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"Why do I have to be here when they arrive?" I asked my mom.

"Because obviously boy I won't be home and they need a way to get in." She rolled her eyes.

"But Chris has a key ma." I chuckled.

When I said that my mom rolled her eyes and left the house. She was going to go pick up royalty from her friends house since I'm not allowed to watch her alone. I don't know how I feel about Chris and his girl staying here. Me and Chris rarely get along and its none of her business. its bad enough that I cant even get along with my twin brother. Its really ridiculous if you ask me.

Chris was born 8 minutes before me which technically makes him older. I wish he would act his 8 minute ass age. I'm tired of being the bigger person, shit is annoying. I could tell mom favored him because he was a lil ass female. Our dad favored me because I'm more of a man than Chris. Our dad is currently in jail for abuse on us, well Chris and my mom. He never abused me. Do I know why? I think because I'm his favorite. He gets out sometime this year. I know because I visit him and that's one reason why Chris dis likes me.

I shook my head and chuckled at the thought. My brother is really dumb if you ask me. My phone interrupted my thought cause me to groan.

"What?" I asked.

"Where's mom?" Chris asked. See dumb.

"You call my cell phone for ma? Chris use your head."

He sucked his teeth. "Where is my mother?"

"Going to get your child. Are you on your way here?" I asked.

"Yea we about 45mins away."

"You using uncle's jet again?" I asked smirking.

He chuckled. "Yeah, you know I hate flying with random people."

"How is lil mama handling it?" I asked referring to tyler.

"Tyler? She's fine. She was tripping at first because we left a day early but it is what it is."

I laughed. "Welp I'll see you in a few big bro."

"Oh you're not avoiding me this trip?" I could hear the sarcasm in his voice. When he came down here last time, I stayed at my friend's house. I only saw him for a minute.

"No I want to meet your girl and rekindle us." I said sounding like a divorce wife.

He chuckled. "Ight breezy."

"Ight C." I said handing up.

We used to called each other Breezy and C-sizzle when we were kids. He hated that name when we got older so I started calling him C. Even tho I dislike my twin, he's still blood and I want to work on us foreal. I want to know why he dislikes me and I hope this trip can answer some questions.


I almost fell off the jet causing Keeis and Chris to laugh. I glared at them and walked the rest of the way down.

"You need to be careful wobbly legs." Keeis said chuckling. I pushed him and watched him fall causing Chris to laugh.

"Not cool tyler." Keeis said dusting himself off.

I smirked and grabbed my bag. We finally got here and I was tired. Atlanta to Virginia isn't long by flight but still was tired.

"I can't wait to see my little munchkin." I heard Chris say. I smiled and poked my lip out. It was so cute how he acted towards his daughter. We know he not a deadbeat.

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