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A/N:Shower RoseCheyenneLily in endless hugs for me, she helped me in writing this chapter SO MUCH. ANd finishing off the plot. GO praise her! Then come back and read!

~Quinn's P.O.V.~

"Quinn, hurry up!" Andy shouted. I rolled my eyes and hurried up. I ran up from the car and too the front door of my new house. I turned around and saw Pete paying the Pizza guy. That guy will buy pizza to go with every meal, I swear to god. I open the door and walk into the house. I'm immediately met with the scent of meatballs.

"Hey, Quinn. I already go you plate ready and at your spot!" Megan smiled. She showed my the dining room at sat me down at a spot.

"Thank you, Megan!" I thanked her and looked at my food. It was a huge pile of spaghetti with meatballs and sauce. I bit my lip a bit and waited for everyone else to sit down. Pete sat across from me, Patrick sat to my left and Bronx sat to my right. After Elisa sat down the pot of meatballs on the table, she sat down next to Patrick And we started to eat. I bit my lip again and looked around the table. Everyone was enjoying themselves and talking. I hesitantly picked up my fork and took a bite of spaghetti. I quickly chewed and swallowed. Bronx looked at me funny but looked back at his food. I took another bite and pushed the plate away.

"Do you not like it?" Megan asked.

"No, it's really good! Just, I'm not really hungry." I explain. But, exactly after I say that my stomach growls. I internally cursed it as Patrick raised his eyebrows.

"You sure about that?" Andy giggled. I shook my head but obliged and took one more bite. I pushed the plate away and sat back. I didn't want to eat more, I wanted to be skinny. Not the fat blob I am now.

"Quinn, If you're hungry, you should eat. So eat." Pete commanded. I shook my head.

"Why not? Are you sick?"Elisa asked, looking over Patrick to me.

"No, I'm not sick, Elisa. I feel fine. I just don't want to eat."I tell her.

"Why not? It's perfectly clear that you're hungry, You just said you're not sick!" Pete said.

"Because don't want to be fat," I mumble.

"What?" Bronx asked.

"Because I don't want to be fat!" I say, louder this time.

"What?! You're not fat! You're a stick! You're skin and bone!"Pete shouts.

"Yes, I am. I'm fat!" I just look down at the floor.

"No, you're not. You're really skinny. I've never seen anybody as skinny as you!" Bronx held my wrist.

"Bronx. Don't lie to make me feel better." I smile at him

"He's not lying, Quinn. You are really skinny. Unhealthy kind of skinny." Patrick looked at me.

"Eat your food, Quinn. There is no ands, ifs, or buts about it!" Pete glared.

"No!" I shout. I stand and my chair slams backwards. I run upstairs and into my room. I slam my door closed and lock it. I sat down on my bed and a few tears rolled down the side of my face. I quickly wiped them away and walked over to my suitcase. I squeezed my eyes shut and ran my hands through my hair.

I took a deep breath, sighed then opened my suitcase. I dug through clothes as flashbacks raced through my mind. I had promised Carrie I wouldn't do it anymore. But I had too. This was too much. I took a deep breath and pulled out my blades.


I stood up and walked to my conjoined bathroom. I shut and locked the door and turned to the mirror. I looked at my body in shame. I was too fat, and I knew it. People tried to lie to me and convince me I was skinny, but all lies. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, opened them, and brought the blade down on my arm. I made a quick incision and watched the blood slowly drip out.

I made another one and another one. I watched as the blood dripped out of my arm onto the floor. I faintly heard steps walking up the stairs. My eyes grew wide. I threw my blade into the toilet and flushed it, then I grabbed a washcloth and quickly wiped up the blood on the floor. I wiped up the blood on my arm with another one. I threw both in the trash and covered them in toilet paper.

I pulled my sleeve down and covered the scars. I prayed that the blood wouldn't soak through. I washed my hands and walked back out into my room in time to slam my suitcase close as someone knocked on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked, scared shitless that it might be Pete.

"It's Marie." Joe's wife called. A confused look crossed my face, and I unlocked and opened the door.

"Uh, hi!" I greet her.  The brunette entered my room and sat down on my bed. She smiled and patted the spot next to her I took the offer and sat beside her.

"You know, I went through this too. Anorexia.  When you think your fat, but really you're skinny. So skinny, you're a skeleton! It's not worth it, starving yourself when you're already skin and bone. You need to eat, Quinn. I won't force you too, I will never do that, but just ,take what I'm saying into consideration. You should eat." And with that, Marie got up off my bed and left me alone. I quickly ran to the bathroom, slammed the door closed and wrapped my arm in a small bit of gauze to stop the bleeding, and changed into pj's. I threw my shirt into the trash because it had blood on it, and pulled on an old band sweater to sleep in. I looked at the clock and saw it was only seven, but I shrugged and went downstairs.

 I entered the living room, where everyone was watching American Horror Story.

"Goodnight!I I called. Then I turned right around and went back to my room. I crawled under the covers and shut off the light. Just as I was falling asleep, I heard someone enter my room.

"Goodnight, Harley Quinn. I'll see you in the morning,"Pete mumbled as he kissed my forehead and left.

"Goodnight, Pete. Goodnight, dad." I slightly shuddered at the last word, but hopefully, as my life progresses over my stay here, dad will begin to take on a nice meaning. Hopefully.

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