I Hate Him, He Loves Me.. Ch.11

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It's been a while since the kidnapping thing. Well 5 months to be exact, it's now April. It's almost my birthday! I've been in and out of the hospitals more than ever. They don't know the exact date, but they said its soon maybe the end of this year. Aaron and I have gotten really close, but I don't want to be more than just friends. Emma is the bestest. Yes bestest. She's been with me through everything, from the beginning with Aaron till he cheated on me to right now and until I die. I've been taken out of school because I'm getting waayy too weak to even walk. So well tata for now.

I closed my journal and closed my eyes.

The doctors told me I should start a journal when I was diagnosed.

I have like 20 of them all filled up.

I put my journal back in the spot under my pillow and fell asleep.


When I woke up I saw Aaron in the uncomfortable looking plastic chair in my hospital room.

He's always here and if it isn't him it's Emma.

Oh yeah I emancipated myself away from my mom.

She HATES me.

She even told me "Congrats with your cancer now you will finally get out of my life."

That hurt soo much.

We started fighting and soon she left for a different country.

What a nice mom..

So now I live with Emma!

It's fun, but I wish my mom was around.

Then again, I don't.

Aaron smiled at me.

I smiled a little bit back.

I didn't tell anybody that I was going to die soon.

And I want to keep it that way, I don't need pity.

"How ya feeling?" Aaron asked sleepily

"Ok, is there any food??" I said when my stomach grumbled on cue.

He chuckled "Yeah I'll call the nurse in." He stood up and left the room.

A few minutes later I smelled food.

I don't like hospital food.

It tastes funky.

The nurse walked in "Here you are dear." She sat some type of soup on my table next to my bed.

"When am I going to be released?" I asked sniffing my food.

"Tomorrow afternoon." Then she walked out of the room.

"Ugh. This smells HORRIBLE!!" I whispered/yelled to Aaron.

He laughed then took out something from a suitcase.

My mouth dropped.

"You snuck in food here??" I asked laughing.

"You aren't the only one that has to eat THAT." He pointed in disgust at the soup in my hand.

"True.. What did you bring??"

"Real soup." It was one of those on-the-go chicken noodle soups.

"YAY!" I clapped my hands together

He left the room and came back a few minutes later with soup in the same container that I have my 'soup' in.

I wouldn't even call it soup..

I took my new soup gratefully and ate it.


Aaron left a few hours later.

He had to go home for a while.

Emma was in Big Bear on a class field trip.

I'm so jealous right now.

So right now I'm alone.

Very, very bored too.

So I fell asleep.


When I woke up I was still very tired.

"Ugh..." I yawned.

"Your finally awake." A voice said.

I looked over to smile at Aaron.

He smiled back.

"you were asleep for a long time, I thought you went into a coma! Well until you started sleep talking." He chuckled at the last part.

Oh crap.

What did he hear?

Oh well...

"Uhh... How can I still be tired?!"

He just shrugged and looked out the window.

It was raining outside.

I love the sound of rain.

I was soon falling asleep again.

I heard Aaron get up.

I was pretending to sleep, even though I was almost asleep.

I felt a hand move the hair out of my face.

Then I felt something on my forehead.

Oh God. Did he just kiss my forehead???

"Sweet dreams love."



Hey sorry for the short and boring chapter :P i have writers block :(

Should I keep doing different POV's? I dont know i might just make it on Melody right now and occasionally different ppl... annyyywaayyy.... comment and VOTE :D

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