14: Filing

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"Take me to Kings street." Greg ordered through the partition.

"Sorry, sir? I thought I was taking you home."

"Yeah well," Lestrade pulled a gun and pointed it at Winston's head. "Plans change."

"Ah-- where on kings street, sir?"

"There's a shop on the north end. Number twelve."

"Yes, sir."


The door slammed loudly as Greg stepped out of the car and into the shop.

"This and that" the sign read. "12 Kings street"

The detective inspector strolled coolly up to the front counter.

"Jayne here?"

(This is Endo)

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(This is Endo)

The clerk snarled. He was an young man, thick blond hair, and a bluish scar across his wide nose. "Who's asking?"

"The man with Mycroft Holmes in his trunk."

The clerk sputtered. He looked at Greg with a sudden respect. "Uh, through here, sir."

The man pointed to a door that could only be seen by a trained eye, it was painted to match the wall. Untraceable.

Lestrade threw back his shoulders and took a wide stride through the door.

"Jayne?" he questioned of the dark room. "I have what you asked for."

"Ah, Lestrade!," a young girl's voice rang out, shocking Greg. "Sit, will you?"

 "Sit, will you?"

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(This is Jayne)

A click was heard, and the overhead light shone into the room. It was the first time the detective inspector had seen Jayne in person, and she was beautiful. A little young, but her tidy auburn hair and manner added years. Her nose turned up ever so slightly at its end, endearing her all the more.

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