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(A/N: this all takes place a few years in the future, but imagine that Fall Out Boy was created/established a few years later than they were so they would be just starting the Wintour)

~Pete's P.O.V.~

"Okay, Meghan. Here we are." I parked the car.

"Are you sure you want to do this, honey? You don't have to. I mean, you're going on tour in a month!" Meghan, my girlfriend asked.

"Yes. I'm sure." I smiled.

"Fine. Okay, Bronx, honey. Watch Saint while me and Daddy go inside. We're coming out with your new sister!" Meghan turned around in the seat.

"Sure. I'll watch Saint. You coming back with a sister for us?" Bronx asked. He had just turned eleven a few weeks ago, but no matter how old he was, he is still as cute as the day I first saw him. I got out, soon followed by Meghan. We walked inside of the orphanage. We already knew how old we wanted her to be. We wanted a 9 to 15-year-old girl. AS we walked in, we were instantly greeted by an overly bubbly woman.

"Hello! I'm Mrs. Mitch! So, are you adopting today?" She asked.

"Yes. We would like a 9 to a 15-year-old girl, please." Meghan replied. Mrs. Mitch lead us into the interviewing room and left us there, presumably to call down the girls.

We waited.

~Quinn's P.O.V.~

"Hey. Hey! Quinn, wake up!" I woke to someone shaking me. When I opened my eyes, I saw Carrie.

"Ung. Morning. Why'd you wake me up?" I moaned.

"You were shouting again. You know, I might be emo, but I do care about a few people. Now get up. An adoption for nine through fifteen. Get dressed. I'll wait for you downstairs." Carrie walked out the door and left me to get up. It was an adoption. I knew I should get up, but why would they want to adopt me? I've been here for seven years of my life. Ever since my dad abused my mom to death and me to the brink, I've been stashed away in this place. Watched over day and night by Mrs. Bitch. Excuse me, Mrs. Mitch. But I hauled myself out of bed anyway and slipped on black skinny jeans with a Fall Out Boy Boys of Zummer shirt over that. I had planned to go to one of their concerts with Carrie, but at the last minute, Mrs. Mitch shut us down.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to grab a cereal bar before going out into the living room.

"Okay. Listen up. This is a man and woman who have two sons. If you don't want brothers, get out. If you don't want these parents, get out. If you don't care, stay." Mrs. Mitch snapped. Lots of kids left. It was only Carrie, Lottie, who was a blonde ten-year-old, Kalie, who was twelve, and me. Lottie went in first. She stayed in there for a few minutes, then came back out with a frown on her face. It looked like she was trying to remember something. Kalie went in there next, stayed just about the same amount of time as Lottie, then came out again. I pulled my hair up into a pony-tail. I left my streak bangs down, because if they were going to adopt me, they were gonna see my purple streak anyway, so why not.

Carrie went in next, so I was alone for the twenty minutes she was in there. When she came out, she had a huge grin plastered on her face. She gave me a huge thumbs up and disappeared around the corner. I took a bite of cereal bar, then stepped into the room. My jaw hit the floor.

It was Pete Wentz!

~Pete's P.O.V.~

After three girls had already gone and left us their papers, there was one girl left. As I waited patiently for her to come in, Meghan looked over the other's papers. When the door opened, my spirits lifted.The others hadn't looked like girls I wanted to take home and live with. The girl who walked in had her hair pulled back in a pony-tail, with a purple streak in her bangs. She seemed about 5'1ish and was dressed in black skinny jeans with a Boys Of Zummer tour shirt. I instantly smiled at her. When she turned around and saw us, her jaw dropped, making it easy to see the partially chewed cereal bar. I nudged Meghan to get her attention.

Pete Wentz adopted me?!Where stories live. Discover now