Chapter 2

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After breakfast I grab my Taekwondo gear and head out the door. "Bye, mom! Thanks for breakfast!" The door slams shut before I can hear a response.

My car is parked in the drive way next to Jacob's. We both have Subaru Legacies except mine is a metallic blue and his is black.

The road was clear today; people were probably still sleeping or enjoying the rest of their morning with family. It took about 20 minutes to get to the studio where I was the first and only one there. I checked the door to see if it was open and to my luck it was. I entered and headed straight for the girl's locker room.

I couldn't help but notice that it was completely empty. "Sensei?" He is the only one who can unlock the door, so he must be here. I walk through the whole studio and found no one, even his office was empty. "He is probably outback or something," I say to myself. Great. Now I'm talking to myself and I only do that when I'm scared.

"He isn't here." A voice says from behind me. A deep and familiar voice. I stop dead in my tracks and refuse to look in fear that it will be who I think it is. "What's wrong, Alexandra? Did I scare you?" The voice starts moving closer to me, but I'm scared stiff.

"Who are you?" I manage to say.

"Turn around and find out." There is a threatening tone to his voice and the hair on my arms rise.

"Come on now, princess." He says right behind me as he grabs my arm. My pulse skyrockets.

"Your pulse is racing, are you that afraid of me?" He gives a sadistic laugh then forces me to turn around. My eyes widen in horror as my nightmares become a reality. It's him! The guy from my dreams!

I suddenly pull away from him and get into my fighting stance. "Oh how cute, the princess thinks she can fight me."

"Stop calling me that, you creep!" I lunge at him and kick him straight in the chest. He stumbles, but barely as much as he should have. I spin around and try again, but this time he grabs my leg with just his right hand. "Nice try princess, but I am NOT falling for that again." He twists my leg at a painful angle and I flip over and smack my back in to the hardwood floor. All the air rushes out of me and I lay there shocked.

"You're stupid to think you could fight me." He sounded angry and annoyed. "I'm only here to deliver a message and if you're going to be this complicated for a brief visit, then I can't imagine how our next one will turn out." He stands over me and bars me from standing up and then kneels down and comes close to my face.

His perfectly chiseled cheek bones and pale skin was just inches from my face. I couldn't help but stare in to his hypnotizing eyes; they were ice blue. His dark brown hair was held back in a short ponytail. Why the hell am I checking him out?!?! I bite my lip to scold myself and accidentally cut my lip. I taste a little bit of blood, but it wasn't much and it didn't bother me.

The mystery man suddenly stiffened over me. "No wonder everyone wants you, your blood... It smells so good." He inhales in to his nose and closes his eyes as he enjoys some unknown scent. "Wait, my blood? What are you talking about?" He says nothing. Just a pained look crosses over his face. "Is this the part where you tell me you're a magical vampire who wants to suck me dry?" I say sarcastically and roll my eyes.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." He whispers.

"No. You're joking!" I begin doubting myself.

He looks at me with annoyance and I flinch knowing what he does when he gets pissed. A smile spreads across his face as he realizes I'm scared of him.

"You don't believe me?"

I bite my lip again and it bleeds some more. "STOP DOING THAT!" He yells. I flinch as far in to the floor as I can and turn away from him. I try to push him off me by shoving my hands in to his chest, but he just comes closer to me. He puts his face close to my neck where I can feel his breath on my skin. I can feel him trembling over me and he lets a small growl. His fist comes down right beside my face, and in to the floor with a massive bang and I squirm under him.

"Your 18th birthday. We are coming for you." He whispers in to my ear. He then gently runs his finger down my neck and stops right above my vein. Before I can react, he is gone.

I lay there and let out all the air i didn't realize I was holding in. The pain in my leg suddenly shot through my body as the adrenaline died down. He had twisted my ankle and most likely tore my hamstring. I clench my teeth and sit up as best I can.



He rushes over to me and I begin balling my eyes out. "What happened, Alex?" The response I could muster was a head shake. He lifts me up bridal style and sits me down on one of the chairs at the front desk.

"You need to tell me what happened. My best student doesn't just end up with a twisted ankle, a torn hamstring, and sitting on the floor in tears for no reason. And how the hell did a hole end up in my flooring?!"

Sensei was like a grandfather to me. I've known him since I was a little white belt at the age of 5. But this... I couldn't tell him. No way.

"I was practicing some of my moves and stepped wrong so I twisted my ankle and tore my hamstring." I say innocently. My lying is the worst... But it's all I could do.

"Then how did a hole end up in my floor?" His arms were crossed now.

"I was carrying one of the 50 pound dumbells over my head and accident dropped it."

"Hmm.. Okay." He shrugs.

"Okay?" My shock was quite obvious.

"Okay, if you're going to lie, I am banning you from the studio for 2 weeks."

"With this leg, I'll be out for that long." My smartass-side says.

"I don't mean starting now. Your 2 week ban starts after you have fully recovered." He turns and starts sorting paperwork.

"WHAT?! But that-"

"You were not taught to lie in this studio. You have broken one of our values and you know I cannot allow that." He picks up the phone and dials a number.

I fold my arms and groan. This is so not fair! I can't just tell him some freakishly strong, sexy, handsome, very attractive... Oh my gosh. Stop, Alex! I can't tell him some stranger came in here and attacked me and threatened me. Especially because he is some weirdo who thinks he is a vampire.

"Yes-. Mhmm-. Great, I'm glad you understand." Sensei hangs up the phone. "Your mother will be here to pick you up soon."

"What about my car?"

"She is bringing your brother who will drive it back for you."


"Yes, Alex?"

"Are vampires real? I mean, I know that's a stupid question, but could they possibly be real?"

He looks at me without a single hint of emotion. "Where did you come up with this?"

"I don't know I'm ju-"

"Never bring it up again!" He says quickly.

"But that didn't answer my ques-"

"Your mother is here." He nods towards the door then returns to his task of sorting files in the cabinets.

He ignored me... He never ignores me. What is going on? What the heck did vampire boy mean by my 18th birthday? What does he even want from me?

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