Impulse x reader

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You just joined the young justice league, you were pretty excited about that, meeting people, stopping bad guys, you were a very out-going person, you don't really think before doing something. When you joined the league, you made friends with a speedster named Impulse, he was kind of like you, so you two got along really quickly, blue beetle we your friend as well. You and impulse hung out a lot. You were walking in the park when a flash of red and white pasts you, you rolled your eyes, Impulse shows off a lot, Impulse speeds to your side and walks the same pace as you. "A slowpoke! What you up to?" You rolled
your eyes, Impulse was younger then you, 14, you were 13, yeah young age, but hey, at least that you are in young Justice right? You sighed "hello Impulse, look, I don't have the power of speed alright?" Impulse does a goofy but cute smile "oh right~ at least blue beetle is fast, and he doesn't have the power of speed like flash, or kidflash!" You nodded. "True, True, but, he has wings, I don't" Impulse does his goofy smirk again "true, true" it was quite for awhile. Then Impulse spoke up "hey (Y/N)" you looked at Impulse. "Yeah?" After you asked that, Impulse kisses you on the cheek "love you" and runs off, leaving you in the dust, you were shocked, what, just, happened? You started to blush. Did Impulse like you? No! He can't be! I mean, maybe you two are friends but, a couple?! That can't happen.... can it?

(I promised that I will update this story, so here we go! ^^)

You walked home, wondering what just happened at the park, does Impulse like you? Nah, there is no way that someone like impulse will like a powerless girl like you, can he? You opened your front door that was unlocked. "What the heck?" You said to yourself you opened the door slowly and pocked you head out, checking if it is safe to enter your home. "Hello?" You said loudly, you can hear noises in the kitchen and impulse walks out of your kitchen eating a bag of Doritos. "Sup?" You sighed and closed the door behind you. "Don't scare me like that! I thought there was a thief in my house or something!" Impulse did a nervous smile before eating a Doritos chip and sits on your couch you sighed. "What are you doing her anyway? Shouldn't you be at the headquarters or something?" Impulse looks down and puts the bag of chips on the coffee table in front of him, he looked sad, he never gets like this. You made a confused looked and sat right by impulse. "What's wrong? What happened at the Young Justice headquarters?" Impulse did a sad sigh and looks at you, his eyes filled with sadness. "The headquarters, got destroyed, last week , I kidnapped and so were others, by some aliens called 'the Reach' but then the others saved us, Nightwing told us what happened, that is why I live with you the couple days with you, Nightwing didn't tell why it happened or who did it, I know something is up, and Artemis died as well two weeks ago" you knew about Artemis she was a nice girl, she was really fun to hang out with, you were very shocked when you heard the news. "Sorry Impulse, I didn't know that the headquarters was destroyed, you can live here if you want" Impulse did a smile. "Really? You really mean it?" You nodded. "But, in one condition" he looked at you with curious look. "What is that?" You folded your arms "you must tell me who you love, and, why did you kiss me in the cheek this afternoon in the park?" Impulse did a clam smile that was really adorable, you could t help but blush a little. "Simple actually, because I really like you (Y/N), even when I saved you from that ugly monster two months ago, you are pretty, smart, kind, and funny, you make the perfect girlfriend with someone like me, hope that you feel the same way with me" you smiled and softly kiss his lip, just a little one, like a small cute one. Impulse blushes and looked surprised. "S-So, is that a yes?" You smiled and nodded. "Of course Impulse, I really liked you as well, maybe not when we first meet, but the more we hanged out, the more I started to like you more, you were always there for me, even in the saddest days" you then hugged Impulse and smiled. "How can I not like you? You funny, kind, and always know what to say to a girl like me"

Ever since that very day, you and impulse started to date, and officially became a couple, and you two will always be together, even in ten darkest of times.

(Hope you like the update I did! ^^ ❤️❤️)

Young justice (males)x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now