~Garroth's kiss~

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(Your pov)

I felt a warm sensation on my lips,the person was no longer covering my eyes.But I had them closed.I wrapped my arms around their neck and they wrapped their arms around my waist.
They pulled away before the kiss can deepin.I opened my eyes to see...

Garroth kissed me

Hey was staring at me,his cheeks a very crimson red.I couldn't help but giggle.But what surprised me was how bold he was to do this.

".... (Y/N)...I've had feelings for you ever since you moved in...and I know you won't return my feelings but-". I cut him off by kissing him

Garroth was taken back at my sudden move.It took him a while to kiss back.

Then I pulled away

"....if it makes you feel better...i like you too".I replied

Garroth then placed his hand inside his pants and pulled out a ...box

It was gold with a white bow on it, it had a card attached to it. It had my name on it.

I breathed a sigh of release,I thought it was going to be an engagement ring.

He handed me the box,I looked at how beautiful it looked.I opened the box to find....a.....necklace.

Not just a regular necklace...it had..

(picture of how it looks,to lazy to describe it)

(picture of how it looks,to lazy to describe it)

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It was a necklace of two different colored dragons formed into a heart

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It was a necklace of two different colored dragons formed into a heart.

It was...wow...so breathtaking. It must of costed alot for this,I can't believe he went through the trouble trying to buy this for me.

"Garroth....I love it".I squeaked

He had a plasterd smile on his face,his blush was gone.I pulled him into a hug.

The hug lasted for about 10 seconds,I then pulled away.Then gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.

I held his hand and lead him outside where everyone was playing in the snow

I saw Aphmau playing in the snow with Travis

I saw Katelyn and Lucinda throwing many snowballs at Laurence and Dante

I saw kawaii~Chan making a snow angel with Zane

Last...I saw Aaron leaning against the tree giving me a thumbs up

"So Garroth....should we tell them about....us?".I questioned

"I think it's best to tell them about our....relationship.

I darted my eyes away from Garroth slowly.I lifted my head and looked at all of our friends having fun.

"HEY GUY'S".I screamed

They all turned their heads towards my voice.Now all the attention is on me.How am I going to say this... oh

"so...I have an announcement,...me and Garroth.....are a....th-".I was cut off by Kawaii~Chan

"A THING".Kawaii~Chan finished

How did she know,I thought everyone was outside when me and Garroth were inside

"uh..yea,but how do you know that".I asked Kawaii~Chan suspiciously

"OH...when Kawaii~Chan was going to ask (Y/N)~Chan and Garroth~Senpai to come join us.But I notice your were busy under the Mistletoe.So I didn't bother".Kawaii~Chan responded with a smile

"Wow..stutter king found a girl". Katelyn laughed

"So my annoying brother found a girl to love,oh pity".Zane exclaimed

Zane had a sadden look on his face, was he really that lonely

"Awww don't worry Zane I love you too,so an extra gift....I will buy you the new pony edition". I said While hugging him

"R-really".He stuttered

"Yep".I said hugging him more

I released from Zane who had a light blush on his face.I giggled to myself of how red he could of gotten

"Oh...I almost forgot.Kawaii~Chan has a picture of (Y/N)~Chan kissing Garroth~Senpai".Kawaii~Chan spoke

"WHAT".Me and Garroth screamed at the sametime

"...was Kawaii~Chan not supposed to take and show this".Kawaii~Chan squeaked

"N-no".I stuttered

"But I need for my shipping shrine". Kawaii~Chan whined

"I need it destroyed".I mumbled

"Wait let me see this".Aphmau said while taking the photo from her

Aphmau squealed when she saw it, She showed it to Nicole who squealed in delight

But before Aphmau could show someone else,Aaron grabbed the photo to look at it.But Laurence aswell tried grabbing for it.

Then Dante joined in just to see if it was true.

I turned my head to find Garroth not next to me.I looked forward to see Garroth grabbing for the photo from Aaron who held the photo high in the sky.While the guys tried to grab for it.

"Garroth what are you doing".I asked

"I want to know if we look cute in the photo".He replied

I sighed while Cadenza and Nicole were laughing

"Hey Katelyn,I think you should join in on the fun".I gestured

"Don't mind if I do".She smiled while cracking her knuckles

I laughed at the guys getting a beat down from Katelyn

I sighed quietly "Boys"

~3 months later~

I was still dating Garroth after these past few months.He somehow mentioned his mom inviting us for dinner.

Now here I am sitting with Garroth and Zianna eating dinner

"So Gar-gar where did you guys fall in love".Zianna asked

"Oh...at a Christmas party and we-". I cut him off

"We kissed under the Mistletoe".I finished

As I said that,It look like Zianna was freaking out

"Oh my Gar-gar's in love".She squealed


"So when am I expecting little ones". Zianna asked

I literally choked while drinking water,Garroth nearly fainted

Me and Garroth exchanged glances

"very soon".I answered

"Oh boy".She squealed once more


I hope you guys loved Garroth's kiss.I wrote this a bit long and for a special thanks to the 1k,I wrote an expanded part.Just leave you very curious ~:)

Stay beautiful,my Reader~Chan's

(Sorry if short or mistakes)

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