Chapter 7

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It had been two weeks since Gally was banned from training. Arthur found someone who could help Gally control his powers, and so far it had been working. If Gally could continue to control his powers, he would be able to come back to training again.

As for Bryon, he hadn't tried anything yet, but Newt knew it was a matter of time, especially since he had begun to follow the Gladers out to training and would throw dirty looks at both him and Gally whenever no one was looking. Newt was still having trouble figuring out why he knew Bryon's name. He could vaguely remember a strange feeling of dread, but other than that nothing.

He snapped out of his trance when Celia flipped Thomas. They were learning Aikido for bigger stronger opponents. Arthur walked over, helping Thomas up.

"As you can see, Celia used Thomas' own force to flip him. That's what we are looking for, using someone's own force against them." They nodded. "Now you try."

The Gladers were each paired with a guard. Newt ended up paired with Bryon, just bloody brilliant. Bryon chuckled darkly and ran at Newt. The former runner grabbed Bryon's arm and flipped him. He landed on his back with a grunt, he looked shocked for a second before his expression morphed into one of pure rage as he got up and charged. Newt once again grabbed his arm, effectively flipping him over.

"You little brat!" Bryon growled.

"Bryon Everston!" Arthur yelled "What has gotten into you?"

Bryon lowered his head, remembering where he was. "I'm sorry sir, I was just shocked."

Arthur did not look convinced, but decided to let it slide. "Just don't let it happen again."

Bryon nodded, shooting Newt a glare as he walked off.

"I don't think he likes you very much." Chuck said.

Newt chuckled. "Hey, that's my bloody line."


Soon training was over for the day and Newt went inside to shower.

"Back off Shank." He heard Gally yell.

"I don't think I will. You hurt someone close to me. Now it's payback time."

Newt ran down the hallway until he came upon the two bickering men. Bryon had cornered Gally at the end of the hallway.

"What's going on here?!" Newt exclaimed.

They both turned to him, shocked. Bryon smiled when he saw it was Newt. "Oh look, the freak's here."

"Leave him alone." Gally demanded.

Bryon ignored him, about to make another comment, only to get punched in the face by a very angry Brit.

"I already bloody warned you. You don't want to make me angry." Newt growled.

Bryon clutched his nose, glaring at Newt. "You brat!" He went to punch Newt but collapsed, clutching his head and screaming in pain.

Newt looked over to Gally, who was staring at Bryon furiously. "I told you to leave him alone." The builder spat.

Newt ran over to him. "Gally calm down. This isn't bloody helping anything, just calm down."

"Shut up!" Gally yelled, his mind so focused, he didn't even know who he was yelling at. "Just shut up!"

He turned to Newt. With his mind off Bryon his ability stopped hurting the guard. Unfortunately, it switched to his current source of anger, which happened to be Newt.

The former runner collapsed, holding his head and shouting in agony. The pain was unbearable; it felt like a thousand knives were being jammed into his head. He tried to ignore it for the sake of calming Gally.

"Gally, it's Newt! You need to stop, you can't control your ability when you're angry! Please just bloody calm down!" He screamed as the pain intensified.

The sound of yelling and feet pounding against the ground sounded throughout the hallway. Arthur, Alby, Thomas, Minho, and Chuck appeared, stopping to assess the situation. Arthur ran to check on Bryon, while Alby and Chuck ran to Newt and Thomas and Minho slowly inched closer to Gally.

"We need to calm him down!" Thomas shouted. "He's hurting Newt."

Alby stood up and moved to help the three talk Gally down, but their attempts only made Gally angrier making Newt scream even louder. Chuck was trying to calm Newt, who was breathing far too fast to be healthy.

The youngest Glader reached over to grab Newt's shoulder to hopefully calm him some, but was surprised when Newt stopped screaming. He looked over to the still struggling Gally then back at the panting Newt. He took his hand off the Brit's shoulder and Newt began screaming again as the pain returned. Chuck quickly grabbed Newt's shoulder again, his eyes widening as Newt stopped screaming.

"Chuck." Newt panted. "You got your ability back." Chuck smiled. "Now don't you dare let go until Gally either turns his bloody attention away from me or calms down."

Gally calmed pretty quickly since his ability no longer worked. He blinked in confusion that quickly morphed into sadness and shame. "Newt! I'm so, so sorry. I have no clue what came over me."

Newt sighed getting up. "It's fine."

"Just what happened here?" Arthur exclaimed angrily.

Newt, Gally, and Bryon told Arthur what happened, Bryon too scared of the builder to lie.

"Bryon." Arthur sighed when the story was over. "You are relieved of duty until further notice." Bryon looked shocked and angry, but kept quiet.

Everyone left, leaving Newt and Gally in the hallway standing in front of their rooms, which were across from each other.

"Newt. I really am sorry. I tried to help you, only to hurt you."

Newt smiled. "I forgive you. You just need more practice. Until then, you should probably stop trying to bloody protect me." He teased. "Besides I can take care of myself."

Gally chuckled. "Good that."

A/N: Thank you AG2000 for proofreading and telling me to write when I get easily distracted. She is really the only reason you have these next few chapters so soon.

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