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What happens when you die?

You live in either hell or heaven. My mum told me this.

  You enter another universe. My grandma told me. 

You float around the world. I read that in a book.

You finish your incomplete tasks. I saw that on TV.

You just roam around and chill. My friend told me.

Life starts over again. My teacher told me.

But isn't it exciting to know what is the truth behind it?

Whatever it is, it's for sure better than the horrible life here which gives nothing but torture everyday. It's painful. At least it's peaceful the other side.

So, my mind is set. I'll do something what I've been thinking about for a while. It's for my betterment. And maybe for everyone's.

I'll die.


The one thing that she didn't realise is that the place where she went to end her life is where her life actually begins because someone else is there who shares the same thought about life.

Both hate their life.

They have no motives.

But what if they become the motive for each other to live?

But the main question is, Is this Project Death going to work? or it's gonna go down in flames?



So, this is the third book of Project Series.

I'm so excited for this.

This is just an introduction. I'll update the chapters later. This is just to let you guys know that there will be another book and it'll be interesting.

The main characters are Harry Styles and Taylor Swift. If you're not comfortable with them being the main characters you can assume them to be someone else but please don't hate them. 

Please vote and let me know what you guys think about this.

-Cara x

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