Chapter 2 : The Kitchen

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I open my eyes and see the ceiling of some room, confused, I sit up looking at the room around me. It's a mess, with clothes everywhere and wrappers of food on the floor. How did I get here?

The door opens and the British man comes with a cup in his hand.

"I know you have a lot of questions." He said and hand me the cup of tea.

"Why don't you answer them, then?' I said.

"What do you exactly remember?" He sits beside me.

"I remember counting till 3."

He nods his head.

"Are you going to tell me or what?"

"Oh yeah." He raises his eyebrow. "Well, we counted and then out of nowhere police came, they must have seen us there. You freaked out and fell down on the road and hit your head."

My hand goes up to my head and I can feel some bandage wrapped on my head. No wonder why I have this headache.

"Then what happened?"

"They took us to the hospital."


"And when I saw the opportunity I used my skills and smart mind and ran away with you." He smiles.

"Wasn't it hard to take me with you?"

"You ask many questions." He shakes his head. "I know a few people there. They helped me."

I take a sip of the tea and it feels so comfortable.

"How can I trust you?" I asked.

He looks up at me and for the first time I see his eyes. Green eyes, that never looked this good.

"I don't know. Maybe because we both have the same motive."

"I have a feeling that you were the one who called the cops."

"If I'm the one who called the cops then where are the cops now?"

"You kidnapped me and didn't tell me." I realized that this can be a possibility too.

He laughs. "Then why am I giving you tea? And what will I get if I kidnap you? Are you a daughter of some millionaire?"

"I don't know what to do with you." I finish my tea and put it on the table filled with things.

"You don't have to do anything. You still up for what you wanted to do last night, right?"

"Yes." I said confidently. He smirks as he saw me being really determined to kill myself.

"Okay then. We'll find another way."

"I have an idea. Where's the kitchen?" I asked and he stands up. I follow him to the messy kitchen.

"Why is this place so clean?" I said sarcastically.

"Hey. This is my friend's house. He doesn't live here anymore."

I turn on the gas knob and he understands what I'm about to do. He open one drawer and take out a lighter.

We look at each other and I close my eyes as I wait for him to burn everything.

I hear the lighter burn, and I ready myself. But the blast didn't come, I can still feel myself standing in the same place. I open my eyes and see Harry holding a lighter with flame.

"Fuck, I've never cooked anything here before."

"So, there's no gas." I said sadly.

I open all the drawer and see nothing. Everything is empty.

"And there's no knife." I said.

I sit down on the floor, feeling extremely sad. I can't even die happily now.

"I don't know about you but I'm going out and will probably stand in front of some really fast car." He said and left the place.

I'm in shock to do anything. I'll just let him die first and maybe then I can do it alone and peacefully. I open the kitchen window and can see him walking out.

He looks everywhere, but there's no car, only cycles moving everywhere.

He takes a U-turn and shout. "Today is some cycling competition. So, no cars or any vehicle today." He said and I lost all my hopes.


Why can't I die?

I never had any say in the things that were happening in my life and now I can't even end it?

I feel hopeless and it kills me, not literally.

I can't live with all my memories. I just can't.

"You want pizza?" He asked.


"You can take a bath and change. I'm sorry but there are only men's clothes." He said and I nod.

I went inside the bathroom and thankfully there's a new toothbrush there, I tore it's box and start using it.

The sit on a bathtub and it calms me, I just sit there thinking about everything. We both tried to commit a suicide so many times and nothing worked. This feels like there's something that is opposing us to do it.

I don't know him, he doesn't know me and yet I am here in a house with him. What's the worst thing he can do? Kill me. That's exactly what I want.

But there's something in him that makes me trust him. Even though he makes lame jokes, I still saw sadness a few times on his face.

He's good looking without a doubt and seems like a person everyone can easily like. I wonder what happened in his life that made him take this decision.

I have my reasons, I wonder what are his. But I can't ask him, it's invading his privacy. I don't even know his name.

I quickly change my clothes to some loose grey t-shirt and running shorts that he must have kept on my bed.

I comb my hair and look in the mirror. I look presentable, a lot better than what I was looking a few minutes ago.

He is eating pizza and is sitting on a sofa.

"So, where's your friend by the way." I asked.

"He used to live here 2 years ago but got a new job in Paris and left with his wife." He said while eating.

"This is a nice place."

"Yeah, I know. I bought it for him."

"So, you're a rich Brit." I asked. I'm very confused, the guy is rich and want to die?

"Don't ask about my personal things." He said, with full seriousness in his tone. "I'm Harry by the way."

I can sense that something really horrible happened to him.

"I'm Taylor."

"Sit down, Taylor." He smiles at me.

I sit down and take the pizza, I haven't eaten anything in a really long time. I eat repulsively while he's watching a football match in which I'm not interested in.

I look at the pile of books kept under the table. I bend down and take the first one out.

'The Bucket List'

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