Chapter 6

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Training with Sensei began at 7:00am. I arrived to the studio which showed an "out of business" sign on all the windows. They were blacked out and wooden boards covered the doors. I was confused, but Sensei brought me through the back.

Once inside, I observed what Sensei had done to the place. Everything was pretty much the same, but he had dummies set up around the room, a rack of knives on the wall, an assortment of bow and arrows on a table, and in the middle of the room he had a coffee table set with four items.

"Please take a seat in front of the coffee table." He pointed towards the center of the room.

"What's this for?"

"Everyone in the Royal Family undergoes tests to discover their abilities."

"But I thought we already figured that out, fire and healing."

"NEVER ADMIT YOUR POWERS OUT LOUD!" Sensei booms his voice in a way I've never heard.

I recoil back a little, "I apologize."

"No no, I'm sorry. I should have told you before we got started." He took a seat on the other side of the table to face me.

"Now, sometimes, the Royal Blood line will produce a member with many elemental abilities. The most in history was two, and that was your mother, who had water and earth. Your father on the other hand, was not of Royal blood, but he was a healer and a shifter, which is extremely rare in itself."

"What's a shifter?"

"Someone who can transform their body in to their true animal form, there is only one animal they can be."

"What was my father?"

"A bald eagle."

"That's so cool!" My excitement begins to boil over.

"You need to stay calm and relaxed, don't get too excited just yet." He pulls out a small blade with a family crest on it.

"Is that your family crest, Sensei?"

"No. It is yours." He places the blade on the table.

"You see these four things on the table? Can you tell me what they are and what they signify?"

"This first one is a lit candle, the second one is a pot of dirt, the third one is a cup of water, and the fourth one is an empty cup."

"Well done. Now what do they all mean?" He urges me on.

"Fire, earth, water, and air. The four elements."

"Correct! Your parents would be proud of your intellectual ability." He smiles to himself.


"Of course, they were wonderful people and were loved by all supernatural beings." There was sadness in his voice.

"I'm sorry, Sensei. We don't need to talk about it."

"Of course we do, they were your parents and are part of our important history." He picks up the blade.

"What's that for?"

"The process is simple. You place your hand above each elemental object and allow it to taste your blood. If it reacts, you are one with that force. Place your hand above the candle."

I do as I'm told, but pull my hand back as he brings the blade to my finger. "I'm afraid..."

"It's alright to be afraid. I promise this will be quick and painless. And remember, your mother went through the same process."

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