Blueberry Jam and Tonic water

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Fall was Seungcheol's the favourite season,
It is a little chilly yes, but he didn't mind it, beside it is that little cold that can give you an excuse to hold the hand of your loved one and warm each others up.

That thought of cuddling with a loved one in breezy days first brought a smile to his face, yet, a second later he sighed in discouragement, it has almost been five days he has been trying to approach Jeonghan after the incident, as if his golden hair muse was purposely avoiding him. And the worst of all is as the law student was to busy staring at that gorgeous figure and making a fool of himself, he actually forget to ask for his class number the other day.

He just finished his basketball team practice in that afternoon and was about to go home for a hot shower when he heard a loud crushing sound and turned his gaze to the direction of the voice, he saw a brown head student struggle to carry a large box.
Naturally kindhearted, Seungcheol approached him and asked him if he needed help, and he recognized the one in distress, it was one of Jeonghan's friend at the table the other day.
The latter seemed to have recognized him as well, wanting to refuse at first, but feeling the weight of the box almost crushing his hands, he willingly handed to Seungcheol that already extended his arms to take it already.
The shorter boy leaded the way while explaining to the friend's admirer that the stuff inside are intended for an upcoming music event and they arrived at a storage room not long after.
Jeonghan's friend seemed impressed about how easy comparatively it was for him to carry that box. Seungcheol wanted to leave a good impression so he asked if there is anything else he could help with. Then the boy shyly told him that there are still a dozen other boxes out there that needed to be discharged.
After a good hour of work, they were finally done and the red hair boy thanked him gratefully.
When they walked back to their respective dorm, they have started chatting a little and the boy said with a small grin "You are not too bad as a person Seungcheol, in fact, maybe you would even suit Jeonghan well."
Seungcheol couldn't be more happy to hear that while his lips turned into his brightest smile. He wanted to thank the younger, yet he wasn't sure what is his name, well he have heard Jeonghan call him Boo the other day so...
"Thank you..." Seungcheol paused for half a second "Boo-shi?"
Realizing it sounded a lot like a certain past American president, he quickly shut his lips trying hard to reprimand a laugh twisting the features of his face.
The younger boy seemed to have hear this joke more than often and yelled out "Yah! I take it back! You don't match Jeonghan at all! " he pouted "I'll go say a lot of bad things about you to him!"
Seungcheol, having calming down, apologized sincerely and asked politely what he liked to be called.
"Seungkwan" The brown curly haired boy seemed to be less mad now.
When they reached on intersection and were about to separate ways, Seungkwan called him "I wasn't going to tell you this, but since you was really nice helping me with the boxes, it will be my little compensation for you."

Jeonghan was beyond tired, a three and half hour lab that needs a maximum concentration at all time was exhausting even if he is that famously talented Yoon Jeonghan.
He slowly took of his white coat and tossed it on the hanger before dragging himself to his locker.
Yet, when he opened it, something unexpected caught his eyes.
There was a blueberry jam cupcake (from the bakery around the corner since they are less sweet than the usual ones) with a bottle of tonic water, his favorites.
Subconsciously, he kind of guessed who that could be from, yet he doubt that person knew his likings so well, he was too tired and hungry to refuse food right now anyway, and even if it is poisonous, at least he died with a full stomach.
From there, each time he finished a long lab, there seemed to have food or drinks that he liked that would magically appear in his locker, and sometimes, even little post-its will be attached to it with encouraging notes that says he did well and don't force himself too much, caring about whether he has dressed warm enough for the colder evenings, or simply just wishing him a nice day.
He wanted to refuse each time yet his tiredness and growling belly always made him fall into the trap.
One day, after another three hours of extracting, measuring and analyzing, he reached his locker as usual, yet when he opened it,
nothing was there.
He thought maybe this time those little gifts have fall in his lockers, but all he could find were books.
Then he suddenly realized, he isn't supposed to expect or even accept those small surprises in the first place.
Why is he feeling disappointed from something should have never happened at all?
Jeonghan slowly closed his locker and bitted his lips,

The strawberry milk of the other day and now those,

Habits are dangerously addictive.

And he can't let that happen.

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