.:Blurred Faces:.

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First Tyler POV!!

Tyler's POV
I walked alway from the beach, thinking about Josh. He seems different to the people I've seen here.
His looks are alternative. His hair, the way its shaved and dyed, looks so handsome but no one looks like that here. His stretched ears... well... they are pretty obscene here. I've been here for a while and everyone looks the same.
I do like to think that I look different too. I pride myself in that. Josh and I are quite similar really. We nearly have the same style too. I have tattoos, he might too. Maybe I should've given Josh my phone number. I hope I'll run into him soon.
I walk up the mainstreet as people rush past, some people even glancing down at my ukulele, to get to their boring jobs to fund their boring life. I don't mean to be critical of them but my father was exactly like them. Suits and ties, shiny shoes and polished briefcase. Brings back memories.
Soon the street becomes a bit more lively as the roads become inhabited by more cars.
Everything looks so put together and dull but also interesting.
I get to my apartment block and use the stairs as our lift is currently out of order. Soon I make it to my humble abode (i cnt spell im srry x) and unlock the door. After slamming it shut and locking it again, I place my uke on the coffee table and lie down on the couch.

I wonder how Josh is feeling?

Does he realise that he means more than the clones that surround him? Does he know that I don't want him to become another blurred face.
Tyler fell asleep not long after that. His thoughts about Josh slowly consuming him. How is it that these two strangers could have such an impact on eachother after only one conversation about nothing, really, but where they were.

It was about 10:12am when Josh woke up. He groaned and looked around the room for no particular reason before sitting up and rubbing his face. He was still tired but better than when he arrived home. Josh suddenly remembered what had happened the night, or earlier morning really, before and smiled. Tyler sunk into Josh's mind again as he stood up to make coffee.

Tyler, on the other hand, stayed asleep untill 10:21am but soon opened his eyes to glance at how the sunshine danced around his living room and as if on que... Josh popped back into Tyler's mind. Making him smile and remember.

SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT UNTIL THIS UPDATE! I've had some personal stuff going on but I hope you enjoy this. Feel free to leave a suggestion btw and also if you like Markiplier I have a Memories/Imagines style book that you would like and I will be continueing it. - Jane x

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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