Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to All larry believers

 Louis opened his eyes and was surprised that he was still breathing. He looked at the clock and sighed when he saw the time – 7AM. He searched for his phone and checked if Harry had texted him or even called him, but he hadn't. He wanted to go to sleep again when he heard a noise in the kitchen. Louis slowly got up and tried to make no noise. It could have been his mother Jay, since she had a key to his flat, but he wanted to be safe anyway, so he was very careful. He entered the kitchen and was more surprised to find Harry standing in front of the cooker, making some sausage and eggs. "Harry?" "Morning." "What are you doing here?" "I'm making us some breakfast." "I see, but why are you here?" "I wanted to make sure you're alright." "I'm alright, since you are here now." Louis smiled and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist. Harry smiled and it was like they never fought. "Lou? I'm sorry, that I said that I wanted a break, I was just uhm...basically I was just really angry and I did talk some shit." "I'm just happy that you're here, Haz." Louis smiled, his arms were still wrapped around the other boy, who was surprisingly tall, considering that he was younger than Louis, but Louis loved the height difference and he loved Harry's sweater and his hair and his smell and everything about him.

Today was the big day for Harry's sister Gemma and Louis had probably never been so excited and happy before. Harry was happy too and he enjoyed to just sit there and admire Louis, while the other boy was getting ready. "I love weddings." Harry smiled and chuckled at the same time. "I know." "How do you know that? I've never told you." "You did..." "You remember everything, don't you?" "Uhm...that can be really useful, Lou." Louis laughed and continued to get dressed.

Harry parked his black Range Rover right beside the car of his mother and looked around to check if his mother was already there. The two boys entered the church and sat down in the front row. Louis held Harry's hand and smiled when he saw the little flower girls. "Do you like kids?" "Of course I do, I've always wanted kids." "Me too..." Harry smiled brightly when his friend Lou, her fiancé Tom and their daughter Lux entered the church and sat down beside him and Louis. "That's Louis and that's Lou." Both of them started laughing. "Nice to meet you, Lou." "Likewise, Louis." Louis looked at Lux and he just seemed to be really happy that a little kid was around. "What's her name?" "Lux." Harry smiled. "I'm her godfather." "Really?" Harry nodded and started talking to Lou and Tom, while holding baby Lux.

When Gemma and her father entered the church, everyone stood up and admired the beautiful girl. The white dress fit her like a clove and her hair felt perfectly. Gemma smiled brightly at her little brother when she walked by and her mum Anne, who sat beside Harry, started crying. Louis put his head on Harry's shoulder and whispered: "You better pray that I don't catch the bridal bouquet today, because you know that I really love weddings." "I'd love to marry you to be honest." Louis smiled and looked at Harry. How could someone like Harry say something like that to someone like him? It was confusing and Louis didn't really understood why someone like Harry felt in love with him. Harry was everything he ever wanted and Louis always thought of himself as a human wreck. Of course he had a girlfriend in the past, but Louis never really believed that Hannah loved him, neither did he really believe that someone else would ever really love him. That was probably the reason why Louis got so sad and depressed, he thought that he would never be good enough, he thought that he would never be loved. Harry saved him. When Louis met him, he was mournful and wanted to finally end his pathetic life, but then he met this boy, that boy with that beautiful smile and those beautiful eyes, that wonderful boy, that seemed like the most carefree person in the world, full of joy, full of live – full of love.

After the ceremony Gemma went outside and announced that she would throw the bridal bouquet soon. Harry took Louis hand and kissed him. " should hurry up and try to catch the bouquet." "I don't think I'm going to catch it, I'm cursed with bad luck." Louis walked out of the church and stood directly behind all the girls, that wanted to catch the bridal bouquet. He didn't even want to try to catch it, but Harry looked kinda eager. Gemma turned around. "Ready?1...2...3!" The red roses flew through the air and past all the girls in front of Louis, who had his hand up in the air, trying to reach it. Louis smiled at Harry, when he caught the flowers. "This must be a mistake. Does anyone else...?" Harry glared at his boyfriend. "Noo, you're not giving them away." Gemma walked towards them and hugged Louis tightly. "Right, the flowers chose you, accept it and don't forget to invite me to your wedding." Gemma grinned and walked away.

Harry and Louis were sitting at a table with Tom, Lou and Lux. The lights dimmed and a slow song started playing. Harry looked at Louis and smirked. "May I have this dance?" Louis grinned and looked at the ground. "You're on a whole new level of charmer, Styles." "That's why you love me, Tomlinson." Louis nodded and stood up, he followed Harry on the dance floor and didn't let go of his hand. Harry put his hands on Louis hips and started dancing. "I'm sorry, uhm I'm basically a terrible dancer." Louis laughed and Harry smiled, because he loved it to see Louis laugh, because then he knew that Louis was truly happy and there was nothing better in the world than to see his boyfriend happy. "I'm not a good dance either." "You're better than me, Lou." Louis chuckled. "You're a terrible liar, that's what you are, Haz." "I wasn't lying." "Harry..." The younger boy leaned forward and kissed Louis. "Don't argue." Louis rolled his eyes. "I wasn't arguing." He kissed Harry back and put his head on his shoulder again.

Louis pushed his door open and pulled Harry inside. He took of his shirt and tossed it on the ground, Harry did the same. The two boys slowly moved towards the bed and laid down. Harry was on top of Louis and looked at him. The haven't got that intimate and he was scared and excited at the same time. He just wanted to get sure that Louis truly trusted him. "I love you, Lou." Louis chuckled. "I know. I love you too, Haz." He leaned in for a kiss and trembled slightly when Harry's bare torso touched his skin. "Are you okay?" Harry smiled at Louis, but he was a little bit worried. "Y-yes. I'm totally fine..." He continued to kiss Harry and slowly undid his boyfriend's trousers. Harry took them off and tossed them to the ground. He raised, until Louis was sitting on his lap and slowly ran his fingers over Louis' spine. Louis looked at him hopeful and leaned towards to kiss him again.

Harry sat at the kitchen table and read the newspaper. Louis was still asleep and he didn't want to wake him up. He didn't even noticed that Louis had entered the kitchen. Louis hugged him from behind and kissed him on his neck. Harry turned around and smiled. "What do you wanna do today?" "I have to go to work later, I haven't been working for a while now..." Harry smirked and pulled Louis onto his lap. "Well, you don't have to go to work today." Louis grinned. "No, Haz. I actually have to go to work today, but we could do something after I've finished work." "Uhm...yes we could go to a concert or something like that. I heard that the Fray is a really good band and my mum got me two tickets." Louis smiled, Harry knew that Louis was a massive fan of the Fray. "The Fray? You know that I love the Fray. Can't believe that you got tickets, thanks." Louis kissed Harry gently and then walked back into his bedroom.

It had been a long and exhausting day and Louis was more than glad that Harry picked him up. "Hi." Harry smiled and pulled Louis' face closer to kiss him. "Hi. How was your day?" "Good, I mean a girl spilled her caramel machiato over me and then I had to change and then another girl spilled her chocolate mocha over me and I didn't even bother to change anymore and then my boss asked me why I didn't change and he got pretty angry and said that it was 'unprofessional' and yeah." "Wow, I'm sorry." "You don't have to be sorry, it's not your fault that some girls don't know how to drink coffee." "Uhm...we have to be at the concert in half-an-hour, there's a new shirt for you in the back, so you can change." "Thanks, Haz." Louis climbed into the back of the car and changed as quickly as possible. "I've listened to the Fray all day long, because I didn't know all of their songs. What's your favourite song?" Louis chuckled. "You did? Probably 'Look after you'." "That's a great song." Louis smiled. "Yes, it is."

When the boys arrived at the theatre there was already a long queue. Harry and Louis stood in the front row and Louis couldn't believe that he would get to see the Fray live. When the band got on stage the whole crowd cheered. Harry hugged Louis tightly from behind and made sure that he was safe. Throughout the whole concert Harry kept hugging Louis and when 'Look after you' started Louis turned around and looked at his boyfriend. Harry smiled and leaned forward to kiss Louis. "I love you, Harry." "I love you too, Lou."  

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