Beast boy x older!reader

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"Aw~ so adorable!" You were squeezing beast boys cheeks like he was a child. His face was totally red, impulse, blue beetle, and Robin were snickering. Beast boy turns around. "S-SHUT UP!!" Imuplse puts his arm around beast boy. "Oh don't be embarrass BB, this girl is pretty fine!" Beast boy blushes. "One, she is older then me, and two! I am younger the her, even if I DID like her, it would never of worked out!" All of the sudden Beast boy can feel someone stroke and pull his tail, it was (Y/N) you had a grin across your face. "Aw~ how adorable!" Beast boy turns red. "(Y/N)! Can you stop please?" You stand up and nod. "Alright, alright, I'll stop. But I can't help myself! You are just to adorable." Beast boy blushed even more. "I am like 13 years old, how old are you anyways, (Y/N)?" You thought and then smiled. "I am 19 years old" beats boy gritted his teeth with shock. And did a nervous laugh. "Hahaha, I guess I was right! You are WAY out of my league aren't you?" You looked at him with confusion at first, but then you started to laugh. "Oh BB, you are just to funny! Why would I be in love with a 13 year old child? That is crazy! What am I? A Mary-sue?" Beast boy shook his head. "Of course not! I knew that you were older then me, but..." beast boy looks away blushing a little. "Would it be weird if I liked you?" You then bent over and softly kiss beast boy on the forehead. "But, we can be friend right?" Beast boy looked up to his forehead then looked back to you, and nodded with saying nothing. He was shocked, a pretty woman that has superpowers kissed beast boy, that was the best day of his life.

(Sorry that this story is a little short, I might update it, but I am not promising anything, but, I hope you enjoyed this cute short story)

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