Chapter 5: Motor Bike

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With the helmet in it's proper position and few other security items, I'm all ready to learn this deadly vehicle. I've always been scared of this weird thing, and hence I never got a chance to be in a situation where I am right now.

"So. Riding a motorbike is very easy. Your motorcycle helmet is the single most important piece of equipment for motorcycling riding. It protects your head from injury in-"

"I know what a helmet does." I cut him mid sentence.

· "okay. Slowly let out the clutch lever until the bike starts to roll forward. You may have to pull back on the throttle slightly to prevent your bike from stalling while releasing the clutch. Once you are moving, accelerate slightly and pull your feet up onto the pegs. That's easy, right?"

I gulp and sit on it, learning everything that he told me. I had an idea about how to ride it, it's just that I never have tried.

I know how to do it. I can balance.

I know he's staring at me, watching my every move and it's very distracting.

"Shift a little." He sit behind me.

That was weird. I thought I have to do it on my own.

"You look like you're half dead."

He put his hand on top of mine as I feel him getting closer to me. His chest is touching my back and I observe his steady breathing to control mine. I turn my head a little to look at him and he narrows his eyes at me.

"The most important rule, always look in front." I quickly turn my head and look at the dark scene. It was actually a very stupid idea to ride this thing at night. It's all so dark and all the more scary.

Before I know what's happening, I felt the vehicle moving forward in a normal pace. We've never been this close, but I like this sense of security that I feel right now.

He's doing everything, and I'm here looking at the surrounding. The pace got a little faster, making me a bit tensed. But I think I can trust him, he knows what he's doing. I look at our hands, though his grip is hard, I like it.

I like the wind, rushing over us and that made me smile. I wonder why I've neve done it before. But then again, I'm doing absolutely nothing. It's all Harry.

"Do you like it?" He said over the voice of the motorbike.

"YES!" I yelled.

He laughs and my back vibrates, I like it. I have this urge to look at his face but I can't he was very serious about his rule.

He shifts a little and I know that his face is very close to my head.

"Pull the brakes very slowly." His lips almost touch me, for a second I lost the ability to function but as I feel the motorbike slowly decreasing the pace, I remember what I have to do.

I pull the brakes, slowly as he said. We sat there, for a few more seconds, I am relieving the experience again and I wonder what is going on in Harry's mind.

"You should get off first because I'm pretty sure if I do it first, you can't handle this bike alone."

"I turn my head, trying to look at him with expression 'your talks are irrational', but unfortunately I can't.

I somehow manage to get off, in a very amusing manner because I've never really done it before.

"You're a jerk." I said.

"The nicest jerk you'll ever meet."He smiles and park the bike. I look around to see where we are and there's only one thing that make me happy about this place.

"There's an amazing restaurant here. It's an ital.-"

"No No No. I don't want to go to any restaurant. We'll have hotdogs."


"Mikes hotdog." I said, stating the obvious thing. Everyone knows about it.

"But the place I was talking about is-"

"Mikes is just opposite to that shitty Italian expensive place. Let's go, I am not taking no for an answer."

He shakes his head. "After you ma'am." And I start to walk.

The look on Harry's face told me that he has never seen such a crowded place. Well, they have the best hotdog so it's understandable. I remember the first time I was here. It was my third day here and Mia took me here and promised me that it's the best.


Her name still makes me uncomfortable.

But I try to shake all her memories, the good ones, the bad ones as I shake my head.

"It's going to take hours."

"Not hours. Hour, probably." I corrected him and his eyes widen.

So, I stood in the line, Harry wanted no part in getting in this crowd and standing just for a hotdog, but I'm persistent.

The funny thing about this place is that it's always crowded and people from all ages can be seen here. It gives this overwhelming vibes, one of the reasons I stopped coming here was the vibe.

The little kid in front of me is jumping as he's getting closer to the counter. His mother is holding his little sister and he stops jumping just to play with her.

Can I go back to being a little kid?

When there were no worries, no hurt, no pain. The only painful thing about that age was breaking a toy.

And I was a nice kid who always used to take care of my things.

After 44 minutes, I finally have two hotdogs. It took me a minute to find Harry, he's sitting by the road, looking up at a building.

"Here you go pal."

I hand him the hotdog, and he looks at the much awaited thing.

"Let me just take a moment to observe this." He laughs.

"Don't make fun. Just eat."

"It better be worth it."


He laughs one more time before taking a bite.

"This is..."He stare at me. "What is this? This flavor is different."

"Different in a good way?"

He chews it before smiling. "Maybe."

"Oh Mr. Harry, you love it."

"Maybe." He said as he repulsively eats.

This man is an idiot.    

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2017 ⏰

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