Crispy Chicken and Warm Sake

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Jisoo was exhausted and freezing, even though the temperature is above zero, it rained in the morning adding humidity with the glacial ground made the worst weather Seoul had that year.

As he descended from the cab, and dragged his almost numbed, either by fatigue or cold, body as best he could towards the door.

At least he is home now, the ginger male let out a sigh of exasperation, he could really use a steamy hot bath, a burning cup of hot chocolate and a phone call with someone his heart desperately ached for.

The words of Seungkwan lingered in his head since that talk in the hall, and though he refuse to agree with what he said was probably painfully true, Jisoo just knew he really couldn't lose him again...

But he is just worrying to much for nothing, they are just friends, Jisoo tried to shook it off and didn't want to let those unpleasant thoughts bother him anymore before turning the door knob.

"Welcome back!" A bright voice greeted him enthusiastically, the one that he missed so much that Jisoo thought he was having auditory hallucinations.

He almost wanted to rub his eyes whether the gorgeous being smiling at him was real, until the soft touch of the latter's hand landed on his, guiding him in.

Before stepping in, he took a quick glance at the number next to the door making sure he didn't walked into the wrong home. it wasn't a dream, it was well non other than his own home, so what was that angel of his doing here?

Happiness soon over take the initial confusion, he isn't going to question his good luck, especially not when Jeonghan is here.

Once pass the doorway, Jisoo take a step forward before wrapping his arms around the delicate boy's thin waist from behind and burried his face into the latter's neck, smelling his soothing scent, before murmuring a soft: "I missed you."

"Oh don't be silly, since when are you so touchy, Mr.Hong?" chuckled Jeonghan pinching his arm softly before pulling him into the living room "Come on in, we are not going to stand at the entrance all day, on top of that, I shouldn't even be the one inviting you in since it is your house."

Mrs.Hong let out a small squeak of joy, before rushing to hug his son tightly, yet as soon as they parted, she scolded:

"You are quite late, you should have called us instead of letting us wonder where you have been, Hong Jisoo!"

Jisoo bend over to place a quick kiss on her cheek, before replying apologetically:

"My flight was delayed and my phone died, sorry for making you worried."

When they finally all took a seat on the creamy colored cashmere coated couch, Jisoo's mother proceed to explain Jeonghan's sudden appearance:

"Your father and I decided to invite Jeonghan over for New Year since his parents went to visit Jeonghwa." and added to the regards of the long haired male "Darling, you should have let us know earlier, we would have invited you for Christmas as well."

Before she could chat any longer, the maid came over notifying of an urgent phone call awaiting for her.

After they are left alone, Jisoo turned towards his friend and asked: "So which room are you staying in?"

"The guest bedroom?" Jeonghan took a sip of the tea in front of him quite unsure of the reason he is asking that.

"Have you consider, I don't know, maybe moving into mine instead?" Jisoo casually proposed.

Jeonghan crooked an eyebrow at that proposition and argued back:

"What make you think I would want to squeeze myself with another guy of almost the height when I can simply lay comfortably on my own bed without having to share with anyone else?"

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