Chapter 8

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"I shouldn't have done it." Chris scolds himself.

"But you removed the poison." My mom reassures him.

"This is not good. She is connected to both Jonathan and me."

"Do not worry, it will pass with time. Jonathan will not be anywhere near her anytime soon, so his bond with her will fade. I assume the same will happen with yours." The tone in her voice fills with a hint of annoyance.

"This will only increase his urges for her." Chris says mainly to himself.

"His urges? Or yours?" Jacob raises an eyebrow.

Chris says nothing and just looks at the floor. "I'm ashamed, but she must not know."

"It's not my secret to tell." Jacob says as he walks away.

Chris turns around and walks back in to the room where I'm supposedly "sleeping". He sits down in a chair by the window and gazes outside.

I had been listening to their conversation for a while and didn't fully understand what they were talking about, but all I know is that Chris is hiding a secret from me.

I pretend to stir a little to make it seem as if I was just waking up.


"Hmmm?" My voice still sounds groggy so I didn't even need to fake that.

"How are you feeling?" His eyes glow an electric blue in the moonlight and I can't help but get a little transfixed.

"Better. When do I start my training?"

He looks at me with concern. "You're not yet fully recovered."

"My birthday is in 2 days! I don't care if I'm not fully recovered; Jonathan won't be waiting for me to heal." I felt bad for snapping at him, but I'm sick of being treated like a fragile little girl. "I don't understand why you're all treating me like I'm some porcelain doll! I can kick some serious butt with my Taekwondo abilities and I'm sure if I combine that with my rare abilities I can win! How the hell am I supposed to master 4 elements when I still haven't even discovered my other abilities and only have 2 days le-"

"Wait wait wait, stop right there. Did you say master all 4 elements?" He looks at me with disbelief.

"Oh crap." I slap myself on the forehead. "That's not what I meant! Forget I said that!"

"No, you just said it! How is this possible? This means... Oh my god." Chris bolts out the room.

"What have I done? Sensei specifically said not to reveal my abilities..."

I stand up, a little wobbly from being in bed for so long. The house is currently silent so I tiptoe my way out the room and down the hall to the staircase. Quiet voices can be heard from somewhere downstairs and I try to stay as silent as possible as I descend to the main entrance. Somewhere around the middle of the staircase the floor creaks loudly and I swear to myself.

"Alex?" My dad's voice resonates out from the room on my left. He walks out and folds his arms across his chest. "Now where do you think you're going?"

"I was getting water..."

"You have water by your bed."

My biggest downfall is lying and I hate it.

"I was hungry..." That wasn't a lie, but it also wasn't the reason I was coming down stairs.

"I'll have your mom prepare you something, head back to the guest room." He nods his head up towards the stairs.

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