Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to All larry believers

Louis slowly opened his eyes. The sun shined lightly through the white curtains. He was still drowsy and didn't even notice the boy beside him. Harry rolled over and mumbled something in his sleep. The night before had been more than perfect to Louis. After the two had left the Funky Buddha, they went back to his flat and talked for the rest of the night until Louis felt asleep in Harry's arms. When Louis noticed that Harry lay beside him, he smiled. He didn't say anything, because he didn't want to wake Harry, he just looked so beautiful and peaceful. Louis got up silently and walked into the kitchen. He turned the coffee machine on and looked out of the window. The streets of London were already quite busy and it looked like a surprisingly sunny and warm morning. He sat down on the windowsill with his cup of coffee and looked down at the street. There were a few business people trying to get a cab and some mum's with their children. Louis never liked the crowded streets of London, he liked it to be around a lot of people, but whenever he was walking through London, he felt like was going to be crushed to death and that was a really disturbing feeling. Harry woke up and looked around the room. At first he didn't really know where he was, but when he realized that he was in Louis' bedroom he sighed with relief. He searched for Louis and when he couldn't find him, he walked straight into the kitchen, since Harry knew that Louis couldn't start a morning without a cup of coffee. Louis was still sitting on the windowsill and didn't even notice that Harry entered the room. Harry put his hands on Louis' shoulders and grinned when Louis frightened slightly. “Morning.” Louis turned around and smiled at Harry. He was happy, really happy and there was not even a touch of sadness in the room. Harry sat down beside him and took his hand. “You're smiling, that's good.” “Yes...” Louis smiled and blushed slightly. Harry was the reason for his smile and Louis hoped that he knew that. Harry knew it, he knew it and it scared him. He was scared, because he knew that he was the one that made Louis happy, but that also meant that he was the one that could make Louis sad again and he didn't want to make him sad, he hated it to see Louis cry and he wanted to prevent that. “My mum, Gemma and her fiancee are going out to eat tonight. They asked us to come with them.” Louis gulped. “R-really?” Harry noticed that Louis got a little bit nervous and carefully took his hand again. “Don't worry.” Louis gulped again and stuttered. “O-okay. S-sure.” “Does that mean 'yes'?” “Y-yes.” Louis slowly caught his breath again. “Yes, I would love to meet your mum. I've already met Gemma...last night, but I didn't know that she was engaged.” Harry grinned. “Yes...uhm last night. She's getting married next week.” “Cool. I have to go to Uni now, because my Professor wanted to talk to me, do you wanna wait here or...?” “I'll wait.” “Good.” Louis smiled and grabbed his bag. He left his flat and didn't dare to turn around, because if he would see Harry now, he wouldn't leave at all.

Louis entered the nearest tube station and searched for his oyster card. He never really liked it to travel by tube. The trains were always so crowded and no-one seemed to care about the general weal. Louis stopped in front of the card reader and searched through his bag. The people behind him were getting angry and started shouting at him and pushing him forward. Louis was more than glad when he finally found his card and was able to get through. He entered the train and wanted to sit down beside a girl. “Is this seat taken?” “No.” The girl smiled politely and Louis sat down. He opened up his timer and looked at his appointments. Wednesday, 1PM – Lunch with mum and Lottie. He searched through his backpack for his phone and when he finally found it, he dialed the number of his mum. “Mum?” “Yes, darling?” “I'm on my way to Uni, I have to talk to my Professor, but I'll be there at about half one?” “Sure, see you later.” “Yes, see you later, love you.”

When the train stopped Louis didn't even realize that he had arrived, until the girl beside him told him. “Oh, yes. Thanks.” Louis left the train as fast as possible and almost ran to the campus of the University of Arts.” After he had talked to his Professor Louis got to the tube station again. The train ride took forever, since the train had to stop a few times. When he arrived Louis walked to the little restaurant and already saw his mum Jay and his sister Lottie sitting behind the big window. He sat down and smiled. “Hi, sorry that I'm late.” “No worries, boo bear.” Jay patted his shoulder lightly. “Yes, boo bear. No worries.” Lottie laughed loudly. Louis looked at his younger sister with a sinister eye. He leaned towards her and whispered: “Shut it, Charlotte.” The younger girl chuckled and continued to eat her salad. His mother turned towards her son and sipped on her tea. “How's Uni?” “Good...yeah, good.” “Lovely. You know that I'm giving a party for my birthday this Friday, you're coming right?” “Sure.” “Do you wanna bring someone?” “Maybe...” There was only one person that Louis wanted to bring, but he wasn't quite sure if Harry was really the right company for a family event, since he hadn't told his family about his sexuality yet and he didn't want to tell them about that either. “I invited Hannah.” Louis stopped talking and starred at his sister. “Hannah Walker?” “Yes, pillock.” “Why?!” “Because she's my friend and beside that you don't have to yell at me, Lou.” Jay didn't say anything and just looked at her children with a grin on her face, she seemed to find it somewhat amusing. “Okay, she's your friend, but she's also my ex-girlfriend and let's just say I want to bring a girl to mum's party, that wouldn't be really enjoyable for either of us.”

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