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"Isn't great to be here?"

I look at Roman with a dead expression as I open my luggage. "What do you think?"

"Don't be like this, Letha." He puts an arm around my shoulders. "This is supposed to be fun."

"I was better at home." I say this bitterly but it is the truth.

A few months ago, our parents enrolled us in some kind of boarding school. My father declared living away from them to be a "good learning experience" and a "keepsake I'd treasure forever." Yeah. Keepsake. And I would've pointed out his misuse of the word had I not already been freaking out.

Since the announcement, I've tried yelling, begging, pleading, and crying, but nothing has convinced them otherwise. Roman, on the other hand, was happy to get rid of our parents. And now I have a new travel card, declaring me: Letha Wayland, citizen of Hosnian Prime . And now I'm here with my brother and parents—unpacking my belongings in a room smaller than my suitcase.

At least the people in here speak English. It was founded by a man named Luke Skywalker for parents who don't like the company of their own children. I mean, really. Who sends their kid away to learn the ways of the force? Now I'm stuck with forty-three other students. 

Mom says I need to lose the bitter factor, pronto, but she's not the one leaving behind her friends.

The one perk is that I'm stuck here with Roman.

"Letha, it's time."

"What?" I glance up from folding my shirts into perfect squares.

Mom stares at me and twiddles the charm on her necklace. My father, bedecked in his ridiculous Senator gown, is gazing out my dormitory window.

"Oh." I grip the shirt in my hands a little tighter.

Dad steps away from the window, and I'm alarmed to discover his eyes are wet. Something about the idea of my father—even if it is my father—on the brink of tears raises a lump in my throat.

"Well, kids. Guess you're all grown up now."

My body is frozen. He pulls my stiff limbs into a bear hug. His grip is frightening. "Take care of yourself. Study hard and make some friends."

I nod into his shoulder, and he releases me.

"Come here, son." He says to Roman and hugs him. "Take care of your sister." he adds and then he's gone.

Our mother lingers behind. "You'll have a wonderful year here," she says. "I just know it." I bite my lip to keep it from quivering, and she sweeps Roman and I into her arms. I try to breathe. Inhale. Exhale. "I'll let you know the moment we get home," she says.

Home. Hosnian Prime isn't my home anymore.

"I love you, my children."

I'm crying now. "I love you, too."

She pulls back and tucks a loose strand of hazel hair behind my ear. "I love you," she says again, and then it happens.

Our mother leaves. We are alone.

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"So this is AHCH-TO." Letha said, stretching her arms as the Millenium Falcon's ramp descended.

A stairway built from ancient stones rose from the edge of the sea and wound its way up the peak above their heads.

"Better keep going," Letha turned back to Rey, who grabbed her staff and her satchel. "Wish us luck, Chewie, 'cause this is going to be a killer leg workout."

The Wookiee called out encouragement to the girls, while R2 whistled and rocked on his two stubby legs. Rey waved back at them and the two girls proceeded to climb the steep slope.

The air was damp, with the tang of salt, and the island was vivid, verdant green. "I had only dreamed of this color green." Rey said to Letha, who remained a couple steps back.

"Yeah, I can imagine it's not very common in a place like Jakku."

Rey laughed. "And the ocean, it's quite beautiful but my stomach feels funny when I look at it."

Letha's gaze fell, as she remembered who much Roman and their parents loved the sea. "Did I say something bad?" Rey rushed to say.

"No, it's just..." Letha looked down and was shortly surprised by how small the Falcon looked already. "I remembered my old home by the shore. My mom used to walk along the beach every morning and then came back to make breakfast."

"Oh," Rey stopped for a second. "I don't remember my parents."

"I can barely remember mine." Letha smiled, the wind whipping her hair across her face. "They disappeared a long time ago, when Roman and I started training with Luke." "But enough talk, we're almost at the top."

Finally they found themselves in a small clearing occupied by several modest stone structures, unbearably primitive structures. Within them there was no movement save for the hurried retreat of small, covert creatures.

Some distance from them, at the periphery of the forest, stood a figure shrouded in a simple cloak and robe. It did not matter that it was facing away from them. They knew instantly who it was. Yet all they could do was stare in silence.

Whether motivated by their stare or by something unknown, the figure finally turned toward them and pulled back his hood.

Luke Skywalker.

He stared at the two girls, his gaze direct and intense. Letha couldn't tell if that was anger, despair, or yearning on his face. It had been many years since she last saw him.

Rey slung her staff over her shoulder, reached into her pack, and removed the lightsaber. She held it out to him.

He reached up and took the lightsaber from her hand.

Rey stepped back, her breath catching in her throat, as Luke regarded the ancient weapon. Then he lifted his eyes. 

Then Luke tossed the lightsaber off the cliff.

"What the fuck!" Letha exclaimed, turning back to Luke, wide with shock.

He walked past them without a word, his strides long and deliberate.

"Uh, Master Skywalker?" Rey managed, but he had vanished down the stairs.

"Hey!" Letha yelled and hurried after him, to the clearing with the huts. "What was that about?"

She arrived just in time to see the rusted metal door slam, leaving her alone with Rey.

Rey edged up to the door and tapped on it tentatively.

"Master Skywalker, we're from the Resistance," she said. "Your sister Leia sent us. We need your help. We need you to come back."

There was no reply.

"Master Skywalker?" she tried again. "Hello?"

"This can't be happening." Letha rested her head against the rock wall. "After all we've been through to get here."


omg a flashback? i found it on my drafts and thought why not? just trying to give more of a back story to the characters if you know what i mean.

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