~Dante's Kiss~

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(Your pov)

I felt a warm sensation on my lips, me and this person continued kissing.I finally released from the kiss.It was......


"I wasn't expecting a flirt to be Kissing me."

"I know...I was a flirt in high school,but I'm just a shy boy who likes you".Dante stated smiling

"That's why I love it when your being yourself,not a guy who claims 'touch the butt' near girls".I put up air quotes and empathize on the word 'touch the butt'

"I know,but...do you like me back". Dante hesitated

But the question is.......do I really like him or he's still the flirty boy he was back in high school .Well;I was always told to follow my heart,when I come into situations like this.

I kept staring at his eyes,his blue eyes that light up when I'm near him.The same eyes he used to lure girls into dating him. But this time,those eyes are different. These are the same eyes that wants to make a difference.To make a difference with him being himself

"If it makes you feel better,I like you too". I said quietly

"Really".Dante's face brighten up

"Mhm".I hummed in response

"That's great,because....".Dante pulled out a small white box from his sweater."Merry Christmas,I wanted to give you this if you ever became mine"

Dante handed me the box

"W-wait isn't this a bit to early,I..mean I'm an adult.But I'm not ready for marriage".

"Wait I'm not proposing I'm giv-". Dante was cut by....

"Did someone say MARRIAGE and PROPOSAL".Kawaii~Chan popped out from the corner

"Could Kawaii~Chan please be the priest, oh pretty please".Kawaii~Chan begged

"Wait I just wanted to give (Y/N) these..."

Dante opened the box that was in my hand it revealed two rings, both the same design. But the silver and gold were mixed into each other, like one

He pulled one out and placed it on my ring finger,I brought my hand near my face and examined the ring

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He pulled one out and placed it on my ring finger,I brought my hand near my face and examined the ring. It was beautiful it was interwoven with both gold and silver.

But how did Dante get something so beautiful,yet he still wants to date me.....

"Dante...it's beautiful, but why...?". I could feel my voice breaking, this is too pure..

"It's a promise ring, Aphmau gave me the idea to get both of us rings. To promise that we won't be apart". Dante said sheepishly, he started rubbing the back of his neck

I know that this is corny and cringe worthy but I think it's beautiful

I don't know why,but I had to. I kissed Dante's cheek,as his face flushed the color of red

"Even if your the highschool's player, I'd still love you. Even though you changed ". I gave Dante a hug, he was tense but responded

"Thanks, but w- 'Player!?!?". Dante screamed

I just smiled at him as he ranted on not being a player,even though he was one....

"I'm not a player,I was a popular guy in school. I even remember that I asked you to prom and you rejected me". Dante dramatically sighed

"Wait I rejected you..."


I was walking to my locker with Aaron trailing behind me. I got to my locker dialed the combination. I opened my locker to see a white letter fall out of it. Aaron picked it up and handed it to me

"If it's another love letter from a boy, I'm going to puke". Aaron quietly said

Let's face it,you were the schools funnest person. You were even able to 'tame' Aaron to be your friend. Of course a bunch of boys would have a crush on you. But you were not really in the mood for boys. So Aaron was like that back-up guard.

Even if you were Aaron's favorite potato, he never had a crush on you. He obviously had his mind on another small potato. (any of you know *cough* Aphmau *cough*)

I opened the letter to find light cyan blue handwriting. It said...

Dear, (Y/n)

Roses are red
Violets are blue
A blued hair freak wants to go to prom with you.... (♡ 3♡). Oh, and I want to smooch you....

Blue haired freak...

You slowly folded the small letter and tried so hard not to cringe or judge how corny that was. But you lost it when Aaron couldn't hold in his laugh.

"As much as I'm grateful for this leter, I can't simply reply to this". You in a British voice

"But the only person I know with blue hair is Katelyn,she's even a freak when you get on her wrong side". I said in my normal voice

You closed your locker as you were prepared to leave,you and,Aaron walked by the trashcan. You threw away the letter that you had once had...

As you walked off to the doors with Aaron, Dante watched as you left with a rejected look on his face. But mostly at the letter you just threw away...

By the far corner, both Garroth and Laurence were celebrating Dante's rejection

"We could finally have her to ourselves". Laurence cheered

"Finally princess (Y/n) is ours". Garroth celebrated

~End of Flashback~

As I remembered, the thoughts of the letter I threw away came to me

"Wait! That was your corny letter?".

"Corny! It was beautiful not 'corny', it was written with lots of love"

"It said you wanted to smooch her". Aaron called out,behind me

"Yeah I agree with Aaron,plus I was not into boys at the time". I reassured him

Dante gave me a shocked face as he looked down in embarrassment

"Hmm....you done screwed up boy". Aphmau called out,next to Aaron

"And is hope you don't 'screw up again". I grinned

~2 month later~

As the girl's were doing my makeup, Aphmau was slouching in the corner. While Katelyn was trying to force Aphmau into a dress

It was Dante's birthday,so I was going out with him and everyone else.

"C'mon Aphmau it's just a date, the dress is even purple". I told her

"But why must I suffer,with 'him'..". She whined

"You mean Aaron~Kun". Kawaii~Chan corrected

"Please Aphmau,for me". You gave Aphmau your saddest dog eyes

Aphmau sighed in defeat,as she walked over to the nice purple dress...

"I better me the godmother of your child". Aphmau grumbled

"But Kawaii~Chan IS the godmother". Kawaii~Chan fought back

"What about me, Dante and (Y/n)'s child could learn a little of kick-butt from me. I think I deserve it,not you". Katelyn pointed at Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan

I just sighed in frustration and how funny this is

The End

(I hope you guys enjoyed Dante's route, I look forward to see you in the early preparations)

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