11: Amnesia

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Good morning! Care to see a sexy picture? GL

Gregory, I'm at work. MH

I know that. That is why I warned you before sending the picture. GL

Mycroft, how badly do you want the sexy picture? GL

Fine. I'll make sure no one sees. MH

<multimedia attachment> GL

Gregory, I think you sent the wrong picture. MH

Nope! That was the one! GL

That picture is of an empty box. MH

Yes, you dolt, it means I'm finished moving in! I'll wait up for you tonight, alright hero? GL

You'd better. MH

It was almost midnight, and Greg was suffering. Countless calls had gone unanswered, from Mycroft, Sherlock, and even John. Everyone seemed to have vanished, leaving Greg to fend for himself, waste away in a mansion of unfamiliarities. Eventually, Lestrade fell asleep in a bed that should have held two.


Sherlock Holmes woke up in a situation he could honestly say he never prepared to be in: his wrists were tied to two bedposts. The young detective quickly set to deducing.

Ropes: standard toolkit type. Knots: tied by man. Well that rules out a certain Irene Adler. No begging for mercy today. Bed: Twin size, cotton polyester sheets, cheap, mass-produced rubbish. Walls: Pantone 607 U. Small painting of red balloon bouquet directly above my head...


I remember this place. Think, Sherlock, Think!

The shed.

What am I doing here?

"Hello, brother mine. What is it like to be living amongst the dead?" The flat voice of Mycroft made Sherlock jump. His mouth fell open, ready to interrogate his brother, but a stern glance kept him silent.

"Not a word, brother mine. You understand?"

Sherlock nodded.

"Good, now try to remember exactly what happened yesterday."

Sherlock's eyes shut again as he went into his mind palace. It was so obvious now that Mycroft had drugged him; the haziness was still working it's counter effect on his mind. Whenever a spark of memory seemed to appear, it was blocked out again, swallowed by a fog. He saw red.


Everything turned white and calm in the younger Holmes' mind once again.

"Damnit Mycroft!" He roared "what did you drug me with?"

Oh, God. He really doesn't remember. I thought Anthea was acting.
"It's just as I feared, brother mine. You've gotten sentimental."

"Sentiment? I'm defective?"

"Yes, you've let the army doctor limp his way from your heart to your head. Your superior mind suffers the repercussions. " just as mine is, brother. We've both fallen for the ones we swore to detest.

My head hurts, why is he still talking?
"Explain, please, brother."

"Sherlock Holmes, in the view of everyone living in England except for me and Anthea, you are dead. James Moriarty forced you to jump from saint Bart's hospital by saying he had a sniper's sights on Molly, Gregory, and John."

Sherlock's face showed that he remembered, the white haze was cut by a single, blinding pain. He heard his own voice sob back at him.

"Goodbye, John."

A tear fell down the pale detective's cheek as he burned with hate for his brother. "You drugged me just so you could reopen that wound." He spat.

"Careful, brother mine. You forget your philosophy. The coma like state of unconsciousness you were left in when you jumped is the only thing acting against your memory. Your own sentiment willed you to forget how you hurt the little blogger you can't help but.... love." Mycroft's smile was very innapropriate and equally infuriating.

"Pass me my phone."


I just died I think the least you can do is humor me
"Why not?"

"Until you dismantle Moriarty's network, we are able to be sure that contact with you will prove fatal to John."


"She should be fine."

"Can I use Molly to relay a message?"

"Honestly, brother. John Watson survived Afghanistan without you, you are not his life."

I am not his life, but what if he is mine?

"So all I have to do is dismantle Moriarty's web, and then I can see him again?"

"Yes, brother dear."

"How soon can a jet be outside?"

"Immediately. "

Hi guys! There's a few things you should know.

1. Happy late birthday to PrinceKermit I took my last final on you birthday so I was sorta overwhelmed.

2. I had to rewrite all of this yesterday because wattpad deleted it.

3. You got three updates today and because of that I might not be able to sqeeze out a new chapter by Tuesday. The schedule might undergo some changes and I'll notify you when I decide.

But most of all thanks for sticking with me, the new story is under development but needs a beta. Message me if you're interested!

*sigh* I think that's it. Wow.


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