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~Quinn's P.O.V.~

I gasped as Pete drove up the driveway and parked. His house was a mansion. Literally. It was a three-story mansion, complete with a giant pool in the backyard I could see from here. I had avoided talking on the way here but now I know I would have to. Theres seven other cars in the driveway, not including the one we were driving.

"Okay, so. Here we are." Pete smiles. He gets out, and Bronx, Saint, Meghan and I follow suit. When I get out of the car, the house is even bigger.

"Welcome home, Quinn!" Pete hugs me before leading me into the house. He unlocks the door. Instantly three men and two women shout 'SURPRISE!'

"Don't hurt me!" I call, before dropping to the ground. After a few minutes of nothing happening, I look up to see everyone staring at me. A young girl maybe 9 or 10, was crouching next to me.

"Why'd you do that?" She asked. One of the men, I realized was Joe Trohman, quickly pulled his daughter away, muttering sorry.

"I'm sorry. Just, when I was growing up, surprises were never a good thing." I looked down at my shoes.

"We're sorry. We didn't know. Forgive us?" Another asked. I realized he was Patrick Stump. Then I looked around and realized I was surrounded by Fall Out Boy and their families.

"Of course. You couldn't have known. I'm Quinn Harley." I shake his hand. Then he hugs me.

"Like Harley Quinn, only backward!" Andy shouts.

"Yes! And, you can call me Harley Quinn if you want to. I don't mind." I hug Andy Next, Then Joe, Joe's wife, Ruby the girl who I saw, and Patricks wife Elisa.

"So, you guys would technically be my uncles now, since Pete is my dad?" I asked as we sat down for pizza.

"Sure. If you want." Joe replied.

"Harley Quinn. Important question. Do you play any instruments?" Andy asked between bites of his weird vegan food.

"Um, I play guitar, and I know a few chords on bass," I answer, looking at my small, battered acoustic laying on top of my bags. Patrick sees where I'm looking and imminently gets up to look at it. 

"What happened to this? It's pretty beat up." He asked.

"Mrs. Mitch," I said simply.

"Sounds more like a Mrs. Bitch!" Joe laughed.

"Right!" I smile.

"I can fix this up, just give me few days." Andy looks at it.

"Um, sure. Why not." I shrug.

"Well, while Andy is doing that, show us what you've got." Pete runs down the hallway and comes back a few minutes later with one of Joe's guitars in his hands.

"Okay." I take the guitar, tune it a little bit, then play This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race.

"Wow. That's really good!" Patrick tells me as I finish.

"Stop trying so hard. I taught myself. This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race is my favorite song, I taught myself for that reason." I handed Joe's guitar back to him and sit back with another slice of pizza in my hands.

"So you're a fan of ours, huh?"Patrick  asked.

"Yeah. When you first released Take This To Your Grave, I didn't like it that much. I really only liked Dead On Arrival. But then From Under The Cork Tree came out, and that was what kept me alive, really. Then, after that, I was fangirl official. Along with Carrie, once I meet her at the orphanage." I tell him.

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