Chapter 1 - Meet the Maker

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I opened my eyes gentle. The soft golden glow of the evening sun did not hurt my eyes as I expect it to. I pulled myself up off the floor, my back and neck aching as if I had been laid in the same place for too long. I looked around the room observing my surroundings.

The carpet was resembled grass; lush green, plentiful but not as brittle as the real thing. The walls - and surprisingly the door - were made out of blue-tinted glass that let the sunlight in making it feel as if you were outside. Though, looking out the window (well, wall) is not a particularly good idea as you notice how high up from the ground you actually are. Let’s just I guess about fifty floors… maybe more. The only blemish of the walls was a golden door handle, which was currently being turned by a middle-aged man with smile lines in the corners of his eyes.

He was extraordinarily handsome for his age. His skin had a soft brown tan to it making his chestnut brown hair look darker than it really is. His brown eyes looked almost black except when the light hit them, they went light brown. His lips were constantly shaped in a small smile even when the door handle jammed and he burrowed his eyebrows together.

I just ogled at the man, as he got more frustrated at the door. A boy about my age whipped past me, grabbing the door handle and opening it with ease. I didn’t see the boy’s face but his black hair bounced slightly as he walked. Even as he turned round, he kept his face hidden with his long black fringe and his head down.

“Ah, sorry ‘bout that. Layton hasn’t gotten round to fixing the door yet.” He smiled at me. “Well, I’m Godric Ritzau but everyone calls me God and I believe you, little miss, are Evelyn Radeke.” He grabbed my hand from my side, shaking it furiously before turning his head to the silent boy. “And, I’ve spoken to you before, Viorel Novoa.” His voice turned stern and cold.

“Anyhoo, this,” He opened his arms out sideward. “Is the After World, Heaven, Paradise or whatever you want to call it.”

“Does this mean there is no Hell?” I asked and he smirked.

“There is no Hell but there is an underground prison type place for those who have killed more than three people – intentionally or not. Okay, well down to business. There is a reason you are here instead of the more public and less personally route to my miraculous kingdom. You see, spirits come in pairs, the reason for my slogan: One Cannot be Made Without an Opposite that Can Complete or Destroy the Other. Thus, when Viorel committed suicide, he ‘destroyed’ you, ending your life early and technically killing you. That would be fine on its own, it happens all the time except not even half an hour before you died, you had an abortion, killing your child and its pair, ending two lives. Thus, equalling three. Now, we have a problem as you two should be in the underground prison but neither did your crimes with malice so I want to experiment.” He turned away from me looking out the window, like a villain does as he explains his evil plan to the hero or hostage.

“I have a school set up for spirits that choose to become guardian angels, going back into the human world and prevents others from committing crimes. I would like to put you two into that school to see if you can earn back your virtue.” He turned back around looking me in the eye, taking a step forward. “Are you up for the challenge?”

“Yeah, I’ll do it. I mean, it’s that or eternal imprisonment, right?” I smiled and he took a step back again.

“Viorel?” He said, expecting his answer.

“I do as she does.” Was his reply and he looked up, looking me in the eyes. His sky blue eyes sought forgiveness and held guilt and what seemed like endless sadness. They silently plead with me. He had snake bites on his slim lips. He was gorgeous but broken; I wanted to just wrap him up in my arms.

I had never seen someone so captivating.


Thanks for reading even though i know it's short and slightly tedious =|

I promise it'll get better (well, I think it will)

I'm happy for critism, just don't pound on me like a piece of bloody meat O.O

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