.:Fill The Void:.

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Josh and Tyler didn't talk a lot. They mumbled to each other about their beautiful surroundings but didn't ask personal things.
They had fallen into a comfortable silence until Josh spoke up innocently "What's it like living here?" Tyler looked at Josh kind of confused. Tyler started "It's a nice area I mean-" but was cut off by Josh. "Will I fit in?" He asked bluntly. Tyler sighed, "When you're alone, the city can get you down. The city is grey and full of rusted people. You won't fit in unless they brainwash you into their way of life." Josh felt his heart sink a little, was it really that miserable here? Tyler saw Josh's expression and acted on it "But don't let it toll on you. You always have here." Tyler motioned to the beach and the crashing waves. Josh smiled a little.
"Are you here alone?"
"Yea, I am."
"Just like me. Maybe we could be alone together?"
Tyler smiled at Josh's remarks.
"That sounds like a plan."
Tyler looked down at his watch.
"I'm sorry Josh, I have to go. Enjoy the views."
"Wait, can I have your number or something?" Josh blurted out.
Tyler smiled. "You don't need it" he answered "I'm here if you need me." Tyler gave Josh a quick nod before leaving the beach with his ukulele.

Josh thought for a moment as his heart rate slowed down. Will I really see him again? Does he live near me? Could we be friends? Maybe.
He quickly snapped out of his thoughts when he realised how cold it had gotten and that it must've been quite late, or early. Josh stood up and began to walk back to his new home while letting his converstion with Tyler flow through his head a few more times.
As he opened his door, the exhaustion hit him and he laid down on his couch because walking to his room was a bother.
So Josh laid there, staring at the ceiling. He wasn't really staring at the ceiling though. He was actually trying to fill the void that Tyler had left behind.
So with Tyler's eyes, voice and smile playing through Josh's memories, he fell asleep. Into a deep sleep as his mind filled the void with Tyler's presence.
But only as a dream.

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