Superboy x Reader

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Superboy was super nervose, you and him have been dating for 2 years, and today was the day you and him get married, all of his friends were getting him ready and teasing him. kid flash laughed "welcome to the club man!" robin but his hand on Superboy's shoulder and smirked. "don't be overwhelmed man" Superboy looked away with embarrassment. "i-im not overwhelmed...I-I'm just a little nervous that's all.." Flash kid rolled his eyes. "well yeah! of course your nervous! but don't worry man, she is the right one for you" Superboy slowly smiles. "she is isn't she?" While Superboy and his best men are getting married, you were upstairs with you bridesmaids , they were giggling and making you look like an angel. "I can't believe you are getting married!" Megan said with a bright smile. You smile to. "me too! I am so glad that it is him, I fell in love with him the first day we meet" 

*2 years ago* 

You were at a club, all your friends ditched you for some guys, you were wearing a tight short dress that was black with dark blue swirls, you had black make up, your (h/c) was in a lose bun. You did a big sigh. all of the sudden you felt like someone was watching you, you looked behind you and saw a young man, probably 19 or 20, who was with some guys, he had black short hair, ice blue eyes, and was wearing a black shirt and blue jeans. He was quiet handsome. You couldn't help yourself but to blush a little, he catches your stare and you quickly looked away, your cheeks bright red. even though the music was blasting, it felt like you could only hear the footsteps coming your way, you heart started to beat fast, you breathing became faster. "why were you staring at me for?" You slowly turned around, he was very close to you, one eyebrow was raised. You gulped and did a nervous laugh. "w-what? no! I wasn't staring, I was spacing off and-" He was still staring at you. "are you sure? your cheeks...there bright red, do you have a cold?" he puts his hand on your forehead, it seemed like everything was going to fast. You then fainted, everything went black after that...

"hey! get up! are you deaf or something? Get, up!" You slowly open your eyes to see the same guy from the other night, you slowly sit up and rub your eyes. "how long was I out?" "all night, it's morning right now" the man said in a sort of sour way. You yawned and gasp. "wait a second.." slowly turn your head.."y-you didn't r-rape me did you?" the man blushed and had a disgusted and embarrassed look across his face. "w-what?!?! no of course not! Im not a creep you know!" You did a nervous smile. "s-sorry! I just though-" the man folds his arms and huffed. "will you thought wrong...I was actually went back to the club, I just barley got here...." You look around, you were in a strange looking room. "where am I?" the man sighed. "you are at are headquarters, everyone is out" you looked at him with confusion. "headquarters? like....a hideout?" the man nods. "yes, by the name is Superbly just to tell you..." he held out his hand. You smiled and shook his hand. "I'm (y/n) please to meet you!" You let go of your hand and stood up. "do you need some extra cloths miss (y/n)?" you looked at your cloths, you were still wearing you club cloths from last night, you nodded "yes Superboy?" Superboy turns his head. "what?" You smile. "thank you...for helping me" Superboy blushes and looks away. "w-whatever" walks away. you giggle. 

Who knew that fateful and Superboy fell in love, you did everything together, cuddled, he treated you with respect, and you did the night, you and Superboy were at the carnival, you were wearing a lose white dress and white slip on shoes, your hair was in a lose side braid. Superboy was wearing black jeans, brown short boots, a leather jacket, and a white V-neck shirt. He had a surprise for you in his pocket, today was the day that he finally proposed to you, he had been practicing for a long time. "hey Superboy! want to do the ferris wheel? today is the perfect timing!" a wide cute smile was across your face. he smiled and nodded. "sure.." You took him by the hand and dragged him towards the farris wheel, there was mostly couples here, since it was Valentines would be the perfect and superboy walked into your ride and sat down from across each other, You were leaning against the window, enjoying the beautiful sunset. Superboy does a nervous sigh and digs in his pocket. "um...(y/n)?" you looked up from the window and smiled. "yeah? what is it Superboy?" Superboy took a breath. "um..(y/n)..we have been dating for awhile I think...we should take the next step..." You looked at him with surprise. "Superboy? what are you saying?" Superboy got in one knee and pulled out a beautiful diamond ring, you gasp. "(y/n)? w-will you marry me?" you covered your mouth with shock you started to tear up with happiness. "superboy..." you hugged him. "yes! yes! yes!" Superboy hugged back. "(y/n)...I'm so glad.." you two kissed, as the sun went down. 

*back to present* 

"alright (y/n) you ready?" it was your father, you wrapped your arm to your father tightly, you looked like an angel, you were holding a bouquet of white flowers, you slowly walked with your father, today was the day, today was the day of you getting married, and new adventure awaits for you with you beloved, superboy, he was wearing a tuxedo with a rose, everyone was looking at the beautiful bride, she finally made up to her soon to be husband. The preach started to read. "we are all gathered here today to celebrate this beautiful bride and the handsome groom, mr. Conner, would you take this beautiful bride to be your wife?" Superboy blushes and nods. "I do..." the preacher nods and looks at you with a smile. "and do you (y/n) take mr. Conner to be your loving husband?" you nod, a tear falls from your eyes. "I do..." preacher nods. "if anyone denies this marriage, speak now or forever be held your place" there was a silence, waiting for the kiss. the preacher nods. " may now...kiss the bride"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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