Chapter 10

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When Gally and Newt offered to help Arthur, they hadn't expected to be stuck working with Bryon, on weapons, just the three of them. This probably wasn't Arthur's best idea, but they could get through this. Right? Arthur paired them together so that they could learn to get along. Like that would happen with two of the most hot-headed, stubborn people on the planet hating each other. Newt sighed; he had a feeling this wasn't going to end well. 

"Stop staring at me." Bryon said. "I'm not going to shoot you." He put another gun into a crate and the two Gladers relaxed. "I mean even if I wanted to, I'm outnumbered. If there was only one of you, I might reconsider the pros and cons." 

Newt and Gally tensed again. Bryon didn't sound like he was joking at all. Newt filled another crate with ammo, Gally grabbed it putting it in a van and handing Newt another crate. 

"We all bloody agreed to help Arthur out. Let's just get along long enough to get through this. Okay?" Gally and Bryon reluctantly nodded.

Bryon placed another weapon in the crate before putting the lid on and carrying it to the van, ignoring Gally's attempts to help, but not before accidentally bumping into the crate of ammo Newt was sitting behind. The crate fell off the table it previously sat on and spilled onto the floor. Newt had to jump back so the crate wouldn't crush his good foot.

"What was that for!?" Gally exclaimed.

"It was an accident." Bryon lied.

"As if I would believe that." Gally growled.

"Hey!" Newt called. "What about the bloody promise?"

"But he knocked the crate over on purpose." 

"So?" Newt replied. "We have to work together to get this done. Gally, Arthur helped us escape. As for Bryon, Arthur took you in did he not? This is our chance to help him. We can't fight."

"How did you know that?" Bryon asked. "Did you dream it again?"

Newt shook his head. "Celia told me a few days back. Besides I can't bloody dream the past, at least I don't think I can." Bryon nodded and got back to work, avoiding eye contact as if ashamed.

They worked for the next few hours in silence. "That's enough for today." Gally said loading another crate of ammo. Bryon nodded and quickly left.

"What's wrong with him?" Gally asked.

Newt shrugged. "I'm not sure. I guess he didn't want me knowing his past."

Gally sighed. "I don't trust him one bit."

Newt snorted. "You don't trust anyone."

Gally shoved him teasingly. "Ha, ha. Very funny."


They headed to dinner, where the others were already eating. They quickly got their food and sat at the table with Thomas, Minho, and Chuck.

"How was your day dealing with Bryon?" Minho smirked.

"Awkward." Newt said.

"More like insufferable." Gally scoffed.

"That bad, huh?" Chuck said.

"Yeah, he knocked over one of the boxes Newt was working on. It almost landed on his foot too."

"It wasn't that bloody close." Newt replied, rolling his eyes. "Besides, it was an accident."

"We both know that's a lie."

Newt hated to admit it but he had to agree with Gally. He wasn't stupid, he knew Bryon knocked over the crate on purpose, but they needed to get along if they wanted to win this war. 

"You're right, but if we want to win this we need to work together." Everyone at the table nodded. "Especially you Gally, Bryon wants you to get angry. Just ignore him and hopefully he will stop."

Gally sighed. "All right. I'll try."

The next few days they worked with Bryon, ignoring his attempts at starting a fight. By the end of the week, they were all prepared for the war.

"Thank you all for helping. We could never have finished in time without you." Arthur smiled before clearing his throat. "Now get your rest, we're leaving tomorrow." Newt took a quick shower and collapsed onto his bed.


He was in front of a tall building, the sky a burnt orange as the sun set. A group of guards were standing across from him, their weapons raised.

"Fire!" Someone yelled from behind him and both sides began shooting. Newt snapped out of his trance and raised his own weapon, firing at the enemy.

He stopped and took cover behind his group to reload when he spotted a dark figure at the side of the battlefield; he wore their uniform that Arthur assigned. The figure seemed to be sneaking away from the battle. Newt frowned and followed, careful not to be seen. He followed the figure to a small alley in between the buildings. 

The man looked back for one second as he came upon what seemed to be a dead end. The sun was shining in Newt's eyes, making him unable to see the figure's face. The man screamed something but Newt couldn't hear over the alarms and gunfire. 

He moved toward the man, only taking two steps before the entire alley lit up. He felt as if someone threw him into a fire, the force of the explosion knocked him off his feet and his entire world became white.


Newt sat up, gasping for air. Bomb. His mind supplied, but why? What was the point? He remembered the building layout from the keycard. There was nothing on that side of the warehouse. It was not only vacant but on their side of the battlefield. It wouldn't have affected the enemy at all.

The bomb wasn't aimed at the enemy, it was aimed at them. Yet what he couldn't figure out was why the bomb was so small, the fire barely hit him. The force of the explosion was the main thing he felt. So maybe he wasn't quite aiming for them. Maybe it was something more than that. The figure escaped the explosion, Newt saw him open a hidden door and dive in right before the bomb went off.

What he didn't know was why and that bothered him more than anything. All his life he was always asking the same bloody question - 'Why?' And yet that question never got answered. 

He once again sighed and looked at the clock, collapsing back onto the bed when he realized it was only six o'clock in the morning. He rolled over and went back to sleep.

A/N: Thank you AG2000 for proofreading! You are truly amazing!! 

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