Chapter 25

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The switch was only a few days away. The thought was always at the back of my mind, lurking. It was impossible not to think about it, to worry. What would happen the day of the switch? What would I become? I found the bookshelves in the church common room to be helpful, they even had a few worn copies of the Lord of the Rings, something to take my mind off the future. I settled down on the ridiculously hard nun bed and immersed myself in a different world for an hour or so, only looking up when there was a soft knock on the door.

Aden was standing in the doorframe, a plate in one hand. "They made sandwiches for lunch, I figured you might be hungry."

I sat up, putting the book to the side. "Wow, thanks."

Aden walked over and sat down, placing the plate of sandwiches between us. "No worries. You're a Tolkien fan?"

I shrugged. "I've tried to read the books a couple times. But I have a short attention span. They're the best thing in the church library though, so I thought I'd give Frodo another chance."

Aden smiled, grabbing one of the sandwich triangles. "Tolkien is one of my favorites. When you live for as long as we do, you read a lot. It helps to pass the time and keep you from going...well, crazy."

We both thought of Morgan, but neither of said it. I grabbed one of the sandwiches and bit into it. Peanut butter and jelly, creative. "How long do you live?" I said, curious.

"Couple thousand years if no one kills us. We live longer than the Fates." Aden gave me a weak smile. "How are you doing, by the way?"

I swallowed. "How am I doing, considering the switch is only a couple days away?"

She nodded, studying my face.

"I'm okay," I lied, and took another huge bite so she wouldn't ask me anything else. She only nodded and stared down at the sandwich in her hand.

"You know," I said, finally. "You're not so bad."

She looked up, startled. "Pardon?"

"When I first met you, you were horrible." I told her pointedly, "but you did just bring me sandwiches, so you're okay in my books now."

Aden actually threw her head back and laughed, and I blinked at her. "What?" I had just reached down and picked up another sandwich, and now I yelped indignantly as she plucked it out of my hand. 

"I'm glad you approve of me now." She grinned.

"Well, that will change if you keep stealing sandwiches off me." I gave her a mock scowl and she laughed again. "So, when you dunked me in the fountain..."

"I was testing to see if you'd melt." I said, and then squawked when she punched me in the arm.

"You're a funny man."

"Yup," I muttered, rubbing my arm, "And you're a violent woman."

"Serves you right." Aden laughed.

"Okay, just remember you have ridiculous strength, and don't rip my arm off or anything, please." I said, only half joking.

Aden made a face at me. "I'll see what I can do. Hey, wanna go visit Harold again?"

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