Nightwing x reader

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You and Nightwing have been friends for awhile, so it wasn't surprising when you started to have feelings for the hero, I mean, what is there more to like? He is cute, strong, kind, funny, and smart! He is also good with his words. But, today was the day when you finally tell your feelings towards Nightwing, but, how we're going to do it? You invited him to your house so that you can tell him, but, you can just tell him straight forward, it would be totally awkward! You lost track of time, when you hear a knock on the door, of course it made you jump. "Crap" you soda to yourself, as you walked towards the door a swarm of overwhelm takes over you. You take a deep breath and opened the door. Nightwing was waiting, with a smile across his face. "You wanted to see me (Y/N)?" You nodded in a very nervous way, you welcomed him in your home, he was wearing his normal suit, (which you think it looks good on him) he sits on you couch and you sat right by him, it was quite and then Nightwing spoke up with a jokey smile "so, the only reason you wanted me to come is for it to be quite?" You did a nervous chuckle. "S-Sorry, just a little nervous" Nightwing looked confused. "What are you nervous about? We are friends, you can tell me anything." You sighed and nodded. "R-Right, well, the reason I invited you here is well, *sigh* are you single?" Nightwing looked at you with a confused and shock look across his face, even though his eyes were covered with his mask, you could tell that he was confused. "Uh....well....I guess...why?" You looked down at the floor, your face turns red with embarrassment. "Well, we have been friends for awhile right?" Nightwing puts his finger under your chin, creating shivers go threw you spin. "Hey, don't feel so overwhelmed alright, you can tell me anything" you looked away, "alright, Nightwing. I-" before you could finish your sentence Nightwing kisses you on the lips, you were first shocked, but then you kissed him back. Nightwing finished kissing you he then smiled. "Feel better" You looked up, your face was bright red with embarrassment, you gulped. "W-Why did you do that?" Nightwing took his mask off, his eyes, there beautiful, an ocean blue was the color, this is the first time you ever seen Nightwing without his mask "Dick? Do, do you like me?" Nightwing smiled "of course I do! I wouldn't I? You beautiful, smart, funny, and very kind" you blushed. Nightwing brushes your hair so that he can see your beautiful (E/C) eyes. He smiled, he then kissed you again, you kissed him back, you wrapped your arms around him. "I love you, Nightwing" Nightwing kissed your forehead. "I love you too, (Y/N)"

The end

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