Friends? - Liam Dunbar

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"Guess who" A voice asked as a pair of hands covered my eyes.


"Oh come on Y/N, it's not that hard," he whined, keeping his hands in front of my eyes.


"Finally!" He said, before uncovering my eyes and taking his place across from me at the lunch table, "how was Chemistry gorgeous?"

"It was uhh... good," I stuttered feeling my cheeks redden. He's always called me that, but it never fails to leave a blush on my face.

After a few minutes of talking amongst ourselves and Mason, Liam gets quiet.

"Can I tell you something?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah sure," I smiled.

"I-" he started before Stiles ran over.

"Y/N! There you are, I need your help with something," he rushed out, as usual.

"But Liam was about to-"

"Its a matter of life and death come on," he urged, pulling on my arm and dragging me away.

"Maybe later?" I quickly mumbled to Liam before Stiles dragged me out of the cafeteria.

Liam didn't reply.

He just sat at the lunch table, shoulders hunched over whist looking down. Mason looked down at him, sympathy written in his eyes.

Liam's POV

"You okay Liam?" Mason asked carefully putting a hand on Liam's shoulder.

"No," he whined, "every time I try and tell Y/N how I feel someone always gets in the way."

"Maybe it's for the best," Mason started, receiving a hard glare from Liam, "I mean, maybe it hasn't worked out yet because it's not the right time."

"So what do you suggest I do?" Liam asked, looking up at Mason with hope.

"Well..." Mason thought, "maybe go round to her place tonight with pizza or take her out then tell her?"

"Tonight?" Liam's eyes grew big.


"You dragged me out here for this?" I said angrily gesturing to the lacrosse equipment scattered at her feet, "how is this life or death?"

"Oh come on Y/N," Stiles whined, "if I don't improve on my aim by Saturday, coach will kill me."

"And why didn't you get Scott?"

Stiles didn't reply, he just turned and pointed in the direction of where Scott sat with Theo.

"Oh," I replied, "okay, well let's start practicing then."

Fast forward to later that night.

Liam's POV

I can do this.
Just walk up to that door and tell her how you feel.
You've rehearsed this, now put the words to action.

"Well here goes nothing," he whispered before knocking on her door.

He heard stuff moving, and light thumping coming down the stairs.

His heart beat faster with her every step.

"Hey Liam," Y/N smiled whilst opening the door, "why'd you knock? You know you can come straight in."

"I know.. I-uh," he stuttered, "there's something really important I need to tell you."

"Is this what you were trying to tell me at lunch? I'm so sorry I-"

"I like you," Liam blurted out.

"You what?" Y/N whispered a little taken back that her best friend actually had feelings for her.  She smiled softly once her brain processed the words.

"I-uh like you, very much actually, and I was hoping that you like me back," he smiled sheepishly, blushing as he looked at the ground.

A/N It's been forever since I've updated I'm so so so so sorry. School has been hectic with loads of exams coming up so I apologise. Hopefully once they're over I may have the chance to update more.

Hope you enjoy!! x

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