Chapter 5

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I patiently waited in the living room, when my parents and Jacob came in and sat on the sofa across from me.

"Why are you three looking at me like that? It was a simple accident!"


"I'm having a weird weekend and I'm freaking out cause I don't understand-"


"What is going on? Can someone please answer me?!"

"ALEX!" Jacob shouts.

I blink and shut up.

"Now. If you will calm down, we will explain everything that we can." My mom says with complete composure.

"Wait, so you do know-"

Jacob clears his throat rudely.

"Right. Sorry.." I quiet down again.

"We are sure you have met Chris, right? Don't answer that. We already know. Now, he should have answered your questions, but because Jonathan got to you first he had to alert us as soon as possible."

"Why you?" I interrupt

"Your father and I-, I mean, Eric and I, are your guardians. We are not your real parents and never have been. Eric is actually your Uncle and I am your Aunt, which makes Jacob your cousin. Yes, I know you're shocked because you thought you were twins. But we had to make it that way so it would be difficult for them, Jonathan and his others, to find you."

"You knew about this?" I look to Jacob a little hurt. All he does is nod.

"Alex, you need to listen. This is very important." My dad- or my uncle I mean, tries to get me refocused.

"You're a very important and special person. You come from the direct descending line of the Royal Family. Not the British Royal Family, but the supernatural Royal Family. You are the daughter of the previous King and queen."

"Previous?" I ask with a gulp.

"Your parents were murdered. You can thank Jonathan for that."

"Don't say it that way, Jacob." My Aunt scolds him.

"Anyway, you are the last of the line and the supernatural world needs you in order to maintain the balance of all the supernatural forms and forces. You may be wondering why people like Jonathan want to harm you if you're so vital to all our kinds, but that is because that royal blood that runs through your veins is the most powerful life force that exists. It holds so much more than anyone could imagine. It is believed that if a vampire consumes the blood of the final member in the Royal Family, he will become the new blood line. That is what Jonathan wants. He wants your power."

"Speaking of power, along with your special blood line, comes your abilities. Each member of the Royal Family has a specialized ability. One of these powers comes from the elements, and the other from an outside spiritual force. These powers begin to emerge near your 18th birthday which is the moment your blood is at its strongest potential. Can you tell us what you've experienced tonight? We might be able to pinpoint your abilities."

My aunt finally lets me speak, but I'm so speechless. I sit there with a completely blank stare and my mind is racing with crazy thoughts.

"Alex, I understand you are going through a lot with all this new information, but we need to help you out as soon as possible." Jacob says with complete sincerity.

"I... I uh... Well, I woke up and my leg was completely normal."

"Healing." That's definitely her outside force, Eric says confidently.

"I was over heating and refilled my glass cup with cold water when the cup suddenly burst in my hand..."

"Fire!" Jacob pumps his fist. "That's the coolest element! Well, besides water of course."

"What am I supposed to do?" I look to the two people who raised me all my life. I don't care if they are my aunt and uncle; they have been my parents since the beginning, and I need them right now. "Please, mom! Dad! Jacob! I don't care that you aren't my 'real' parents or brother, but it's been and felt real for all my life so you will forever be my family. I need your help, I'm scared." I begin to cry as the weight of the world seems to rest on my shoulders.

The three of them come over to me and we have a group hug. "We love you, Alex. You will always be our daughter."

"And sister!"

"Way to kill the moment, Jacob." Dad laughs. We all chuckle.

"Now, tell Sensei the real training begins tomorrow." Mom informs dad.

"Wait, but I have school."

"No more school for you. A princess of the Royal Family attends elemental training and fighting classes."

I smile and hug my family as tight as I possibly could.

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