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If you didn't read the very beginning of the story meaning the imagine, message me and il tag you in it.
Enjoy lady bugs✨

I quickly shut the door and tried to delete the visual that was in my head. I just saw two old ass motherfuckers fucking. Why are they even here? What's really going on? I made my way to the back yard where I saw Tyler and Mijo with they feet in the pool.

"I feel like I'm rushing it with Chris." She said. "Sometimes I feel I'm too young even though he's only two years older than me. I don't want to stop his grind but I'm worried."

"He really cares for you. I have never seen him this happy since the incident with his twin a couple years back." Mijo explained.

She stared smiling causing my stomach to drop. I guess that's what she does to me.

"Don't worry Tyler, Chris might be a weird light skin but he's a caring weird light skin." Mijo said causing her to laugh.

"I'm not a weird light skin." I said causing them to turn around.

"Bro you bout as yellow as piss." Mijo joked.

I looked at Tyler and smirked. Damn was she beautiful and the thing is, Mijo was right. I cared about this girl more than she could ever know. The first day I laid eyes on her at that party, I knew she was going to be mine. Cliché right?

"Baby are you ready to leave?" I asked.

"Actually, I have to leave with Ronnie." She said causing my smile to drop.

"Oh..ok. Text me when you made it home." I said.

She hugged me and kissed my cheek. She thanked Mijo for the talk and then made her way back into the party.

"You got a good one cuzo." Mijo patted my shoulder.

I smiled. "I know."

-next day-


"Everyone please turn your bibles to Matthew 19:26." My mom said.

I was sitting in the back with my aunt and Ronnie. I opened Instagram and started scrolling. I came across a picture of Chris that had me drooling.

 I came across a picture of Chris that had me drooling

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The pictures he take aren't just from an iPhone. It can't be. I never realized how popular Chris was until I went through his comments though. You would think he's famous or some shit. I liked the picture and put my phone away.

"I see you lurking." Ronnie smirked. "Putting them girls in check huh lil sis?"

I chuckled and shook my head. There's no need to put girls in check. I'm with him and that's all that matters.
After church, I went to my aunts hair salon. I wanted to get my hair cut and dyed. Ronnie suggested red but I'm a chocolate girl, I don't want to look like a burnt fry with ketchup.

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