Time To Find A Pastime

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~Pete's P.O.V.~

I wipe the sweat off my face with one hand as I held my bass in the other. Another successful show. I handed my bass off to the stage hand and grabbed a towel. I wiped my face as I walked over to Pat.

"How awesome was that?!"Patrick whispered. He always lost his voice for the rest of the night after a show.

"Pretty rad, I gotta say. Here." I toss him a water bottle.

"Hey, have you seen Quinn? I thought she was in the front row?" He asked.

"Yeah. She was on Joe's side, though. I'll go ask him." I walk off and leave Patrick to take care of his guitar. I see Elisa go off to find Patrick and watch as Andy skypes Jakie. I walk off to our dressing room and find Joe there, talking with Ruby.

"You can't run off like that! Never again. Okay? Not just for me and mommy, but for your safety. You almost got hurt from the heat of the lighting booth, okay? Stay with Quinn from now on while Daddy's not here or on stage. Okay?" Joe hugged Ruby and Ruby ran off to sit in front of the t.v. in the corner.

"Yo, you know where Quinn is?" I asked him as he took a sip from his water bottle.

"Andrew took her back after Saturday finished. They should be out by the tour bus." He told me.

"Okay. Thanks." I run off to the tour bus, afraid of what I would find. After I found the bloody razor that day before tour, I was afraid to leave Quinn alone. Afraid of what I would find.

I burst onto the bus, and instantly saw Quinn. She was sitting at one of the tables, playing Go Fish with Andrew.

"Ha! Go fish, Andrew! In yo face!"She shouted. I just shook my head as I made my pre sense known.

"Go fish? Really, you guys? We have all the Call of Dutys not thirty feet away."

"I'm really starting to think your living motto is Hate, don't appreciate! So what if I'm playing Go fish. I'm mentally a five year old, so it works."Quinn explained as they continued to play.

"Yo, deal me in. Imma whoop yo asses!"Patrick said as he walked on the bus. I shook my head, and walked to the bunk area to change. When I came out, Andy was sittinb on the sofa still skyping Jakie, and Joe was binge watching the second season of American Horror Story. Patrick, Andrew, and Quinn were still playong go fish.

"Hey, deal me in I'm in the.mood to win." I smirk.

"Yeah right, ya living meme. I just won my third game in a row!"Quinn bumped my shoulder.

"Oh, challenge accepted, daughter of the living meme!" I pointed out.

"Your name is now Walking Pun."Patrick dubbed my daughter as he grabbed a water from the fridge. I decided not to question it, and continue to beat them at go fish.

Later that night, after everyone was asleep, I still couldn't sleep. So I got uo, woth the intent to watch Futurama until I crashed. But once I got the the back of the bus, I already found someone there, binge watching Once Upon A Time.

"What are doing up at 1am, Quinn?" I asked as I sat down next to her.

Same reason as you, Pete. Insomnia is acting up again."she layered the fake excitement on real thick.

"Damn. It's a real pain, ain't it?"I said as I watched Mary Margret fight a wraith. I would never admit ty is to anyone, but I really enjoyed watching Once Upon A Time.

"True that, true that." And for the rest of the night, we sat there, watching our show, until we fell asleep.

"Haha! Payback, Pete!" Some one laughed.
"Shut the fuck up, Joe. If you do anything, I swear to god, you will not survive to play the next concert." I mutter as I rub the sleep from my eyes.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes and walked away. Boy, was I in for a day. He was never gonna let this go, was he?

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