Chapter 3 : The Bucket List

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'The Bucket List'

Inside the books there are so many adventurous things, I'm actually fascinated by this. The font is pretty too.

"What are you reading?" He asked.

"It's a bucket list."


"A bucket list! You know, a list of things that one has not done before but wants to do before dying."

"And why are you reading this?"

"Because it's interesting."

"Are you thinking of doing a few things from here?" He asked. The movie on the TV is forgotten as now his whole attention is on me.

"Well.. This is interesting.."

"You've said it before. Give it to me." He said, snatching it from me.

"That's not nice. I was reading it." I said.

"Oh, what are you going to do? Kill me? Please do it, Taylor"

I roll my eyes. I bet he is a rude, manner less person and everyone hates him. That's why he wants to kill himself.

"Strip in front of a stranger." He read out loud. "I like this one. You should do it."

"Oh my god, you're horrible."

"Sky diving. This is actually interesting." He keeps reading things out from the book.

"You know what." He said all of a sudden.


"We should do it."

"I'm not stripping in front of a stranger." I warned.

"No, not that. I was kidding. But this list seems quite interesting."

I look at the book on his lap and then at him again.

"You're saying we should make a bucket list?" I asked.

"Yeah. Look at this one, dance with dolphins." He seems like an idiot to me right now.

"Let's suppose that I agree to this. Then how are we going to do it?" I asked, facing him now.

"We're going to pick out things from here and will do the thing." He said.

"This is exciting, Harry but we don't have much time." Death is waiting for us.

He looks down at the book and then at the TV. He stares at the TV for a few seconds before jumping.

"What's the date today?" he asked.

"10th December." I answered.

"Think about this. We'll start doing everything that we've always wanted to do but couldn't and then after few weeks we can jump off from that same bridge where we first met. What say?"

Is he serious? I look at him for a minute to see if he's joking or not, just his expression is still the same. This is a big deal, postponing something this huge. But, Is it worth it?

"Come on, do you really want to die sadly?"

"I'm sad, that's why I'm up for a suicide." I said.

All this is confusing. So, he wants us to be together for a few weeks so that we can do things we wanted to do before we die and then die together. It does bring excitement but is it going to end well?

"Taylor, this is going to be lit." He said and I laughed.

"Lit? You British people say this word?" I laughed.

"I'm serious." He said.

"How about New Year?" I asked.


"How about we jump off from that bridge on New Year?"

"Sounds good to me." He smiles.

"When are we going to start this?" I asked him.

"Tomorrow, maybe. We'll talk about rules tonight and by the way, you'll be staying here with him. I don't want you to get out and complain about everything to the police."

"That's never going to happen." I assured.

"I know you for what, a day?"

That's true. We've known each other for less than a day and here I am trusting him, doing things that he suggests. Should I trust him this fast? But he did help me in the hospital and this might prove to be an adventure.

Am I doing the right thing?

I don't know how he's so fast in making me do things, it's almost like he knows how to get things done from me which is quite scary. I divert my attention to some Leonardo DiCaprio movie that he's watching now.

He's talking to someone in the lift with a gun in his hand, he looks freaked out. The lift opens and suddenly someone shoots him straight in the forehead. My eyebrow raised and my eyes popped out. I start watching this movie and he died. Why can't death be this easy?

And then someone gets shot and then someone else.

Too many shootings for me today.



I think it's making a little sense to you now, right? There's still a lot to come in this.

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