Blue Beetle x reader

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(so, i promised that I will do a blue beetle x reader you go! sorry that it took so dang long ^^;  It's been awhile since I watched Young Justice so I hope this would be good as the others ^^) 

You and Jaima Reyes have been friends for a long time, since elementary. But you never knew his secret, until today...."no! Please! leave me alone!" You were being chased by a couple of thugs "come on sweetheart, just give us your money and you won't be harmed.." You didn't listen, you just kept running, you finally stopped at a dead end, you were filled with fear, you didn't know any kombat moves, unless reading counts. you stepped back, fear filled your eyes. "p-please....leave me alone..." one of the thugs chuckled. "just give us your money and you won't get hurt.." You tried to hit them, but one of them grabbed your hand, you gasped. "we were trying to be last, but I guess you just won't listen.." one of them lifts up one there knifes, aiming your throat you screamed . "NO!!! PLEASE!!!" all of the sudden, a flash of blue comes, and attacks the thugs, they fall to the ground groaning. You gasped and looked at the stranger that saved you. "t-thank you, but, who are you?" the stranger in blue looks at you with a welcoming smile. "come one (Y/N) don't remember me?" His voices sounded really familiar, wait..can it be? No, It can be! "Jaime Reyes?" he chuckles. "yep! You got it right!" you were filled with confusion, your childhood friend...was a super hero?! you totally couldn't think straight. "w-when did you-How did you-huh!?!" He laughs. "your so cute when you get like that!" he turns back to normal, showing that he was Jaime. You smiled, even though you were a little upset that he was hiding this secret of being a still is pretty amazing that your friend is a hero. "I can't believe it! How did it happen?" he does a nervous laugh and scratches the back of his head. "i-its a long story" he then looked serious. "are you alright though? who were though people anyways?" you sighed and gripped on your bag. "I forgot to pay them...I had no money so..yeah" Jaime smiles in a comfortable way. "do you want me to take you home? you must be a little frightened by this whole thing..." you nod. "that would be awesome" Jaime walked with you at your house, it was silent the whole way, when you opened the door he was still there, he was showing some pink on his cheeks, you giggled. "would you like to go inside?" Jaime looks up from the ground. "um..sure..if it won't be a bother." you shook your head. "not at all! it would be nice to see from a long time" He smiles and walks in, you close the door behind him. He sat on the couch and you still walked to the kitchen. "want anything? There is water, milk, apple juice, or tea.." jaime thinks. "tea would be nice, thank you." you started to make the tea while Jaime looks around the house while sitting on the couch. He saw a photo with you and a little girl. He stood up and walked up to the picture. "hey (y/n)?" you looked from the kitchen what is it Jaime?" Jaime looks at the picture. "who is this girl? a friend or yours?" you chuckled while making the tea. "no, she was actually my sister, she died from a illness." Jaime looks at you with guilt. "oh! I'm sorry (y/n) I-I didn't know!" You laughed. "don't worry, a lot of people ask me who she is...I actually don't mind talking about her...she was 6 years old...I was 12.." Jaime studied the picture again and smirks. "heh, you were cute little..what happened?" you looked at the him and then roll your eyes. "ha, ha, very funny Jaime" Jaime laughs and puts the picture down and walks to the kitchen. "so, how is your mother?" You shrugged. "pretty good, I don't live with her anymore, her and I didn't really get along to well, we fight a lot, finally when I turned 18...I left her and went on my own path..I actually like being alone" Jaime smiles and studies you, you didn't notices. while waiting for the tea to be finished, you and Jaime sat on the couch. It was so silent, you can hear a pin drop on the ground. you sigh. "I wonder..." Jaime looks at you. "how long was it since we last talked" Jaime shrugs. "I want to apologize though" You looked at Jaime with confusion. "apologize? apologize of what?" Jaime sighs. "for not telling you...about my secret..that I am blue's just..I was afraid that you would get hurt.." you smile and kissed him on the cheek, he turned red and slowly looked at you with embarrassment. "(y/n) did you just?..." you look away while blushing "sorry...I just had to, I kept you a secret as well.." He looked at you, waiting for an answer. You sigh (thinking: I can do this...don't hold back (y/n)) you look at Jaime. "I-I have always had a crush on you..since the first day I saw you...I never told you because I was farad that you wouldn't-" You were stopped from you sentence, Jaime kissed you right on the lips. You were first surprised..but then you kissed him back, his moist lips were so soft, it felt like you were kissing clouds. he then breaker the kiss, your eyes were filled with love and some confusion, you smiled at leaned against him, you smiled. but before you can say anything...the tea kittle made the squealing sound...bringing you back from you happy place with Jaime Reyes 

(welp, hope you liked this cute short story...if you want more chapters...just comment below! again, I hoped you enjoyed this story and I hope I see you again) 

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