Lemon Meringue and Orange Carrots

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The end of November brought a short period of fresh breeze where student can finally relaxed for a week or two before finals came.
A small group of students weren't so lucky to throw of their books away, they gathered around a desk in the now empty med library and furiously typed down on their laptop.

"I can't believe professor Choi gave us a report due for the reading week!" whined Seungkwan, defeated, pretending to bang his head on the table.
Jisoo was among them, dragged there against his will by Seokmin to help them since "he was an expert in medical plant" according to his original words.
"Where is the two geniuses when we need them" whined Krystal, a classmate of their small group of friends and that also happens to come from LA.
"They just started their clinical practices" explained Changkyun, another black haired classmate who look unusually mature for his age.
"I thought we are not allowed to do so before next year" argued Krystal knocking her pen on the notebook.
"But you just said they were geniuses" pointed out Seungkwan, sassy as usual.
"I hate those smart kids." mumbled Krystal leaning on her friend Luna, who was a year older than them.
"I heard it." a notebook softly tapped on top of her head, and as she turned, the protagonists of their conservations were right behind them.
"Oh my good lord savior, you guys came, help us with that damn report" Krystal pulled Jeonghan closer trying to bribe him with puppy eyes, ignoring disgusted expression Changkyun gave to her aegyo.
While Jeonghan shuffled through the pages of their report, Seungkwan turned towards Jun and asked "So how is the clinic?"
The Chinese male shrugged and said "Since we are stucked in triage all day, the most interesting thing that happens everyday is to argue with patients that think they know more then you, otherwise nothing much."

Krystal retorted playfully:
"Of course it would be easy for your guys, just look at that cheonsa-nim here, there is nothing about the way he acts that doesn't scream I-am-freaking-awesome-doctor."
"Believe or not, Dr-Perfect-Yoon-Jeonghan was the first among us to receive a patient complaint just last week" Jun casually dropped a small bomb among the group.
"That's so nice of you to remind me that again." thanked sarcastically Jeonghan.
"Now, that's interesting! What happened?" Seungkwan pushed his books away and pulled his chair closer, as the rest of people had their full attention towards the Chinese student.
"Don't you dare say it!" glared Jeonghan desperately trying to cover his mouth yet hold back by Seokmin and Seungkwan.
"A middle aged woman came suspecting she had an infection in her private into emergency the other day, and refused to let me do the inspections, insisting that we get the blond "female" doctor to do the job..." Jun grinned wider by each second remembering the scene "And after a few attempts of convincing there was no "female" doctors available right now, Jeonghan became so mad that he grabbed that poor woman's hand put it on his chest."

There was a moment of silence, then a global laugh exploded around the table.
Seungkwan, laughing the loudest among them jokingly said:
"Did you watch too much drama? Are you in coffee prince or something?"
Jeonghan sighed and sarcastically answered:
"What else could have I done, take of my shirt? then I'll get sued for exhibitionism"
He then grabbed his coffee to leave for his lab meeting and Jisoo stood up and left in the pretext that he needed to grab something as well.

As they walk through the corridors, Jisoo's eyes landed on a particular accessory on his friend's wrist when he took out his phone.
"I don't remember you wearing that before." started the taller male pointing towards the shining jewelry.
"Oh that" Jeonghan raised his wrist to show him better "It is actually an elastic carrier shaped as a bracelet. Seungcheol gave it to me, not that I want it anyway, but he said it was a gift for the start of our friendship and it is kind of useful.
Jisoo bitted his lips once Jeonghan attention turned back to his phone.
This is going out of hand now.
He thought at first with Seungcheol's personality, he would never have accepted being friend-zoned, but he seems to have taken it much better than expected. To his discontentment, the law student wasn't like Jeonghan's usual suitors that eventually give up after a few weeks in front of his coldness. Yet Seungcheol seems to fulfill his role of new friend and using it to his full advantage and he even seems to have work around to find Jeonghan's weakness: he is too naturally kind to remain unmoved for long.
The worst part is that the pretty long haired boy next to him doesn't seem to have realized that yet, each time they met, the conversion will always eventually turn to Seungcheol, mostly Jeonghan's complaints about what annoying or cheesy things the latter said or did.
His opponent is catching up at incredible pace, even if Jeonghan hang out with him often since they are both in the biology building , he still needed to step up his game as well.
The American student walked closer and asked "want to come to my house after work? I can make you some lemon meringue pie and show you the new songs I learnt on my guitar, like the old days"
Jeonghan grinned "oh god Jisoo you are so childish, but yeah sure, why not."

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