Triple shot espresso and Fried Tofu

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Standing in the middle of brown boxes of various sizes and plastic covered furniture to the sound of occasional instruction of direction,

Seungcheol never knew a moving day could make him so happy.

One week ago,

"You have been staring at your phone for so long Hannie" Seungcheol pouted at the gorgeous male sitting across him on the grass, at the secluded field concealed behind a line of flower pot behind the law building, their new favorite dating spot, a little secret shared between them.

The weather was more than pleasant for an early spring afternoon, the sun radiating on the sky, a light refreshing breeze brushing through his blonde locks, yet none of those made the blond male's frowning expression go away.

"I am sorry babe" Jeonghan yet out a small sigh abandoning his device and a smile curved on his lips seeing the latter's adorable puppy expression as he patted his boyfriend's cheek apologetically "I have been trying to find a new roommate for the past few weeks, but nothing really seems to work out."

"What about Jun?" The raven haired boy asked curiously opening his arms for Jeonghan to cuddle in.

"His boyfriend is transferring here next semester, though I don't really care about disturbing Junhui, but Minghao is so cute that I don't have the heart of third wheeling them." Jeonghan replied with Seungcheol's chin pressed on top of his head.

He might have purposely forgot mention that Seokmin and Seungkwan did offer him to share their room but at the image of Seungkwan bombarding him with gossips and Seokmin with his lame puns added to the loudness of both of their voices and constant singing making him questioning whether they live in some real-life Broadway musical made him overlook that option immediately.

They stayed silent for a while with Jeonghan inside the elder's arms, fingers intertwined, both lost in their thoughts as the ruffling sounds of the leaves echoed through the open space.

Jeonghan could feel his boyfriend swallow his saliva back a few time before hearing what sounded like music to his ears: "Do you want to move in with me?"


"Are you sure Hansol and Soonyoung won't mind you moving out to another dorm?" Jeonghan, uncertain about this whole situation, asked again as he handed the latter a water bottle and wiping his sweating forehead with a tissue.

Seungcheol couldn't hide his silly grin each time the blonde male did something caring towards him and reassured him:

"Nan, they'd be fine without me, and plus they seem to appreciate that I offered them more space."

"...They need intimacy as well? Like Junhui and his boyfriend?" Jeonghan was unable to hide his surprise hearing that response.

"What? No!" Seungcheol choked on the water he was just given and immediately explained "Oh my God No! Hansol has always been complaining about how small our dorm was to fit three people in it, there is nothing going on between them trust me!" Before ruffling through his hair in an exaggerate manner "Oh God, just at the thought of the image of Hansol and Soonyoung dating will haunt me for days."

"Good to know" Jeonghan released a chuckle of relief.

Now it was Seungcheol's turn to be surprised, as he crooked a brow, asked back:

"Are you interested in one of them?"

Not waiting for an answer, Seungcheol quirkily replied to himself:

"Nan, I am way better than them anyway"

Before Jeonghan could say anymore, Seungcheol pointed to the side walk and declared "Oh, they came back!" before running towards the white SUV pulling over.

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