Chapter 10

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Chester and I have been messaging back and forth, for the past four days. I haven't told him the baby might not even be his but we finally decided to meet up at a restaurant downtown. I think I get what he means, that one night stand might be the start of something new. I have never really stopped loving him. I leave Goose most of her treats and toys out so she doesn't ruin the house like she has once done before.I get into my car, my bump touching the steering wheel and I drive myself to the restaurant to find that Chester was waiting for me outside the door. I walk up to him. I can't believe I didn't see it before. He was the most handsome man EVER. I was lucky enough to be carry his very first son, I think anyway.

"Hey, Grace." He greets me, kissing both my cheeks.

"Hey." I sigh. "Um.. Should we go in?" I ask, shivering even in a coat.

"Oh yeah sure. Sorry" He says opening the door and letting me walk in first. "Table for two please." Chester asks. The waiter then shows us to our table.  We sit down and look at the menus. "You can order what you want." Chester explains. "Ok. Thanks." I awkwardly say as I look down at the menu.  Why... Why does he have to be sooo beautiful. My hormones are everywhere, I hate him but he is so beautiful.

The waiter comes over to take our orders.

"What is it to be then? Madame?"

"Just some soup please and maybe a salad. Oh and a baked potato with custard on top." I ask, the waiter looking at me weirdly.

"No, don't worry I get it custard on a baked potato. I'm pregnant I have really weird cravings." I smile, looking to my now big bump.

"No, that ok of course. You sir?"

"I will have what the lady is having. I want to taste her weird cravings." Chester laughs. The waiter takes our menus and order away with him.

"So. How are you? How's the baby?" Chesters questions eagerly. 

"Well I'm fine, and he is fine." I say holding onto my bump. 

"Its a boy." He says smiling. 

"Yeah and today me, Mamrie and Hannah are looking at names. Look that night, it didn't mean anything. I mean, the only connection we will every have together is this baby. I don't want to rush into things basically." I explain. I see a tear escape his eyes. Just in time the waiter comes to our food. We finished the food in record time. I think it was because I want to get out of there. Got to say Baked potato with custard is rank, don't eat it.

"So can I be there for his birth?" He questions looking me directly in the eyes.

"Um maybe it depends. I will sleep on it." I say getting my coat on.

"That's it maybe. Maybe I want to be there when my son arrives. I need to be there. It's my decision to. I help create him." Chester shouts from the other side of the table.

"Chester stop. I don't know yet ok. Please stop shouting everyone can hear." I whisper trying to stop him from shouting. But he just keeps on getting louder. 

"Nope I will not stop shouting. I will be here for the birth of my son whether you like it or not." Chester says getting up from his seat.

"HE MIGHT NOT EVEN BE YOURS," I scream as Chester starts to walk away.

"What do you mean?" Chester scowls.

"The night before you and I, This guy Jeff and I also did it," I explain.

"So you are pregnant with a baby who has two fathers. You just COULDN'T KEEP YOU PANTS UP COULD YOU." Chester screams, forcing me to wince and burst into a flood of tears.

"I think you should leave." Some stranger says, defending me and pushing Chester out of the restaurant. 

I sit there with my elbows on the table, with my head in my hands, tears still streaming from my eyes.

"You ok miss?" The guy asks.

I look up and recognise his face. "Jeff?"

"Holy Shit Grace?"

"Wait so, this might be my baby?" Jeff says, sitting down next to me.

"Yeah, or Chester's. Look I'm sorry. You don't have to be involved." I say as I look into his eyes.

"You said you were going to call me if anything did happen."

"Well I had the morning after pill and I thought I had taken both of them but I didn't. I only took one. Then we went clubbing and I slept with Chester. So the baby could be yours or his. Once he is born I'm going to get a DNA test."

"Well when you do find out, call me yeah." He smiles passing me another one of his business cards.

"Yes, I promise. Thanks for making sure I was alright and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." 

"That's ok. Now get home and get some rest for you and little man."

With my hand gripping my bump I calmly stand up and walk to the waiter to pay the bill. 

"Don't pay. I will pay the bill." Jeff says getting his wallet out of his pocket.

"Thank you." I mouth and then walk out the door. I drive home in silence. I get home and sit by myself with goose on my lap. A few minutes after I arrived home, Mamrie and Hannah were already at my house.

"So how did it go?" Mamrie asks.

"Chester is an asshole but I met Jeff again. He seems so sweet."

"So you told both of them then."

"Yeah, but I don't want to talk about it so lets get onto thinking of names."


"Fletcher?" Hannah asks.

"I do like it but I like more of a middle name." I explain, putting it down as his middle name, on my phone.

"Elliott?" Mamrie asks.

" No, I know someone who's kid is called Elliott."

"Felix," I say, smiling.

"That perfect grace." Hannah say, grabbing my phone and putting his name into my phone.

"Felix Fletcher Helbig."

Grateful| Grace Helbig #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now