask, coming into the room.

"Well, Miss Helbig had a bit of the placenta still in her uterus, it could be life threatening. We need to operate to get it out. So if you could wait for her in the waiting room then we will get you when she is out.

 "There is nothing to worry about because we caught it quickly so she will be alright." The Doctor says leading me into the waiting room and sitting me down.

"Hey, Brenda. Get this man a coffee." The doctor says as Brenda comes over to me and lowers to meet me face to face.

"Come with me and come get a drink." Brenda says taking me by the hand and leading me to the coffee machine. She gets me a drink then sits me back down. I wait another few hours before anything happens.

"Sir, You can see Grace now." The doctor says, leading back into her room.

"She might not wake up for another few hours."

"OK, thank you sir. You sure she is ok?"

"She is going to be fine." 

"Grace?" I whisper racing towards her, then sitting down by her bed and grabbing her hand. My hand just sits in her hand as I wait for her to wake up.

I sit with my hand in her hand for another three hours. Suddenly her fingers wrap around my hand and we hold hands. I look up to see Grace's eyes slowly opening.

"What happened?" Grace asks worried.

"You're in hospital babe. Look, you're going to be alright. You had a bit of placenta from the birth still attached on your uterus but they caught it quickly. I love you baby girl, please don't scare me again. Hatty and I need you. Promise you will never scare me again." I say giving Grace this huge speech, bringing her into an embrace.

"I promise, I won't." Grace giggles giving me a kiss.

"Good because I don't want my fiancée to leave me," I say giving hints.

"I won't I promise..... WAIT.. WHAT!" Grace says putting all the pieces together.

"Grace Anne Helbig. I know this isn't the ideal place to be proposing, you have given me happiness, and when I needed it hope and a beautiful beautiful daughter and when I found you unconscious that is when I knew I really loved you. I was going to propose to you while you were at you mom's but you aren't right now. So will you do me the honour of becoming my Wife?" I pop the question and open the box to reveal a diamond ring.

"I don't know what to say Chester of course, I will be honoured to become your wife." Grace cries into her hands and nods agreeing. I get closer to her and kiss her and then put the ring on her finger. A bunch of nurses come in and start applauding. We both jump as they come in and we giggle.

"It's beautiful Chester. The ring is amazing." 

"I didn't know wether it would fit but apparently it does." I giggle.

"I don't know what to say its amazing."

 We chat and then after ten minutes we both fall asleep together, Grace's head laid on my shoulder and her legs tuck under mine.

Grateful| Grace Helbig #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now